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Browse 339 Awesome Recipes Pumpkin Spice Tim Tam Cookies I’m slightly obsessed with Australia, but it tends to go in waves. Read More Sour Cream and Cheddar Drop Biscuit Breakfast Sandwiches I have a thing for biscuits. Read More Mini No-Knead Pizzas If you could choose between one giant pizza with your favorite topping or many, many (16, exactly) little pizzas with lots of different combinations of toppings, what would you chose? Read More Summer Session Old Fashioneds and a Giveaway! Do you love it when it rains in the summer? Read More Meatball Parmesan Sliders They say the way into someone’s heart is a through their stomach. Read More Smoked Gouda Potato Pancakes Are you the kind of person that likes to hang out near the passed appetizers at a party? Read More Thyme for Gin & Tonics Hey guys…it’s thyme for some G&Ts! Read More Avocado Pasta Recipe Read More Chinese Sausage Potato Salad Sometimes I get a craving but I don’t exactly have the ingredients on hand to make my current obsession. Read More

Recetas II Perfect Sweet Tea Sweet Tea... Just hearing those words make ya sigh a satisfied sigh... I am a Southern Woman... Southern women love their Sweet Tea... And... I have been told I make the BEST Sweet Tea in Texas! I'm gonna let you in on my little secret. I'm not kidding! I never gave it up. I never told. I was a good employee. Well, Guess what?!? Perfect Sweet Tea. Food Photo 15 Basic Stir Fry Sauce Recipes I love a good stir fry and they are a great way to use up odds and ends of meat, vegetable and noodles. And let’s face it, they are a quick and easy dinner solution. Simply cook up some rice or throw in some noodles and it’s a family-pleasing meal. I rarely start with a recipe – just a pile of odds and ends. So it occurred to me recently that what I really needed was a stir-fry sauce “cheat sheet” – a handy reference for the combination of sauce ingredients I need to make different kinds of stir fry to combine with my collection of ingredients. Here I’ve collected 15 great stir-fry sauce recipes that can be printed to keep handy in the kitchen (or bookmarked, if you prefer). Instructions for all of these recipes … just combine the ingredients in a small bowl, stir well to combine, then add to your stir fry. Lemon Stir-Fry Sauce – Great with seafood stir fries, such as shrimp and/or scallops, as well as chicken. Lemon Stir-Fry Sauce II – nice with chicken and seafood. Tips: Tips:

The Vanilla Bean Blog | A Baker's Soliloquy Pannukakku (crêpes au four) Je vous ai écrit dans le billet précédent que la cuisine finlandaise se caractérise par une utilisation immodérée du four, y-compris une technique très particulière qui consiste à utiliser la lèchefrite comme moule à gâteau. Voici encore un excellent exemple de cette habitude : les Finlandais vont jusqu'à faire cuire leur crêpes de cette façon ! Avant de commencer, je l'admets tout de suite : ce plat n'est pas vraiment une "crêpe", affirmer le contraire risquerait de me mettre toute la Bretagne sur le dos. C'est plutôt un espèce de gâteau dense et fin, dont le goût dépendra surtout de la garniture que vous choisirez. Si je me permets cette traduction, c'est d'une part parce que c'est bien la traduction littérale (pannukakku = pancakes = crêpes), même si le mot se décortique en "pannu" (poêle) et kakku (gâteau), ce qui correspondrait mieux à nos crêpes cuites à la poêle. Alors quel est l'intérêt de cuire notre crêpe au four ? 1. 2. 3. 4.

Local Milk | ireland part 1: dublin Both at home abroad and abroad at home, I nest wherever I go, and I wander when I’m at home. It’s all such an adventure, eggs and soldiers and country roads. Without fail, I decide I’m going to move to every place I travel. Ireland was no exception, and I harbor not so secret fantasies of him pursuing his masters in psychology at Trinity while I attend Ballymaloe Cookery School, of weekends getting lost in a labyrinth of stone walls built for stone walls sake, for the sake of too many stones. I know for two verdant weeks of the devil beating his wife in May it was. We flew into Dublin though we really had our eye on the west. After dropping our heavy bags (and I could have sworn I packed light) we wandered Stephen’s Green and Dawson Street, took coffees with some of the most beautiful latté art (that’s what we call it right?) So I digress.

Scarcella di Pasqua une tradition de Paques des Pouilles | S.O.G.N.O. Le Scarcella est le gâteau traditionnel préparé durant la période de Pâques dans les Pouilles. Il peut avoir des formes différentes comme un pigeon ou un cœur, mais la forme traditionnelle est un anneau tressé. La tresse est le symbole de l’éternité et l’œuf fermé à l’intérieur est le symbole de la résurrection, la croix qui est utilisé pour la fixation de l’œuf, le symbole de la crucifixion. Les ingrédients sont peu nombreux, mais ils doivent être excellents. 500 g de farine 150 g de sucre 100 g huile d’olive extra vierge 150 ml de lait tiède 2 oeufs 20 g levure en poudre zest de citron Sucre glace et décoration en sucre 1 oeuf pour la décoration Dans un récipient versé la farine et le sucre, et avec une fourchette mélangé le tout avec l’huile d’olive et les 2 oeufs.

IndianSimmer - Indian food made easy plus more! Vinos Naturales | El Blog de los Vinos La finca de Can Mayol, de la que procede este A Pèl, está situada en el Alt Penedès, a 250 metros de altitud, donde crían variedades autóctonas de la DO: Xarel.lo, Macabeu y Parellada, a la vez que experimentan con otras como Chardonnay, Merlot y Pinot Noir, entre otras. Y además, desde hace unos años cultivan la viña siguiendo los principios de la agricultura ecológica y biodinámica, e incluso han probado a sacar un Xarel.lo criado en ánforas. Dentro de esta orientación de la bodega, encaja nuestro A Pèl, que sacaron en 2011 en versión rosado, y este 2012, en blanco monovarietal de Xarel.lo. Dicen nuestros amigos de Wineissocial que la afición a los vinos naturales te acompañará durante mucho tiempo, si te gustan especialmente. Este A Pèl, desde luego, es de los que enganchan, un vino fresco, sin productos añadidos, hecho “a pelo”, como su nombre indica, respetando al máximo el entorno donde se produce. Esto hace que de una sensación de ligera turbidez, de cierta imperfección.

El Vaticano es la ciudad del mundo donde más vino por habitante se consume | Saber de vino Cuando hablamos de vinos siempre hay datos curiosos que sirven para pensar, debatir y conversar entre amigos. Porque en esto del vino, y del beber, hay muchos tópicos que, a veces, son desmontados. Y uno de ellos es el de saber qué lugar es el que más vino bebe del mundo por persona. Y no es otro sino la Ciudad del Vaticano, que consume una media de 74 litros al año por persona, según se desprende de un estudio realizado por el Wine Institute de California. Hay varias razones para explicar este dato, que no deja de ser sorprendente si tenemos en cuenta que estamos hablando de una ciudad de apenas 840 habitantes. El informe revela que las regiones más pequeñas son las que más vino consumen, porque tras el Vaticano, tenemos a Andorra y a Luxemburgo, con 56 y 44 litros por año y persona. Tenemos que bajar hasta el puesto 31 para encontrar a España, en donde cada habitante bebe 31 litros al año.

THE GRAPE GURU: British Columbia wine region a study in contrasts - Finger Lakes Times: Lifestyle The Okanagan Valley in British Columbia is one of North America’s most beautiful wine growing regions and often overlooked because of its remote location. Finger Lakes residents would feel right at home in this picturesque region because most of the wineries are on the shores of the long, narrow, deep, sparkling lakes in this valley surrounded by forested mountain ranges. Although this area and its small farm wineries have many similarities with the Finger Lakes, there are also many key differences. First, in contrast to our cool and wet climate, this area is quite arid and normally receives less than 10 inches of rain annually. This area also has an abundance of sunshine so growers don’t really have to worry about making sure that wine grapes get enough sunlight during the growing season. This idyllic setting attracts a lot of tourists to visit the wineries and enjoy the pristine lakes, particularly during the spring, summer and fall.
