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Intenta últimas publicadas Lorem Ipsum - All the facts - Lipsum generator Lovely Package® . The leading source for the very best that pack John Nack on Adobe February 07, 2014 I’ve Got My Ticket For the Long Way ‘Round… From discovering Adobe my first week in college & sending away $10 for an ATM Light floppy disk, to teaching Photoshop in college & starting a Web design career, to joining the company itself in 2000, I’ve had a very special relationship with this place. It has enabled & enlivened my creativity on so many levels, from making beautiful images & animations to learning how to develop great products. Our little sons were just asking the meaning of BIFURC8 (“Bifurcate”), as seen on our license plate. It was real; it was fun; it was often real fun. Yours,J. PS—Quick housekeeping note: I’ve asked the blog admin to disable commenting site-wide soon, lest spam creep in, people feel their questions are being ignored, etc. The Blog Is Dead. (No, this isn’t quite my last post here. I’m so pleased that many folks have asked that I keep blogging after leaving Adobe. Yes, the design is a work in progress! 12:05 PM | Permalink | Comments [5]

Agenda de diseño! - Todo lo que pasa en buenos aires y en el diseño. Stapleless Paper by Sherwood Forlee A Little Bit of College Ruled Genius By our friend and returning Yanko champion, Sherwood Forlee. Check out the simplicity. Just punch out the corner, make a cut or two, fold back, and POW! Get out there and kick-start the economy! That Forlee, always thinking with his heart. Visit his portfolio or click below to see the other things by SF that have been featured on Yanko Design. Designer: Sherwood Forlee Wow Effect ! BLUE VERTIGO | Web Design Resources Links 100 Years of Illustration George Hand Wright, N.A. (member of the National Academy) was an extremely prolific illustrator, watercolor painter and printmaker with a long lifetime of work and achievement, but not much seems to have been documented about his personal life beyond the fact that he was born in Pennsylvania in 1872 or 1973 and died in Westport CT in 1951, where he had been one of the founders of that community of illustrators who worked for publications in New York City. Walt Reed mentions him in his excellent work, "The Illustrator in America 1900-1960s." I'll be posting more work by this prodigious illustrator and have selected this batch to coincide with the Independence Day holiday being celebrated this weekend. Click on images to enlarge them. This is the title page of a lead article in which both author and illustrator described the wartime scene in the nation's capitol after troops had been mobilized by enlistments and conscription and the city appeared to be bursting at its seams.

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