Toorcamp 2012 Call For Papers | Analytics and Decision Support for Ecosystems Part of the Organizational Systems and Technology Track at HICSS 2016. Relevant top minitrack papers will be invited for "fast-track" submissions to the Journal of Enterprise Transformation (JET). URL of this document: MiniTrack page on HICSS 2016 website: Abstract submission (optional): April 1 through June 15, 2015 Paper submission (mandatory): June 15, 2015 at midnight (Hawaii) Notification of acceptance: August 16, 2015 Opening of registration: April Conference Dates: January 5-8, 2016 The ecosystem concept is increasingly used in explaining the complexities of interconnected business and innovation activities at various levels (regional, national, global). This minitrack calls for theory, research, and practice in analytics and decision support for ecosystem orchestration. In short, a wide range of stakeholders need support for decision making about business ecosystems. Including, but not limited to: Theory/Models Methods Applications
Home · Solid The Wobbly Boot Pico-Brewery I've been working on a post about the keg kettles and all of the bits and pieces that went into them, but I'm still lacking some photos. However, I've had some commenters requesting the code and even offering to take a look at debugging the UI, so I'll put the keggle post on hold for another week or two and talk about the code for a minute. **Disclaimer** In spite of what this code may look like, I am in fact a professional LabVIEW programmer. I'm a card-carrying CLD (although it's about time for a re-cert) and I'm helping write the new embedded developer exam (see? **End of Disclaimer" There are three main parts to the code architecture. So here's a high-level view of the control code. Touch-PC UI Since I've already posted my touch-panel app, I'll not go into much detail about it here. LabVIEW RT Application There's a decent amount going on in the RT code. The hot-liquor tank has closed loop temperature control via an on-off algorithm. FPGA Application Controller Hardware
Bridging Analytics and Game Design: Lessons from the Trenches | Events | mediaX Event Description: Interactive media and games increasingly pervade and shape our society. In addition to their dominant roles in entertainment, video games play growing roles in education, arts, science and health. This seminar series brings together a diverse set of experts to provide interdisciplinary perspectives on these media regarding their history, technologies, scholarly research, industry, artistic value and potential future. Join us every Friday From April 3rd until June 5th from 12pm-1pm in Shriram 104. Also listed as one-unit course BIOE196. Presenters: Nick Yee & Nicolas Ducheneaut, Bridging Analytics and Game Design: Lessons from the Trenches. Nick Yee and Nic Ducheneaut both have academic backgrounds that combine social science with computer science.
Boost C++ Libraries f.lux: software to make your life better musicForProgramming(); Straight Razor Shaving For Beginners Our very first post on the Art of Manliness was a introductory guide to shaving like your grandpa with a double-edged safety razor. Since then, we’ve received requests to do a similar article on straight razor shaving. Well, after months of experimenting with straight razor shaving myself and researching the subject in old books on barbering, I present this beginner’s guide to shaving like your great-grandpa. I couldn’t possibly put everything there is to know about straight razor shaving in a single article, but the following presents the essentials of this old-time shaving ritual. Benefits of Straight Razor Shaving Better shaves. Reduced costs. Environmentally friendly. Meditative. You’ll feel like more of a bad ass. The Tools The Razor. You can purchase straight razors either new or used. If you’d like a new razor, check out or When shopping for razors, consider the following factors: Check the steel’s quality. Suggested Razors The Hone. 1.