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Cartography: The true true size of Africa

Cartography: The true true size of Africa
LAST month Kai Krause, a computer-graphics guru, caused a stir with a map entitled "The True Size of Africa", which showed the outlines of other countries crammed into the outline of the African continent. His aim was to make "a small contribution in the fight against rampant Immappancy"—in particular, the fact that most people do not realise how much the ubiquitous Mercator projection distorts the relative sizes of countries. A sphere cannot be represented on a flat plane without distortion, which means all map projections distort in one way or another. Some projections show areas accurately but distort distances or scales, for example; others preserve the shapes of countries but misrepresent their areas. You can read all the gory details on Wikipedia. Gerardus Mercator's projection, published in 1569, was immediately useful because it depicts a line of constant bearing as a straight line, which is handy for marine navigation. Related:  CARTOGRAPHYMaps

Commission on Mountain Cartography Päivän kuva 16.10.2013: Kuinka suuri on Afrikka? | Tiedetuubi Toki tiedämme, että Afrikka on suuri manner, mutta kartat antavat yleensä hieman valheellisen kuvan siitä, miten iso se oikeasti on. Tietokonegraafikko Kai Krause teki elokuussa tämän kartan, missä Afrikan kokoa hahmotetaan sijoittelemalla muutamia muita maita sen sisään: sinne mahtuvat hyvin mm. USA ja koko Eurooppa. Siinä missä 1600-luvun merenkävijät olivat hyvin tyytyväisiä Gerhardus Mercatorin vuonna 1569 esittelemään karttaan, nyt sitä käytetään vain siksi, että siihen on totuttu.

Världskartan - Världskartan visar ett urval av ett antal konflikter som är aktiva runt om i världen. Vid varje ingång finns en sammanfattning och en fördjupande del som beskriver bakgrunden till varje konflikt. Du finner även fakta om landet, information om svenska internationella insatser och länkar till andra webbplatser där du kan få ytterligare fakta. Länderna under Världskartan är ett urval av olika väpnade konflikter i världen. Urvalet av koflikterna på Världskartan utgår från Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforsknings definition av statsbaserade väpnade konflikter. Texterna består av en kortare introduktionsdel samt en mer fördjupande text. Är du lärare och vill få tips och idéer på hur du kan använda Världskartan i din undervisning kan du läsa vidare här. Vill du läsa mer om de bakomliggande orsakerna till konflikter så kan du läsa mer här . Konflikter i arkivet Världskartan visar ett urval av de konflikter som är aktiva runt om i världen.

This Is What A World Map Looks Like When Scaled According To Population Size Where in the world did Australia go?! A new cartogram by Redditer TeaDranks rescales the world’s countries according to population size instead of geographic area. Reconstructing maps based on different variables can be a powerful tool for understanding the world we live in. In this case, certain regions almost disappear from the map while others expand considerably; Canada transforms into a thin, jagged line while India now takes up a massive amount of space. Other interesting tidbits: North Korea has a larger population than Australia, with 25.1 million people compared to 23.7 million, respectively. “I was inspired by this map which is now ten years old,” said TeaDranks. It is important to note that even modern world maps distort the Earth. To check out a high-resolution version of the map, click here. Credit: TeaDranks / Reddit Read this next: Improved Anti-HIV Antibodies Created Through Genetic Engineering

Choosing the best way to indicate map scale By Aileen Buckley, Mapping Center Lead In a previous blog entry, I asked, “Do all maps need a scale bar and north arrow?” I answered, “No” and talked a little about direction indicators like north arrows, but I didn’t really go into any detail about scale bars. Almost all maps are drawn to a scale, so it should be possible for these maps to indicate what the scale of the map is. Three primary scale indicators If the map is NOT drawn to scale (that is, the scale varies widely across the map), then it is even more important that you indicate that this is the case! All map scale indicators can be used 1) to determine the extent to which a geographic region has been reduced from its actual size and 2) to help the map reader determine distance on the map. Scale bars, also called bar scales, look like a small ruler on or near the map. A scale bar can be used like a small ruler to determine distances on maps. Example of a variable scale bar for a map using a Mercator projection. Design Uses

Suomen maisemamaakunnat Suomen maisemamaakunnat ja maisemaseudut. Suomen maisemamaakunnat on valtakunnallinen aluejako, jonka Suomen ympäristöministeriön asettama maisema-aluetyöryhmä laati vuonna 1993 työvälineeksi arvokkaiden maisema-alueiden etsimiseksi ja arvottamiseksi. Suomi on jaettu kymmeneen maisemamaakuntaan, joista osa jakautuu edelleen seutuihin. Maisemamaakunta ja -seutujakoa apuna käyttäen ja niihin nähden edustavuuteen pyrkien valtioneuvosto on nimennyt Suomesta 158 valtakunnallisesti merkittävää maisema-aluetta. Maisemamaakunnat[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä] Maisemamaakunnat ovat: Eteläinen rantamaaLounaismaaHämeen viljely- ja järvimaaItäinen järvi-SuomiVaara-KarjalaSuomenselkäOulujärven seutuPohjanmaaKainuun ja Kuusamon vaaramaaPeräpohjola-Lappi Maisemaseudut[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä] Maisemamaakunnat jakautuvat edelleen maisemaseutuihin seuraavasti: Eteläinen rantamaa Eteläinen viljelyseutuKaakkoinen viljelyseutuSuomenlahden rannikkoseutuKiskon-Vihdin järviseutu Lounaismaa Itäinen järvi-Suomi

#67.03,6 In order to save data consumption Flightradar24 web page times out after 30 minutes. Please reload the web page to get another 30 minutes. or get a Flightradar24 Premium subscription and will not time-out again! Word Map This experiment brings together the power of Google Translate and the collective knowledge of Wikipedia to put into context the relationship between language and geographical space. Please let us know if you have any suggestions. Note that not all languages are currently supported by Google Translate. To browse, just zoom in/out, pan around and click on the word to learn more. Enjoy! Mapa: La geografía de las palabras - Los cartógrafos han sabido durante siglos la importancia de la organización de la información temática por el contexto geográfico para poder visualizarlo en un mapa. Un mapa temático le permite comprender la dinámica espacial de un tema dentro de una estructura que tiene fuertes puntos de referencia en la experiencia humana - una miríada de lugares y regiones de todo el mundo. Al mismo tiempo, un mapa temático nos puede mostrar las relaciones importantes entre estos lugares ya que son similares o difieren con respecto a alguna propiedad de interés. Pero Frankenplace no es sólo una herramienta de cartografía temática. El mapa de calor de arriba es el resultado de escribir ‘Santiago de Compostela’ en Frankenplace. Haz clic para accedera al mapa La versión actual de Frankenplace indexa más de 1,6 millones de artículos a partir de la versión en Inglés de Wikipedia y entradas de blogs de viajes en línea (octubre de 2014).

Mobiilisti maailmaan -toimintamallien esittely by Juhani Kärki on Prezi 40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World If you’re a visual learner like myself, then you know maps, charts and infographics can really help bring data and information to life. Maps can make a point resonate with readers and this collection aims to do just that. Hopefully some of these maps will surprise you and you’ll learn something new. If you enjoy this collection of maps, the Sifter highly recommends the r/MapPorn sub reddit. 1. 2. 3. 4. Pangea was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, forming about 300 million years ago. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 37. 38. 39. 40. *Bonus* World Map Tattoo with Countries Visited Coloured

map_what_europe_would_look_like_if_all_the_separatist_movements_got_their This article originally appeared in Business Insider. The Scottish independence movement will embolden other active separatist groups in Europe to win their freedom, whether or not Scotland votes to secede from the UK on Thursday. From Catalonia and Basque Country in Spain to Veneto, South Tyrol, and the island of Sardinia in Italy to Flanders in Belgium, "the precedent of the vote on self-determination will reverberate around the Continent," the New York Times writes. European Free Alliance Advertisement See Also: If Scotland Votes “No”, It Might be Because of the Queen Powered by Livefyre Politics Meet the New Bosses How the Republicans would run the Senate. By David Weigel It Is Very, Very Stupid to Compare Hope Solo to Ray Rice By Amanda Hess The U.S. By Jordan Weissmann Even if You Don’t Like Batman, You Might Like Gotham Friends Was the Last Purely Pleasurable Sitcom The Eye This Whimsical Driverless Car Imagines Transportation in 2059 Medical Examiner Did America Get Fat by Drinking Diet Soda?

40 maps that explain the internet The internet increasingly pervades our lives, delivering information to us no matter where we are. It takes a complex system of cables, servers, towers, and other infrastructure, developed over decades, to allow us to stay in touch with our friends and family so effortlessly. Here are 40 maps that will help you better understand the internet — where it came from, how it works, and how it's used by people around the world. How the internet was created Before the internet, there was the ARPANET Before the internet, there was the ARPANETARPANET, the precursor to the modern internet, was an academic research project funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, a branch of the military known for funding ambitious research projects without immediate commercial or military applications. Initially, the network only connected the University of Utah with three research centers in California. The internet around the world Threats to the internet The geography of online services Twerking vs.
