Introduction and Overview - Peter's Online Typing Course
If you are accessing this course on the desktop or a laptop, Google Chrome (currently the most popular browser in the world) is the recommended browser for this site, and switching to it will likely solve any issues you may be experiencing. It is a free download, easy to install, and available for all platforms. Other major browsers, such as Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer should generally be ok, however please make sure you are using a current version. Older versions or other browsers may give inconsistent results. Javascript is required for the typing functionality, so please ensure it is turned on in your browser preferences. Some third-party extensions for web browsers, such as ad blockers, might interefere with the typing functionality. This course is not designed to be used with a soft keyboard on a tablet, although it has been successfully tested to work with iOS devices (iPad and iPhone).
Teachers TV - The Department for Education
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Typing Tutor, Typing Test and Typing games at
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How iPads in the Classroom Enhance Learning
While some educational professionals still show ambivalent emotions about the use of technology in the classroom, the truth is that technology is becoming more important by the day in American Society. It is important to adapt to the dynamic ways in which education is being transmitted. According to Open Colleges, both teachers and students feel that tablet usage can augment school learning. 81% of U.S teachers think tablets can help enhance classroom learning.86% of students believe tablets can help them to study more efficiently.59% of students would like the implementation of BYOD to enhance their learning. With the scales leaning towards tablet usage, it is not a matter of if you should implement mobile device learning tools in schools, but when. Presentations One important skill for students to learn is public speaking. iPads and other tablets make excellent tools for both creating and delivering effective presentations. E-Books Efficiency Computer Skills
Computer Science Teachers Association - Curriculum Resources
Curriculum Resources While not an exhaustive collection, the curriculum resources in this section provide useful examples of ways in which the learning standards described in the CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards can be met. CS Principles: Computation in Action Preview Curriculum CS Principles: Computation in Action engages students in socially-relevant, project-based learning activities designed to foster computational thinking within the Big Ideas and Concepts of the AP CS Principles course: Creativity, Abstraction, Data, Algorithms, Programming, Internet, and Impact. To download the preview lessons, please click on the following links: Introduction Computation in Action (PDF) Standards Computation in Action (PDF) Unit 1 - Algorithms (2 lessons) Unit 2 - Programming Creativity (5 lessons) Unit 3 - Data and Abstraction (5 lessons) Unit 4 - The Internet and Impact (5 lessons) For more information contact Pat Yongpradit at CS Methodology Course ACM Model Curriculum, 2nd Edition
Learn typing at the speed of thought! Typing lessons that work.
This is, a web application that will help you teach touch typing. Touch typing is typing without using the sense of sight to find the keys. A person possessing touch typing skills will know their location on the keyboard through muscle memory. It can improve any individual's typing speed and accuracy dramatically. This is a short tutorial that will explain how does this application works. You can use the left and right arrow keys to navigate through these slides. This tutorial is based on these few principles: No boring, repetitive exercises. Initially it starts generating words from a small subset of the most frequent letters of the alphabet. When you are typing these words, keybr measures time to type a key for every letter in that subset. Once you familiarize yourself with the current subset of letters, the algorithm expands it, adding more and more letters to it. So at any time, you will by typing the letters you are least familiar with. This is the text board. ? ? ? ? ?
Come girare video di qualità con uno smartphone
Questa stagione, come ogni estate, sarà stata per molti ricca di foto, selfie e video. Soprattutto in questo periodo, si registra un’invasione di immagini e filmati sui social network. Nonostante le fotocamere dei dispositivi di ultima generazione siano in grado di garantire delle buone perfomance e risultati di qualità, Facebook, YouTube ed Instagram regalano spesso video di scarsa fattura. Per girare dei video di ottima qualità non bisogna farsi trascinare dall’entusiasmo, dato dal primo giro dell’aperitivo, e non fidarsi solo della qualità della propria fotocamera, ma bisogna cercare di seguire queste semplici ed efficaci regole. Mai dimenticare le basi del mestiere! Prima di girare un video, è sempre meglio tenere presente queste tre regole base: Pulire la lente della fotocamera! Queste sono le regole semplici ma da tenere sempre a mente quando si vuole effettuare un video con uno smartphone. Mano ferma! Non usare lo Zoom Utilizzare un microfono esterno Modificare i video
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100 Useful Tips and Tools to Research the Deep Web
By Alisa Miller Experts say that typical search engines like Yahoo! and Google only pick up about 1% of the information available on the Internet. Meta-Search Engines Meta-search engines use the resources of many different search engines to gather the most results possible. SurfWax. Semantic Search Tools and Databases Semantic search tools depend on replicating the way the human brain thinks and categorizes information to ensure more relevant searches. Hakia. General Search Engines and Databases These databases and search engines for databases will provide information from places on the Internet most typical search engines cannot. DeepDyve. Academic Search Engines and Databases The world of academia has many databases not accessible by Google and Yahoo! Google Scholar. Scientific Search Engines and Databases The scientific community keeps many databases that can provide a huge amount of information but may not show up in searches through an ordinary search engine.