Jason Louv | Copywriter Pow Toon Pow Toon est un service en ligne qui permet de créer ses propres vidéos animées. Le logiciel propose des bibliothèques d’images (dans différents styles graphiques : dessins au trait, illustrations d’enfants, etc.) et des petites animations de personnages (contents, tristes, qui réfléchissent, etc.). Il y a aussi des flèches, des carrés, du texte qui s’écrit avec une main animée ou une main qui amène les objets. A tout cela, on peut ajouter des musiques de la bibliothèque ou notre propre musique, on peut même s’enregistrer pour mettre notre propre voix off ! Les professeurs, formateurs et élèves peuvent ainsi ponctuer leur discours d’animations sympathiques qui réveilleront leur auditoire. Cependant, attention, on ne devient pas “animateur vidéo” en 5 minutes. Voici le test que nous avons réalisé : Des bibliothèques d’images et d’animations rangées par style graphiqueL’outil le plus abouti du moment pour réaliser des animations sans connaissance technique.Diffusion directe sur youtube
Home » You Only Live Once EVERY ISSUE OF OZ, LONDON’S LEGENDARY PSYCHEDELIC NEWSPAPER, IS AVAILABLE ONLINE July 1971 Richard Neville This issue appears with the help of Jim Anderson, Pat Bell, Felix Dennis, Debbie Knight, Stephen Litster, Brian McCracken, Pearce Marchbank, Richard Neville, John O’Neil, Chris Rowley, David Wills. Contents: Dream Power cover by Jim Leon. RiYL podcast 039: Generation Hex author Jason Louv Recommended if You Like is Boing Boing's weekly podcast of Brian Heater's cafe conversations with musicians, cartoonists, writers, and other creative types. When the next generation finds itself knee-deep in an occult revival, who better to call that Jason Louv. My two-time former roommate swung by New York City a while back to teach the kids in Bushwick a thing or two about magic. Louv has written a number books on the subject, including 2005's Generation Hex for Disinfo. His most recent volume, Monsanto vs. the World: The Monsanto Protection Act, GMOs and Our Genetically Modified Future, explores his newfound fascination with the genetically modified organisms of Monsanto. This episode of RiYL is brought to you by: Squarespace: the all-in-one platform that makes it fast and easy to create your own professional website or online portfolio. Shari's Berries: Get giant freshly dipped strawberries starting at $19.99 (over a 40% savings), or double the berries for just $10 more.
25 Spectacular Movies You (Probably) Haven't Seen Pt. 2 Human Traffic Very unique comedy about the drug/club culture in the UK. Five friends ponder society, drug use and their own lives as they go about their usual weekend of snorting, smoking, popping, dancing and sex. The Matador Pierce Brosnan plays an assassin going through a mid-life crisis as he approached retirement. The Good, The Bad, And the Weird Two comical outlaws and a bounty hunter fight for a treasure map in 1940s Manchuria while being pursued by the Japanese army and Chinese bandits. Tucker and Dale vs. A group of college students go camping for the weekend and, through a series of unlucky events, begin thinking that the harmless Tucker & Dale (pictured above) are trying to kill them. New Kids Turbo An absolutely nutty movie from the Netherlands. Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang KKBB is a murder-comedy (?) Big Trouble Big Trouble is one of those movies where all of these different people end up intertwined at the end of the movie. Once Upon A Time In The West Persepolis 13 Assassins Dr. Drive
Kilimanjaro | Art, Love & Everyday Life ConsciousMate We Deserve a Future - Jason Louv Overpopulation. Resource scarcity. These are the problems that underly all the wars, plagues, famine and, in many cases, disease. I believe that, ultimately, we will be faced with only two solutions to these problems: to get more resources and places for people to live, or to get less people. Space migration or genocide. Encouraging the first, and averting the second, will require progress towards a more cohesive, unified world. We need a One World Community. Theodore Roszak's Ecopsychology suggests that there can be no true assessment of the symptomology of a patient without seeing the patient as a microcosm, a holographic splinter of the world, and that the true healing of an individual can and must begin with a healing of the world that they live in; their larger, extended self. Yet as persistent as they can be, these old models are failing and falling all around us. Our world is unifying. We deserve a future. This is one of the greatest traps, the greatest deceptions.
Effet Hawthorne Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. L'effet Hawthorne ou expérience Hawthorne, décrit la situation dans laquelle les résultats d'une expérience ne sont pas dus aux facteurs expérimentaux mais au fait que les sujets ont conscience de participer à une expérience dans laquelle ils sont testés, ce qui se traduit généralement par une plus grande motivation. Cet effet tire son nom des études de sociologie du travail menées par Elton Mayo, Fritz Roethlisberger et William Dickson dans l'usine Western Electric de Cicero, la Hawthorne Works, près de Chicago de 1924 à 1932. Cet effet psychologique est à rapprocher de l'effet Pygmalion, que l'on observe chez des élèves dont les résultats s'améliorent du simple fait que le professeur attend davantage d'eux. On peut aussi le rapprocher de l'effet placebo[1]. Toutefois dans l'effet Placebo l'amélioration ne dépend que de la perception du sujet. Début des expériences[2][3][modifier | modifier le code] Les économistes John A.