Jalons: Sacral La différence sacrale. Qui d’autre que Dieu pouvait provoquer l’exode de l’homme vers l’humain ? L’homme n’est possible qu’à partir d’un animal en crise. Tant que la vie coïncide avec elle-même, elle n’est qu’animale. C’est dans la distance de la vie avec elle-même que gît la chance de l’émergence de l’humain. La pro-vocation sacrale. Le divin ouvre la différence à travers laquelle l’humain advient. La culture commence avec l’originaire culte. La différence sacrale. Exode de l’homme vers l’humain. Axe sacral. Le sacré est crise du monde pour qu’émerge l’humain. Le sacré est source active du symbole. Dans cette ouverture se constitue le spécifique humain. La grande différence originelle qui coupe en deux le monde. Pour quoi, pour qui, l'homme est-il prêt à mourir ? Le divin ouvre la différence à travers laquelle l’humanité advient. Exode de l’homme vers l’humain. Le sacré archéologique. Garant de la densité de l'être. La culture commence avec l’originaire culte. Gratuité. Sacrifice.
What We Learned in Couple's Therapy Saved Our Marriage Marriage is hard, and it requires hard work sometimes. People aren't taught how to be good at marriage, or even how to be a good life-long partner, and so we often screw it up. But in failing and learning how to solve problems, you can make a marriage stronger than ever. That's exactly how couples therapy saved my husband and me—by teaching us how to screw up less and how to fix things when we do. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Here are a few things we learned that were truly life-savers: 1. Our therapist explained that our "fight or flight" response is triggered when we're angry or hurt, so our brains have a harder time making good decisions about what to say or how to say it. He recommended saying, "I need a break. 2. Walking and hiking are great activities when you need to talk about emotional stuff. When times were hardest in our marriage, Ivan and I would find a long and challenging hike to do. 3. "Don't even discuss it. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. From:
Einstein's Puzzle # Copyright (C) 2004 Lauri Karttunen # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. Einstein's Puzzle Variations of this riddle appear on the net from time to time. Let us assume that there are five houses of different colors next to each other on the same road. The Englishman lives in the red house. The question to be answered is: Who keeps fish? This is a simple constraint satisfaction problem. The next concept to define is that of a House. The result is a network with five paths. With C16 added, only one solution remains. We can now see the solution.
Les bienfaits de la pensée magique Par Rémi Sussan le 25/04/12 | 10 commentaires | 6,600 lectures | Impression Le consensus semble établi par la plupart des chercheurs en neurosciences. L’homme n’est pas un animal rationnel. Les fondements cognitifs de la religion populaire Le New Scientist vient donc de sortir un numéro spécial “Science de Dieu”. L’article le plus intéressant du dossier est sans doute celui de Robert McCauley, spécialiste reconnu de la science cognitive de la religion, qui a récemment popularisé ses idées dans un livre Pourquoi la religion est naturelle alors que la science ne l’est pas. Les autres articles du New Scientist laissent passer un message analogue. La superstition, un bienfait ? Reste à savoir que faire de cette pensée “rapide”, si prompte à encourager le développement de toutes sortes de croyances diverses. L’auteur a exposé certains points clés dans un récent article pour le New York Times. La “nouvelle magie” de Hutson connaitra-t-elle un effet de mode comme le neuromarketing ? Rémi Sussan
Addictive Behaviour Related to Low Levels of Oxytocin, the "Love and Bonding Hormone" By Christina Lavers Contributing Writer for Wake Up World The more we understand how nature works, the more we realize just how complex, intricately balanced and ingenious its systems are. Oxytocin is a hormone secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, a pea-sized structure located at the base of the brain. Oxytocin levels are naturally increased when we feel connected. Conversely levels of this chemical are diminished by isolation or loneliness, anxiety, depression, and chronic stress. “Sometimes we spend less quality time with our partner — especially when other demands on us are pressing. It would seem that nature, in its innate brilliance, actually favors loving supportive social interactions by rewarding them with a natural feel-good, healing elixir. Oxytocin and Addiction A recent article in the international journal Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior explored the current state of research linking oxytocin and addiction. Oxytocin and Parenting References:
50 Tips for College Students I did the "extended tour" of college. From about 1991-2002. I did get 4 degrees, so at least I have an excuse. :) I've also been an adjunct professor, so I've also been at the other side of the classroom. 1) The Freshman Fifteen does exist. So does the Freshman Twenty. Watch how many starches and processed foods you are eating. 2) Pizza - the ubiquitous college snack. 3) If it's either take out a loan or quit school, take out a loan. 4) If you can live harmoniously with someone in a 20×20 ft. space, you can do anything. 5) Flip-flops: Wear them in the dorm shower. 6) Always attend the *real* class, and use the Internet one for review. 7) If you are not a morning person, don't schedule classes for 7am. 8) Get involved on campus. 9) Too much socializing = bad grades. 10) If you are feeling overwhelmed, are having problems sleeping, or have gone through a breakup, visit your college's counseling center. 11) There are a lot of free activities on campus. 13) Sit near the front of class. Dr.
Videos TEDWomen 2013: Invented Here We've moved! For up-to-date information on TEDWomen 2013, please visit our new home. Join us December 5th, 2013 in San Francisco, or get involved by hosting a TEDxWomen event ›› TEDxWomen The Space Between Skip to content Videos 2011 Tweets about "tedxwomen" Twitter Facebook paleycenter.org The Paley Centerfor Media 25 West 52 Street New York, NY 10019 465 North Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 What is TEDx? In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. About TED TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. For information about TED's upcoming conferences, visit
The Myth of Negativity – andywhiteblog A theme I have encountered regularly in nearly 30 years of practice as a psychotherapist is the request to help people ‘deal with negativity’. What consistently emerges is that the person concerned is at war with themselves. And not just ‘in conflict’ as such.. but more of a campaign…. …a series of military strategies to counter that which fails to fit an ideal, as though.. …on a crusade to exorcise the Devil himself. Invariably, the ‘negativity’ was some shadow quality urgently needed by the personality to bring wholeness. Its a worrying trend. The scary thing is that this is done in the name of spirituality. A Zen student came to Bankei and complained: “Master, I have an ungovernable temper. “You have something very strange,” replied Bankei. “Just now I cannot show it to you,” replied the other. “When can you show it to me?” “It arises unexpectedly,” replied the student. “Then,” concluded Bankei, “it must not be your own true nature. What we consider to be negative often actually…
10 Truths To Keep Your Relationship Healthy I think it's easy to make things more complicated than they need to be. Here are some basic rules of the relationship road that will keep you headed in the right direction 1. Successful relationships take work. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. There are no guarantees, but couples who practice these techniques have longer and stronger relationships than those who are not proactive in their love. Dr. Why Humanists Need to Make the Shift to Post-Atheism I’m getting increasingly annoyed by all the anti-religious propaganda that litters my Facebook newsfeed. Look, as a fellow humanist and atheist, I get it. Organized religion is a problem on so many levels that I don’t even know where to begin. I’d be the first person to say that something needs to be done about it and I’m delighted to see atheism become normalized in our society and culture. But seriously, folks, what are you hoping to achieve by posting such facile and inflammatory material? Who are you speaking to? It’s time to put these toys away and consider the bigger picture. The intellectual battle against religion has already been won — and a strong case can be made that the victory came at the time of the Enlightenment. For those of you who have been part of organized religion, you know how hard it is to break free. In addition, we need to figure out the best way to pull religious people out of their situation.
Is depression a kind of allergic reaction Life and style The Guardian Barely a week goes by without a celebrity “opening up” about their “battle with depression”. This, apparently, is a brave thing to do because, despite all efforts to get rid of the stigma around depression, it is still seen as some kind of mental and emotional weakness. But what if was nothing of the sort? According to a growing number of scientists, this is exactly how we should be thinking about the condition. The basis of this new view is blindingly obvious once it is pointed out: everyone feels miserable when they are ill. It also looks a lot like depression. The answer to that seems to be yes, and the best candidate so far is inflammation – a part of the immune system that acts as a burglar alarm to close wounds and call other parts of the immune system into action. Both cytokines and inflammation have been shown to rocket during depressive episodes, and – in people with bipolar – to drop off in periods of remission. If that’s the case, prevention is probably the place to start.
6 Insane Coincidences You Won't Believe Actually Happened America's Freak Luck During the Battle of Midway The Battle of Midway may be remembered as one of the most spectacular naval battles in history and one of the huge turning points in the Pacific theater, but it started out as a pure clusterfuck for the Americans. Despite going into battle with most of Japan's game plan in their pocket thanks to American codebreakers/Bothan spies, the U.S. Where it Gets Weird: There was one squadron of American dive bombers lead by Lieutenant Commander C. His squadron started dropping like flies until, in an act of sheer luck that would make even J.K. Where it Gets Even Weirder: While finding the ships at all was luck, by some kind of ridiculous freak luck McClusky's squadron arrived at the precise moment when all three Japanese carriers were reloading and rearming their aircraft. It'd be like this happening four times, and all in one battle. ...when he wasn't busy being a pimp. Commence mindfucking. Or, you know, two. Also on July Fourth.
Chaos et création - voilacestdit Dans la suite de son billet La politique à l'image de la société, un monde qui se défait mon épouse Chantal poursuit sa réflexion : Chaos, dans la mythologie grecque, est une entité primordiale dont naît l'univers. Chaos est aussi un concept religieux qui définit l'univers avant l'intervention de Dieu (c'est le tohu-bohu de la bible). En somme, le chaos primordial est ce qui précède la création. Nous pouvons également emprunter cette parole de Nietzsche : "Je vous le dis, il faut avoir encore du chaos en soi pour enfanter une étoile dansante". Les synonymes de chaos : abime, anarchie, bordel, brouillamini, confusion, débâcle, désordre, mêlée sont des mots inconfortables, qui mettent mal à l’aise et génèrent la peur ; même si le retour aux sources du sens du mot nous rappelle que le chaos précède la création et laisse penser que celui-ci contient la "matière" dont émergera un nouvel ordonnancement.
The Difference Between a Sociopath and a Psychopath - Examined Existence When people hear the words ‘sociopath’ and ‘psychopath,’ they usually conjure up images of a deranged killer. Thankfully, the recent discoveries in psychiatry have helped delineate the differences between these two anti-social personality disorders. If you remain confused about the different of sociopaths and psychopaths, then read on to learn more about how you can distinguish one from the other. Psychopaths Psychopaths are individuals who demonstrate risky behavior, as well as the inability to follow social norms. Nature (genetics) is said to be one of the strongest predisposing factors of psychopathy. On the other hand, additional research also shows that psychopaths demonstrate low-state autonomic nervous systems. There are four types of psychopaths. Primary Psychopaths These are individuals who are immune to disapproval, punishment, stress or apprehension. Secondary Psychopaths Known to be risk-takers, secondary psychopaths do react to stress. Distempered Psychopaths Sociopaths Career