— Irreverent Vegan Spicy Vegetarian Chili You didn’t think I’d show you how to make those delicious Jalapeno Pepper Jack Scones and not show you how to rock them out with some chili, did you!? Yea… you’ve got some cooking to do. I’ll leave you to it… besides, I’m totally busy shopping for cheek stain online. I manage to throw, darn near, the entire contents of my fridge in my chili. Beer, barbecue sauce, every vegetable trying to half rot in my crisper, loads of beans and spices by the handful. The spice below is a steak seasoning. Oh… and you can totally put it on steak too. Make some chili. Spicy Vegetarian Chili makes a big pot, serves eight Print this Recipe! 3 tablespoon olive oil 1 medium yellow onion, diced 1 red bell pepper, diced 1 green bell pepper, diced 1 zucchini, diced 3 small cloves of garlic, diced 1 medium jalapeno pepper, seeds removed and diced 1 cup beer (or vegetable stock if you like) 3 heaping tablespoons steak seasoning 2 heaping tablespoons chili powder 1 tablespoon cumin 1 teaspoon coriander 1/3 cup barbecue sauce
Creating Sacred Space To Better Communicate With The Sacred In Your Life This is another great podcast from Christina Pratt's on sacred space. One point I found really interesting was at about the 18 minute mark when she starts talking about belief structure and how people can struggle with a "Shamanic Worldview" split. Really interesting stuff. Here's the description of the show: Space is inherently sacred, as are all things, as are you. When we act to “create sacred space” we are acknowledging that fact of the sacred in the space and greeting The Mystery there. Altars can be indoors or outdoors, permanent or impermanent, portable or part of a place in nature. You can listen to it here. Download the MP3 file here. Sign up for the podcast on iTunes here. Image from irissiva on Flickr
7-Day Meal Plans from Happy Herbivore | GetMealPlans.com Dreamin' It Vegan PVC Bike Repair Stand I chose 1 1/2 inch PVC pipe for the main frame because it was sturdy & had the broadest selection of fittings. There are a couple pieces of 2" pipe that I use for the bike frame rests, and some optional foam weather stripping to use for padding. There is also some shaping of some of the pipe & fittings, so some carving & shaping tools are required. Tools: - hack saw (or alternately a PVC tubing cutter) - tape measure - wood chisel (or alternately a dremel tool with a carbide bit) - pencil & dry-erase marker - file - sand paper PVC parts: (4) 15" lengths of 1 1/2" diameter pipe for the base supports (2) 34" lengths of 1 1/2" diameter pipe for the legs (1) 16" length of 1 1/2" diameter pipe for the down-tube support (1) 51" length of 1 1/2" diameter pipe for the base outrigger (1) 3" length of 2" diameter pipe for the bike rests (3) 1 1/2" T-fittings (2) 1 1/2" 90 degree elbow fittings (2) 1 1/2" coupling or end-cap fittings (1) 1 1/2" cross fitting (AKA 4-way fitting)
Fatfree Vegan Recipes Spicy Thai Coconut Curry Even though we’re still in the thick of summer here in L.A., I just couldn’t kick my craving for some Thai-style coconut curry. You know the kind—warm, creamy, packed with veggies, and loaded with spice. Naturally, I caved and, blasting the air conditioning, sat down to a steaming bowl of curry and rice. I’ve tried many times to make curry at home and failed, but I finally formulated a recipe that is worthy of being shared. It’s very reminiscent of a panang curry that you would get at a Thai restaurant. This recipe makes a lot of servings, so feel free to cut the recipe in half or freeze some of the curry (like I did) for future cravings. Enjoy! Combine the coconut milk, coconut cream, and broth in a large pot over medium heat.Stir in the curry paste, ginger, garlic, and onion. Makes 12 servings
Bicycling Quotes, Sayings about Bikes, Bicycles, Cyclists, Biking Related Quotes Exercise Sports Nature Car-Free Walking The bicycle, the bicycle surely, should always be the vehicle of novelists and poets. ~Christopher Morley The bicycle is a curious vehicle. Its passenger is its engine. ~John Howard It would not be at all strange if history came to the conclusion that the perfection of the bicycle was the greatest incident of the nineteenth century. Tens of thousands who could never afford to own, feed and stable a horse, had by this bright invention enjoyed the swiftness of motion which is perhaps the most fascinating feature of material life. Why should anyone steal a watch when he could steal a bicycle? The bicycle is the most civilized conveyance known to man. When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. When I go biking, I repeat a mantra of the day's sensations: bright sun, blue sky, warm breeze, blue jay's call, ice melting and so on.
Who Needs Gatorade When You've Got this for a Hangover?! If I told you that I had partied a little too hard last night celebrating the start of Vegan MOFO, I’d be lying. Don’t get me wrong, I’m obviously excited for it, but this was a case of karaoke bar+liquid courage=grumpy/hungover Jackie. Oh, the repercussions for having a hilarious and fun night. This is what leads me into this amazing smoothie/shake; I found myself quickly “researching” ie. googling, foods that cure hangovers and came across an article on How Stuff Works. Recipe (Makes One 16 oz. Ingredients: 2 Frozen Bananas, sliced4 Small Dates or 2 Large Medjool Dates, pitted1 HEAPING Tbsp. Directions: Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender. This smoothie is super filling, so just know that you won’t be needing to eat anything for a while after this. Like this: Like Loading... Filed under Healthy Recipes, Vegan MOFO! Tagged as banana, chia seeds, cure, hangover, healthy, peanut butter, recipe, vegan, vegan mofo
Disease Rates by Jack Norris, RD | Last updated: December 2013 Below is a summary of the research done on mortality and disease rates of vegetarians. It does not include cancer rates which can be found on the Cancer, Vegetarianism, and Diet page. In the tables, statistically significant findings are in red type. Contents Studies For an explanation of the different types of studies and their pros and cons, please see the article Basics of Nutrition Research. The following studies have compared disease rates between people with different diets but similar lifestyles: Death Rates (Standardized Mortality Ratios) The following studies compared the death rates (deaths per 100,000 people per year, under age 90) of their entire study population to the greater population in that region, known as a Standardized mortality ratios (SMRs). EPIC-Oxford - 52% (8) Adventist Mortality Study - 49% (3) Health Food Shoppers - 56% (3) Oxford Vegetarian Study - 46% (3) Heidelberg Study - 48% (3) 1999 Meta-Analysis Results 1. 2.