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Home Patrias de nailon | La Historia se acelera Patrias de nailon, no me gustan ni los himnos ni las banderas. Mario Benedetti. Decía el recientemente fallecido Alcalde de Bilbao, Iñaki Azkuna, que las banderas han traído muchos problemas en este mundo y que, en general, han sido motivo de confrontación más que de unión. Me vienen estas palabras a la memoria estos días en que la Diputación guipuzcoana gobernada por Bildu erige en el centro de San Sebastián una enorme ikurriña en señal de protesta por la decisión legal de que la enseña española presida las balconadas de todas las instituciones. Siempre me ha angustiado la idea de verme atrapado bajo una de esas grandes banderas que en ocasiones los hinchas despliegan en las gradas de los campos de fútbol. Algunos nacionalismos, sobre todo los anclados en una visión romántica de la nación, viven de su retroalimentación y tienden a despreciar a quienes no nos alineamos en ninguno de los bandos de su particular litigio. Me pregunto qué nos une a los vascos. © 2014 Kioskoymas. Me gusta:

A Pretty Life in the Suburbs: Kitchen Kapers: DIY Fruit & Veggie Wash Thank you for being here! This DIY Fruit & Veggie Wash post has far exceeded my expectations, for which I am most grateful! So many have enjoyed, shared and pinned this post! Amazing! If you share this post, please do not alter or change my photos in any way. And please give credit where credit is due. We all work hard. ;) Also, please note that I have turned off the comments on this post. No worries, I scoured the net and discovered you could make your own! Well doesn’t that just sound handy…not to mention cheaper! Here’s How-To Make a DIY Fruit & Veggie Wash: (I came up with my own ratio that works for me) Make sure your sink is very clean. (UPDATE: I have been getting a lot of comments about sinks being so dirty. Fill a sink halfway with lukewarm water. Add 1 cup of white vinegar. Mix. Add your fruit. Soak for about 10 minutes (shorter for berries – about 2 – 5 minutes). Rinse well. The Result: Clean. And how did I know they were clean? And if you rinse well, there is no vinegar taste. Clean.

Dr Inventor Why Nerds are Unpopular February 2003 When we were in junior high school, my friend Rich and I made a map of the school lunch tables according to popularity. This was easy to do, because kids only ate lunch with others of about the same popularity. We sat at a D table, as low as you could get without looking physically different. My stock gradually rose during high school. I know a lot of people who were nerds in school, and they all tell the same story: there is a strong correlation between being smart and being a nerd, and an even stronger inverse correlation between being a nerd and being popular. Why? The key to this mystery is to rephrase the question slightly. One argument says that this would be impossible, that the smart kids are unpopular because the other kids envy them for being smart, and nothing they could do could make them popular. In the schools I went to, being smart just didn't matter much. If someone had told me that at the time, I would have laughed at him. Nerds don't realize this. Why?

Bipolar Disorder News, Information and Support - Research and Learn Collaboratively with Braindu Nuestros hijos no son superfantásticos - El Blog de las Matemáticas El otro día hubo entrega de medallas en el Patronato deportivo de la ciudad donde vivo. Se hizo larguísima la ceremonia. Hubo medallas para todos. Ganadores y perdedores. A uno de mis hijos le tocó ganar. La escritora, psicóloga de profesión, se da cuenta de que llegan a su consulta veinteañeros desdichados y tira de manual. Cuenta la autora que, pese a los estilos pendulares de educar de distintas generaciones, los padres siempre han querido hijos felices. Ahora que a los adultos nos bombardean con la necesidad de ser resilientes, de saber afrontar las dificultades, no puede ser que les ahorremos todas a nuestros hijos. En EEUU, ese afán porque el niño sea feliz, ha llegado a que en algunos campamentos de verano se diga que “no son competitivos”, no vaya a ser que el niño se traumatice si no gana la medalla. Por todo esto, en el método Smartick nos gusta, primero, que el niño lo haga SOLO. Libros citados: The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement, por Jean M.

instaGrok | A new way to learn On “Geek” Versus “Nerd” | Slackpropagation To many people, “geek” and “nerd” are synonyms, but in fact they are a little different. Consider the phrase “sports geek” — an occasional substitute for “jock” and perhaps the arch-rival of a “nerd” in high-school folklore. If “geek” and “nerd” are synonyms, then “sports geek” might be an oxymoron. In my mind, “geek” and “nerd” are related, but capture different dimensions of an intense dedication to a subject: geek - An enthusiast of a particular topic or field. Or, to put it pictorially à la The Simpsons: Both are dedicated to their subjects, and sometimes socially awkward. Do I have any evidence for this contrast? “You shall know a word by the company it keeps” ~ J.R. To characterize the similarities and differences between “geek” and “nerd,” maybe we can find the other words that tend to keep them company, and see if these linguistic companions support my point of view? Data and Method (Note: If you’re neither a geek nor a nerd, don’t be scared by the math. where in this case Results

Extended Essay: Planning & Organizing Your Research | LIS Secondary Library Research Process Are you a Year 12 Diploma student? If the answer is yes, then over the last few weeks, you’ve started your Extended Essay research process. You have been in the pre-search stage of your research process, where you explore potential topics and start thinking about who might be your advisor. As you determine the focus of your research, it is important that you begin effectively collecting your resources and taking initial notes so you can access them later. The resource we will be using for saving, annotating and sharing your research is the social bookmarking tool Diigo. Want to learn more about Diigo? Today’s tasks: Your subject area teachers and supervisors will be added to these groups, and we will ask them to support your research by adding relevant resources to these Diigo groups. Like this: Like Loading...

The Origin of the Nerd Introduction In the little more than a decade since I created my original web page here about the origin of the word nerd, it has grown considerably, in part due to various controversies about the word's origins as well as to new information and speculation about its history. My views on the term's origin have not changed much, as you can see by the fact that Dr. The factor that made me decide that nerd might be a label worth reclaiming was its early association with Dr. Controversy Nerd vs Knurd The biggest surprise that my page has brought me is the vehemence of a number of readers that the original spelling is "knurd' and that the word derives from reversing the sense of the word "drunk", despite the lack of any documentation in support of the assertion. Still, the theory has a number of adherents, especially among alumni of RPI, and so I will cover it below. History Nerd And then, just to show them, I'll sail to Ka-Troo From If I Ran The Zoo, © 1950, Dr. I first learned about the Dr. Nurd

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