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3D Total Welcome to Aviary art of CHARLES Vintage Travel Posters and Relative Dimension in Space Whether the Doctor and crew rarely ending up where the meant to visit is a result of the Doctor not being able to drive the TARDIS or the TARDIS taking him where he needs to be out of its own volition, our favorite Time Lord generally ends up impacting the most important bits of human history. Sometimes he ends up in England, saving Shakespeare from alien witches, and sometimes he offhandedly mentions how he might’ve married Marilyn Monroe on accident. Sometimes he ends up in Space Florida for a nice Spacecation, and sometimes he ends up in India, seeing the sights without having to save the universe. We rarely see those vacations, since a nice rest probably wouldn’t make a thrilling adventure, but rest assured, if it exists, the Doctor has (or will have) been there. (Andrew Le via Super Punch) - newsy, aktualności, gry, wiadomości, muzyka, ciekawostki, filmiki Born Like an Artist This was my entry to a contest held by Yuumei, at! I hope you like it c: My deviantart: My blog: Will you vote for me in this design contest? 64 kommentarer MudasDreadnought skrev: Utrolig kul! Grimmy666 skrev: Jeg bare digget denne! Rigmor skrev: Ida Ida <3 Catya skrev: Denne var VELDIG bra, en av de beste og den er kreativ til tusen :) Bra jobbet. Emil skrev: Hissig. Biseps skrev: Fin stemmning, bra stil og alt det der. Gambit skrev: Begynte å lure hvorfor scrollemarkørtingen plutselig ble mikroskopisk tynn. Bogskinke skrev: Det beste med denne er de sære søte kattestripene du hadde før den. Ida nr.1 skrev: Enig i at den siste setningen er litt cheesy. WaterWill skrev: Nemlig; 17 år og allerede godt på vei en kunstner. VivalaOpium skrev: Dette er det beste som noensinne er lagt ut her på siden, minst. InKraBid skrev: Utrolig flott :) Leseren skrev: Den. Og hva er galt med å blomstre som en artist? InvalidASS skrev: Frk.


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