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Related:  Read, Write, Reflect

97, Walker Percy This interview was conducted by mail, from May to October, 1986, at an enormous geographical distance; but the interviewer does cherish the memory of a personal meeting. It was on May 4, 1973, a warm Louisiana evening, at Percy’s home in Covington, a small town at the northern end of the causeway running above Lake Pontchartrain (New Orleans is at the southern end). The house is in a wooded area by the bayou, along the Bogue Falaya River. Percy was a tall, slender, handsome man, with a distinguished and thoughtful mien. How did you spend your seventieth birthday? An ordinary day. You and your wife recently celebrated your fortieth anniversary. Mine has been a happy marriage—thanks mainly to my wife. What are the decisive moments, turning points, that you regard as the milestones of those seven decades? If you had the chance, would you decide to be reborn or to flee back into William Blake’s “the vales of Har”? No vales of Har, thank you. Philosophical? Why? I take that kindly. Lancelot? I.

Height to Weight Ratio Chart By Disabled World - Updated Mar 21, 2014 Calculate your ideal weight to height ratio using the handy height to weight guide chart to help you avoid obesity related illness or even future disability later in life. Note: These charts are for adults, we have seperate Height to Weight Charts for Babies to Teenagers Health experts worldwide agree that adults who are overweight and have weight related medical problems or a family history of such problems can benefit from weight loss. Even a small weight loss of 10 to 20 pounds can improve your overall general health by lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Maintaining a healthy weight is very important for protection against obesity related illness or disability. If you're underweight you may need to gain some weight, this should always be done as part of a balanced and nutritious diet, see the New Food Pyramid. So What is the Right Weight for My Height? Do you agree, disagree, or would like to add an opinion on this topic?

Writing Exercises, Prompts & Whimsical Pursuits Welcome to the AbsoluteWrite Water Cooler! Please read The Newbie Guide To Absolute Write A publisher or agency using Google ads to solicit your novel probably isn't anyone you want to write for. @import url( Custom Search If this site is helpful to you, Please consider a voluntary subscription to defray ongoing expenses. Drunk Mailman Drunk Mailman byJonathan Rogerson May 22, 2015 The drunkest man I ever saw was a mailman. I had gone down to the Echeconnee Creek with my fishing pole and was startled at the sight of him slumped against a bridge piling. He fixed me with heavy-lidded yellow-brown eyes. The mailman’s head swayed on unsteady shoulders, and he blinked slowly as he mumbled and slurred something in my direction. “Pardon?” The mailman squinted at me and raised himself to something closer to a sitting position, trying to focus his free-floating hatred.

The 5 Things You Must Absoutely Know About Your NaNo Novel Before Your Start Writing By Jennifer Blanchard NaNoWriMo is almost upon us. And creative writers everywhere are pulling their notes and ideas together in hopes of writing 50,000 words in 30 days (starting November 1). I was always one to encourage every writer to get out there and write a novel during the month of November. NaNoWriMo is such great motivation, especially for procrastinators. But the biggest problem with NaNoWriMo is that most writers who survive ’til the end and finish their novels don’t end up with a novel they can actually publish. There’s A Better WayWhen you’re attempting to write an entire novel in a very short period of time (30 days) you need to have a plan. There’s a lot of back-and-forth arguments between writers with regard to the story planning process. I still say you have to do what works for you. There’s too much involved in creating a story to fly by the seat of your pants. The Hook—How does your story open? But that’s not all you need to know.

Poesy, a Nosegay of Prose Poesy, a Nosegay of Prose byLanier Ivesteron May 25, 2015 It all began in the summer of 2008 when I hit a terrible slump with my writing. I would sit at my computer for hours at a time typing insipid sentences and immediately erasing them. It went on and on, for weeks. I had an appointment that day, so I heaved myself up off of the couch and went downstairs in a black cloud of melancholy. I threw down my brush and took the stairs two at a time, flinging open my laptop before I’d even pulled out my desk chair. The whole thing was so fun it just couldn’t be real writing. I wrote this little book purely for joy, out of the most idealistic sensibilities of my heart. I knew that a book as gently outdated as mine would require special treatment, and as my imagination had already quite run away with me, I gave in and gave it its head. I started daydreaming out loud to Philip about this dancing vision I had. Was I crazy? I’ll never forget Philip’s reply. “We can do this,” he said.

Robert Coles Christianity and Literature, Vol. 54, No. 4 (Summer 2005), 563-75. A Life in Psychiatry and Literature: An Interview with Robert Coles John Cox The following remarks were given by John Cox at the Conference on Christianity and Literature Luncheon at the 2004 Modern Language Association Convention in Philadelphia. Let us now praise famous men. In praising him, let us go back for a moment to his title at the Graduate School of Education: the James Agee Professor of Social Ethics. The Conference on Christianity and Literature is glad to offer a Lifetime Achievement Award to Robert Coles because of his remarkable gift to people like Ruby Bridges—a gift of insight and understanding in the spirit of James Agee, and a gift that has enriched us all because of Robert Coles's voluminous and insightful publications. Perhaps the best words to sum up this amazing career are "voice" and "story." In December 2004, the Conference on Christianity and Literature gave Dr. Oh, indeed. We certainly did. Yes.

Vladimir Nabokov on Writing, Reading, and the Three Qualities a Great Storyteller Must Have by Maria Popova “Between the wolf in the tall grass and the wolf in the tall story there is a shimmering go-between. That go-between, that prism, is the art of literature.” “Often the object of a desire, when desire is transformed into hope, becomes more real than reality itself,” Umberto Eco observed in his magnificent atlas of imaginary places. Indeed, our capacity for self-delusion is one of the most inescapable fundamentals of the human condition, and nowhere do we engage it more willingly and more voraciously than in the art and artifice of storytelling. In the same 1948 lecture that gave us Vladimir Nabokov’s 10 criteria for a good reader, found in his altogether fantastic Lectures on Literature (UK; public library), the celebrated author and sage of literature examines the heart of storytelling: Vladimir Nabokov by William Claxton, 1963 Literature is invention. The best temperament for a reader to have, or to develop, is a combination of the artistic and the scientific one.

The Worlds Weirdest Book A truly unique work of fiction, ‘The Codex Seraphinianus‘ is a book that appears to be a visual encyclopedia of some unknown world or dimension. Written down in one of that worlds beautiful curving languages, the book by Italian artist, architect and industrial designer Luigi Serafini, explains the odd inhabitants and their colorful behaviors. The book was created between 1976 and 1978 and for the low price of about $500.00 you can ponder over your own copy… then again, if you can’t afford that, check out the video at the bottom. See Also MOUNTAINS OF BOOKS BECOME MOUNTAINS Via: Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming It’s important for people to tell you what side they are on and why, and whether they might be biased. A declaration of members’ interests, of a sort. So, I am going to be talking to you about reading. And I am biased, obviously and enormously: I’m an author, often an author of fiction. So I’m biased as a writer. And I’m here giving this talk tonight, under the auspices of the Reading Agency: a charity whose mission is to give everyone an equal chance in life by helping people become confident and enthusiastic readers. And it’s that change, and that act of reading that I’m here to talk about tonight. I was once in New York, and I listened to a talk about the building of private prisons – a huge growth industry in America. It’s not one to one: you can’t say that a literate society has no criminality. And I think some of those correlations, the simplest, come from something very simple. Fiction has two uses. I don’t think there is such a thing as a bad book for children. It’s tosh.

20 Common Grammar Mistakes That (Almost) Everyone Gets Wrong | LitReactor - StumbleUpon I’ve edited a monthly magazine for more than six years, and it’s a job that’s come with more frustration than reward. If there’s one thing I am grateful for — and it sure isn’t the pay — it’s that my work has allowed endless time to hone my craft to Louis Skolnick levels of grammar geekery. As someone who slings red ink for a living, let me tell you: grammar is an ultra-micro component in the larger picture; it lies somewhere in the final steps of the editing trail; and as such it’s an overrated quasi-irrelevancy in the creative process, perpetuated into importance primarily by bitter nerds who accumulate tweed jackets and crippling inferiority complexes. But experience has also taught me that readers, for better or worse, will approach your work with a jaundiced eye and an itch to judge. While your grammar shouldn’t be a reflection of your creative powers or writing abilities, let’s face it — it usually is. Who and Whom This one opens a big can of worms. Which and That Lay and Lie Moot Nor

La Nostalgia Porfirista: Tiempos de Ocio | El Blog de Don Porfirio ¿Se acuerdan de cuando no existía la televisión? Eran otros tiempos, más antiguos, incluso, que los que vivieron sus padres. Entonces se respiraba un aire más tranquilo en toda la nación, no teníamos necesidad de saber qué estaba pasando en todo el mundo todo el tiempo. Simplemente esperábamos a que un acontecimiento fuera investigado a profundidad para que apareciera en la primera plana de un periódico y el pueblo, o al menos quienes supieran leer, se tomara la mañana para discutirlo a fondo en el Jockey Club o en la pulquería (según fuera el caso). Parece que hoy, en cuanto sucede una tragedia internacional no hay más que prender el monitor de una computadora, o la misma televisión, para ver en tiempo real qué es lo que sucede, sin que realmente obtengamos mucha información. ¿Por qué nos gustan esas imágenes tan violentas en tiempo real? Aunque eso es falso, no sabemos más que las imágenes que nos presenta la televisión, y nos obliga a digerir como hombres sin criterio.
