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Je Stimule - jeu éducatif destiné à améliorer les compétences sociales d'enfants Autiste

Je Stimule - jeu éducatif destiné à améliorer les compétences sociales d'enfants Autiste

Using Aided Language to Develop Skills with Augmentative Communication Displays Contributed by Beverly Vicker Adult Modeling of Communication Display Use Learning to effectively communicate via an augmentative communication display or device can be challenging for any student who is nonverbal, minimally verbal, or a struggling but emerging verbal communicator. It can be an especially difficult task if the student has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The physical layout, design, and mechanics of the equipment or AAC display (the physical layout may be a non-electronic topic board or a page within an electronic AAC device); The vocabulary and expressions featured on the display; The variety of communicative functions or types of messages that can be expressed within the limited display; The grammatical expression of ideas; and The strategies used to extend the expression of meaning beyond the vocabulary on the display. For purposes of this article, a non-electronic topic board will be the vehicle for demonstration of Aided Language. Adult Use of Aided Language Summary

by atelier_canope_51 Apr 4
