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Lessons and Tests Reading, Listening, Speaking (All Levels)

Lessons and Tests Reading, Listening, Speaking (All Levels)
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creative writing prompts . com ideas for writers EnglishNewsLessons Web 2 Tools by Task Avators: Build your Wild Self - create a self portrait and learn about the animal parts incorporated into your avatar. Mikons - where people communicate through visual symbols, logos, icons, or avatars to tell a story is a web application that produces animated characters to which you can add your voice (or anybody else’s). Blogging / Bookmarking Tools: 43Things - share your list of 43 life goals/priorities Corkboard - create an online corkboard to collect images, text, video or even music Delicious is a social book-marking site which allows you to access your book-marks from any computer. Diigo allows you to access and share your bookmarks from anywhere. Digg - social bookmarking Ecto - blog management tool which allows for features driven offline blog prep Edmodo is a micro-blogging service (like Twitter) for teachers and students. Edutopia - Empowering and connecting teachers, administrators, and parents with innovative solutions and resources to better education. Comic and Animation:

Could Bilingual Education Mold Kids’ Brains to Better Resist Distraction? By Samara Freemark and Stephen Smith, American RadioWorks For decades, psychologists cautioned against raising children bilingual. They warned parents and teachers that learning a second language as a child was bad for brain development. Today the benefits of bilingualism are being put to the test in schools all across Utah. Arrowhead Elementary is just one of the more than 100 public schools in the state that have launched language immersion programs in the past five years. Supporters of immersion education argue that learning a second language is valuable preparation to participate in the global economy. The first-graders of Arrowhead Elementary in Santa Clara, Utah, are giggling. It’s a joke that could be made in any first-grade math class across the United States — except that here, in southern Utah, in front of a classroom full of blond children in braids and crew cuts, Sun is speaking Mandarin Chinese. “Our faculty just weren’t ready for it,” Harrah said.

cooltoolsforschools - home 1000+ Hojas de trabajo de ELE gratuitas hechas por unos profesores de idioma para otros The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You If you’re not an avid follower of #edchat on Twitter, you may be missing out on a great opportunity to learn about some new Web 2.0 tools that are currently being used in classrooms around the world. That’s because @chickensaltash posed a simple question to the PLN and there has been a huge swell of support as hundreds of people have jumped in to answer the question about which 5 Web 2.0 tools teachers are using in classrooms. The Best of the Best You can view the live stream of #edchat here and see what people are saying at the hashtag #chickenweb2tools here. We scoured hundreds of responses and have come up with the following list. The following tools have not been verified and are simply based on the number of times each was mentioned on Twitter during this hashtag discussion. Made at Tagxedo – it’s in this list! The List Added in the comments and via Twitter: Add To This List Have another recommendation?

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