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The social side of strategy - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Strategy in Practice

The social side of strategy - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Strategy in Practice
In 2009, Wikimedia launched a special wiki—one dedicated to the organization’s own strategy. Over the next two years, more than 1,000 volunteers generated some 900 proposals for the company’s future direction and then categorized, rationalized, and formed task forces to elaborate on them. The result was a coherent strategic plan detailing a set of beliefs, priorities, and related commitments that together engendered among participants a deep sense of dedication to Wikimedia’s future. Through the launch of several special projects and the continued work of self-organizing teams dedicated to specific proposals, the vision laid out in the strategic plan is now unfolding. Wikimedia’s effort to crowdsource its strategy probably sounds like an outlier—after all, the company’s very existence rests on collaborative content creation. Our objective in this article isn’t to present a definitive road map for opening up the strategy process; it’s simply too early for one to exist. Closer to home

Ideas so fresh--they should be slapped!: From the Horse's Mouth: Why new products fail. Without a doubt, San Francisco is one of the most innovative places on earth. But when I was there, I found myself irresistably drawn to a place that has actually shunned innovation for its premier product - and provided me with a fascinating lesson on how even the best innovation can fail. The Boudin Bakery, the bakery that makes the delicious sourdough on Fishermans' Wharf, has been using the same sourdough starter since it opened in 1849. In fact, keeping this original "mother dough" was so important that bakery owner Louise Boudin risked her life to save it during the Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906. I don't blame her. During my tour of their bakery though, I was intrigued by the description of the delivery cart in the picture above. At first glance, this really took me aback! As it turns out though, some mental ethnography reveals exactly why bakeries were so unimpressed by the "advantages" of the automobile for bread delivery. "Absolutely!" Wait! The ride-along goes great.

Interactions - Ice Breakers and Exercises 1. The maker doesn't want it; the buyer doesn't use it; and the user doesn't even see it. What is it? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Transform Your Employees into Passionate Advocates - Rob Markey by Rob Markey | 10:49 AM January 27, 2012 Employee happiness is becoming a hot topic among CEOs and in boardrooms, and it’s about time. The current issue of Harvard Business Review, which includes a series of articles focused on employee happiness, is just one more sign of the growing recognition that happy, engaged employees are more productive and generate better outcomes for their companies. But there’s also a risk in all this attention to “happiness.” My colleagues and I agree with that. That’s an ambitious goal, of course. 1. Real engagement — passionate advocacy — comes from making customers’ lives richer, and there isn’t much that HR alone can do to help employees achieve that. 2. 3. And it isn’t just customer-facing personnel who can learn from customer reactions. Loyal, passionate employees bring a company as much benefit as loyal, passionate customers.

HACK THE HR 1er Juin à Nantes - KESACO ? HACK THE HR l'évènement usages RH2.0 dans LE WEB2DAY par Atlantic 2.0 Carnet de Bord : - S'inscrire et code promo - Hacker : définition- Fonctionnement des ateliers - Présentations des HAckers/Pirates présents - Le programme des hostilités - Suivre le flux sur Twitter HACK THE HR vous offre 50 % de réduction sur votre participation au WEB2DAYavec le code promo : HTR 2- HACKER : Définition Tailler, déchirer, exploser mais aussi originellement chercher le point de faiblesse pour faire voler en éclats une pierre, plus récemment dans le monde informatique pirater Déjà pourquoi ce nom barbare (ou plutôt anglais, à qui nous reconnaitrons quand même une forme de civilisation ;) ? Mais au delà, de toutes ces considérations philosophico-politiques, le HACKING a permis bon nombre d'innovations de rupture dans le sens où quand l'on se permet de bousculer des dogmes ou des poncifs communément admis comme étant LA Vérité ou LA Manière de fonctionner, on s'autorise aussi à penser différemment.

The "random collision" theory of innovation This post originally appeared on the Fortune website. Leaders tend to surround themselves with people who are like them. Creating environments where "unusual suspects" can meet is the key to generating new business ideas. Collaborators are everywhere. It is human nature to surround ourselves with people who are exactly like us. It is easy to see the potential from enabling random collisions of unusual suspects. Social media is a hotspot for random collisions. The goal is to get better faster. We live and work in a networked world complete with mega bandwidth and social media platforms to help us collide with more unusual suspects if we just look up from our silos. Business model innovators are all around us. This piece is adapted from The Business Model Innovation Factory.

Vision Statements - How to Write a Vision Statement A vision statement is your ticket to success. A photograph in words of your company's future, it provides the inspiration for both your daily operations and your strategic decisions. Without a vision statement, effective business planning would be impossible; it's the vision statement that provides the destination for the journey, and without a destination, how can you plan the route? If you don't have a vision statement, don't panic. I bet you do have a vision of what you want your business to accomplish; you just need to articulate and formalize it. Here's how to write a vision statement: 1) Examine your mission statement. As I say in my mission statement definition, a mission statement answers the question, "Why do we exist?" (If you don’t have a mission statement already, How to Write a Mission Statement will lead you through the process.) 2) Dare to dream. Before you can travel to the moon you have to look up at the stars. Forming a mental picture will help.

Social intranet adoption: how to encourage usage in your organization - Intranet Blog - ThoughtFarmer | Collaborative Culture Jive se veut le champion de l’imbrication entre social et Business Le leader des réseaux sociaux d'entreprise vient d'annoncer la version 6 de sa plate-forme Engage. Prévue pour le courant de l'année pour les déploiements sur site, celle-ci est disponible depuis le 2 mai dans sa version Saas, Jive Cloud. « Nous avons inventé le Social Business. Aujourd'hui nous le réinventons », déclare peu modestement l'éditeur à l'occasion de la présentation de cette nouvelle version. Discours marketing mis à part, il faut bien avouer que les quatre principales fonctionnalités qui font leur apparition, à défaut de réinventer stricto sensu le Social Business, apportent des réponses à ses enjeux actuels. Du social intégré dans les applications web Première problématique à laquelle sont confrontés les réseaux sociaux d'entreprise (RSE), celle de leur lien aux autres applications, notamment métier. Pour faciliter cette connection, des API sont disponibles pour des applications comme Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Office 365, SAP, Netsuite, Google Docs et Linkedin.

2012 Global CEO Study Overview For some time, businesses have been refining and optimizing their networks of suppliers and partners. But something just as meaningful has been happening – the sudden convergence of the digital, social and mobile spheres – connecting customers, employees and partners in new ways to organizations and to each other. In speaking face-to-face with 1,709 CEOs, general managers and senior public sector leaders around the globe, leaders confirmed that our new connected era is changing how people engage. Empowering employees through values CEOs see greater organizational openness ahead. Videos: CEOs discuss their employee priorities Shared values driving key decisions CEO Murray Jordan of Foodstuffs, a New Zealand food cooperative, extolls the benefits of shared values for his company. View this video (00:02:05) Tweet this video Bringing value and making a difference View this video (00:03:52) Tweet this video Every employee is an innovator View this video (00:03:14) Tweet this video

How to Write Your Mission Statement A mission statement is a key tool that can be as important as your business plan. It captures, in a few succinct sentences, the essence of your business's goals and the philosophies underlying them. Equally important, the mission statement signals what your business is all about to your customers, employees, suppliers and the community. The mission statement reflects every facet of your business: the range and nature of the products you offer, pricing, quality, service, marketplace position, growth potential, use of technology, and your relationships with your customers, employees, suppliers, competitors and the community. "Mission statement help clarify what business you are in, your goals and your objectives," says Rhonda Abrams, author of The Successful Business Plan: Secrets and Strategies. Your mission statement should reflect your business' special niche. The Write WordsTo come up with a statement that encompasses the major elements of your business, start with the right questions.

The Flight From Conversation At home, families sit together, texting and reading e-mail. At work executives text during board meetings. We text (and shop and go on Facebook) during classes and when we’re on dates. My students tell me about an important new skill: it involves maintaining eye contact with someone while you text someone else; it’s hard, but it can be done. Over the past 15 years, I’ve studied technologies of mobile connection and talked to hundreds of people of all ages and circumstances about their plugged-in lives. We’ve become accustomed to a new way of being “alone together.” Our colleagues want to go to that board meeting but pay attention only to what interests them. A businessman laments that he no longer has colleagues at work. A 16-year-old boy who relies on texting for almost everything says almost wistfully, “Someday, someday, but certainly not now, I’d like to learn how to have a conversation.” Texting and e-mail and posting let us present the self we want to be.

10 Easy Ways To Build Social Media Into Your HR Practice Each time I travel and meet new people at various speaking engagements, people ask for ideas on how they can incorporate social into their HR practice or their business in general. There are more ways than I can possibly list, but I came up with ten that are relatively simple to implement. My plan is to give a brief description today, then provide more detailed posts about the steps to actually accomplish each one. Tweet your jobs- It’s becoming common for companies today to have a company Twitter account. Make sure that at a minimum, your recruiters are sharing their job openings on Twitter. They should also tweet reasons candidates would want to work at your company, share awards or recognition the company has received and in general, any positive messages about the organization.Engage with candidates on Twitter and Linkedin- The key to closing a candidate on a specific position is the ability of the recruiter and interviewers in connecting and engaging with the candidate.
