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Diavolino Diavolino ("little devil") is a low-cost, easy to build Arduino-compatible development board. Diavolino has the form factor of an Arduino Duemilanove or Arduino Pro, but with nicely rounded corners and a striking appearance. It's a low-profile through-hole version, with a simplified design. It's based on a ATmega328P microcontroller, and comes pre-flashed with the Arduino bootloader. Open source design, with bare basics hardware. Diavolino is sold as an easy to assemble "through hole" soldering kit [?]. To load Arduino sketches onto a Diavolino, you'll need an FTDI Interface, such as the FTDI Friend. Here's what you'll find on the Diavolino circuit board: ATmega328P microcontroller, with Arduino bootloaderGenuine 16 MHz crystal oscillator (better grade, 20 ppm)3 mm diffused red LED (naturally!) Here's what you won't find on Diavolino: The USB interface chip-- again, that's why you need the cable.Advanced power management. Powering Diavolino Kit configurations Additional resources

Products > Device Networking > Utilities and Tools > Com Port Redirector Highlights Control COM port-based equipment over the Net Monitor activity of redirected ports Filter on events Monitor, transmit and receive data Watch signal line control and transition Create event logs Enable COM Port-based applications to communicate over a network to equipment around the Globe Serial-based communication is used almost everywhere to access and control devices. As long as the attached device is within the limited distance reach of the PC, this works great. Mapping COM Port-based Serial Applications Over Ethernet Com Port Redirector (CPR) is software that maps ‘virtual COM’ ports on a PC platform. Conversely, data sent from the networked equipment to the serial port of the device server is transmitted back to the application software on the PC via Ethernet. Com Port Redirector (CPR) v4 and TruPort® Technology The fourth generation of Com Port Redirector has been completely redesigned. Windows 2003 Terminal Services is also supported: Support for OEMs System Requirements

SCIENCES POUR TOUS micropas pour monture équatoriale Gestion de moteur pas à pas à micropas pour suivi équatorial avec une EPROM (difficulté: *** moyen) Pour le suivi équatorial d'un télescope, on utilise généralement un moteur pas à pas qui permet une grande précision de vitesse. Les systèmes à moteurs continu + génératrice tachymétrique sont compliqués et coûteux. Malheureusement, avec un moteur pas à pas, pour passer d'un pas à l'autre, si on envoie des impulsions, le moteur à tendance à vibrer. Un moteur pas à pas: On peut, bien sûr, monter le moteur avec des silent-blocs sur l'axe ou sur sa fixation. Mais il est recommandé de s'attaquer à la source du problème: les impulsions. Au lieu d'envoyer des impulsions dans le moteur, il faudrait injecter des courants sinus/cosinus. Comment envoyer des courants sinus/cosinus? La stabilité des oscillateurs classiques n'est pas suffisante pour un suivi correct. Ici, nous utilisons le PWM: Pulse Width Modulation: modulation de largeur d'impulsion. Réalisation: Q1 fournit les PWM cosinus Exemple de calcul:

Main Page - Mech PCB design tools Officially supported CAD File Formats Nice, easy to use CAD/CAM software for PCB schematic and routing. We accept .BRD files for prototyping. Free, open source schematic capture and PCB routing. PCB CAD/CAM software. Free, open source design tools for PCB gEDA gEDA is a free, open-source schematic capture and layout package that runs on Linux. ZenitPCB ZenitPCB is a freeware layout software. Free unix PCB editor. FreePCB is a free, open-source printed circuit board layout editor for Microsoft Windows! TinyCAD TinyCAD is a free open-source schematic editor written by Matt Pyne. Free PCB routing and schematic capture software. CometCAD CometCAD is free (but not open-source) schematic capture and layout editor program for Windows 2k, XP, Vista and 7. Free schematic capture software (Alfa version). FREE MAC PCB CAD/CAM software. Open source schematic capture and board layout editor for windows by OKADA Hitoshi Commercial design tools for PCB CAD/CAM software for schematic and routing. CAD/CAM software.

Software para Electrónica y mas... Bueno en este post les traigo circuitos... Hola¡¡¡¡. taringeron... como podrán ver siempre en relación a la electrónica como en mi anterior post. En esta ocasión quiero compartir con todos ustedes la práctica de la electrónica, que vendría a ser el armado de circuitos. En este post no es necesario tener mucha orientación en lo que es la electrónica, sino más que nada en el armado de plaquetas y en el saber que función cumple cada componente. pero no se preocupen que todo esto lo iré incluyendo a medida que lo vayan necesitando. Como verán no soy un tipo mayor, sino soy como un alumno pero lo que yo tengo, aparte de conocimiento en esto ... que muchos de los que siguen esta carrera de inguinaria electrónica, no la tiene y es la experiencia (la práctica)... la cual me a enseñado mas que los profesores o libros. Por eso me uní a taringa en el cual yo puedo ser alguien quien los oriente en el ámbito de la locura por los circuito, claro eso siempre va a correr a cuenta de cada uno de ustedes.

PonyProg - Serial device programmer PonyProg now works with several hardware interfaces. Choose the one you prefer and try it. SI Prog (Serial port Interface for PonyProg) The official PonyProg hardware interface. SI Prog schematics SI Prog kit AVR ISP (STK200/300) parallel port interface The best way to perform AVR ISP programming. The STK200/300 official dongle is provided by Kanda. Some people suggest me improvements to the original STK200 dongle. Here are the improved schematics. AVR ISP with STK200/300 pinout (connect it to STK200/300 eva board) Click here to enlarge AVR ISP with SI-Prog pinout (connect it to SI-Prog AVR adapter boards) Click here to enlarge Ludipipo and JDM interface PonyProg support ludipipo and JDM interface to program PIC16x84. JDM schematics How to connect 24Cxx eeproms to JDM programmer: Easy I²C Bus interface To select it choose "Easy I2CBus" from the Options - Setup menu and the parallel checkbox. Click here to enlarge

Motherboard PCB Bracelet It is easier to cut up all the pieces you need and refining them then do all the easier things later. You will need a dust mask when cutting up and filing the motherboard pieces, although it most likely won't kill you breathing in the PCB dust it will not do any good and could possibly destroy your lungs. I didn't wear a dust mask but my excuse is that there wasn't any available, it doesn't smell nice and can get quite nauseating. The easiest way for cutting the mo-bo. is to cut strips of the width that you want for your bracelet, so cutting strips down the mo-bo. of your choicest electrical components, and then cut the strip up into segments. Also salvage the bigger chips because they can become segments and will add geek points to it. After you have cut the pieces washing them in water will remove most of the dust off them, don't worry, water won't affect them.

AeroQuad Forums - AeroQuad - The Open Source Quadcopter
