36 Digital Storytelling Sites and Apps From edshelf by edshelf: Reviews & recommendations of tools for education Once upon a time, there was a teacher looking for ways to help her students tell a story. She wanted to give them a variety of tools from which to construct their stories. At their school were computer labs, iPad carts, and a BYOD policy. With all those options, she knew there had to be more than just Microsoft Word. Then she found K-12 technology specialist David Kapuler‘s collection of digital storytelling sites & apps. And they all lived happily ever after. What apps do you use for creating and telling digital stories? 36 Digital Storytelling Sites and Apps From edshelf Image attribution flickr users nmc-campus and mikegrenville
Test d'iBooks Author Sorte de mélange entre Pages (15,99 €), Keynote (15,99 €) et iWeb, iBooks Author [1.0 – Français – Gratuit – OS X 10.7 – 136 Mo – iTunes S.a.r.l.] est une nouvelle application destinée à créer des livres électroniques interactifs en WYSIWYG. Est-il aussi facile à utiliser qu'Apple le prétend ? Permet-il de créer des livres réellement riches et interactifs ? S'il est puissant, mais gratuit, a-t-il quelque chose à cacher ? NB : ce test ne couvre que quelques aspects d'iBooks Author. Étude de cas : la création d'une « histoire d'Apple » Avec OS X Lion : premiers pas et iOS 5 : premiers pas, nous avons eu l'occasion de mettre en page plusieurs livres numériques. Un de nos ouvrages dans Sigil. Et force est de constater qu'Apple a très bien conçu son outil : sorte de Pages dopé, c'est un véritable petit logiciel de PAO facilitant considérablement la création et la mise en page d'un livre électronique. Importation d'un document Word : iBA converti et applique le bon style à chaque section.
Free eBook Open Source collections Free ebooks collections You may be interested in the following free ebooks. Please note that individual records will not appear in a search of LibrarySearch or Newton. Collections Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Alex - A full text indexed collection of classic American and English literature as well as Western philosophy, written or translated into English. Bartleby — The full text of many classic literary works, including Shakespeare. Bible Gateway – The full text of approximately 100 versions of the Bible in 54 languages. Blake Archive – This archive contains electronic copies of William Blake’s illuminated books, as well as a number of his illustrations, drawings, paintings and manuscript works. CARRIE – This full-text electronic library hosted by the European University Institute in Italy, contains digitised primary documents as well as ebooks in history. Cascadilla Proceedings Project – Linguistics conference proceedings from Cascadilla Press. Science, Technology & Medicine S.L.
iBooks Author hands-on: making textbooks in the 21st century Alright, I just fired up iBooks Author, which is a free download from the Mac App Store. It installed quickly, and after selecting a template I was editing my first-textbook in moments. The single-window interface is just like any other modern iWorks app, and Apple isn't offering it for free for lack of features. Like Josh mentioned in the liveblog, the app is a mix of Keynote and Pages, with drag and drop layout tools and a sidebar of "slides" representing the table of contents. Of course, the app isn't exactly designed for your mom to publish a interactive textbook of her vacation: while some aspects are a breeze, there's no WYSIWYG to build 3D objects from scratch or code HTML5 elements, you'll have to do that externally. Also worth noting: nothing in this tool makes you automatically an expert on any educational topic. iBooks Author hands-on Previous Next View full Gallery Related Items textbooks apple iwork textbook ibooks ibooks 2 ibooks author ibook
Create Digital Stories Toontastic now offers all of its features for free. Students can create cartoons using characters, backgrounds, and then built-in story arc and then narrate with their own voice recording. Students can choose from hundreds of characters and special effects or create their own. Completed stories can be saved to the Camera. Price: FreeEase-of-use: MediumUsefulness: 4 out of 5 With ThingLink, students create "touchable" images. This app allows you to create short, 30 second stories that come complete with a talking avatar (cartoon person) and pre-designed backgrounds or backgrounds that students create. Price: Free or $4.99Ease-of-use: EasyUsefulness: 5 out of 5 Students can easily create their own unique digital puppet shows to tell a story. Price: FreeEase-of-use: EasyUsefulness: 4 out of 5 Though technically a screencasting app, Explain Everything is also a fantastic digital storytelling tool. Price: $3.99Ease-of-use: MediumUsefulness: 5 out of 5
iBooks Author, héritier d'HyperCard Les iBooks nouvelle édition ont un petit air de déjà vu. Ils ont beaucoup pour rappeler les CD-ROMs encyclopédiques et culturels de l'apogée du multimédia. Tué par internet, le CD-ROM multimédia avait lancé toute une industrie qui n'aura vraiment vécu qu'une petite décennie. Des encyclopédies telles qu'Encarta, mais également des titres plus ou moins spécialisés tels que le Louvre ou La Leçon d'Anatomie, ou de véritables ovnis comme Xplora et Eve de Peter Gabriel, ou Le Livre de Lulu de Roman Victor-Pujebet : ces œuvres étaient au numérique ce que le "beau livre" était à l'édition. Une spécificité propre au marché français, (et au média lui-même d'ailleurs, la catégorie — l'alibi?— "culturel" n'existant ni pour le livre, ni pour les films), d'ailleurs saisie par les éditeurs traditionnels tels que Gallimard ou Flammarion, les autres pays se contentant des encyclopédies ou du ludo-éducatif. Une révolution lancée par Apple La deuxième vie du CD-ROM
How iBooks Author Stacks Up to the Competition [CHART] With the announcement of iBooks Author last week, the world of self-publishing seemed to open up a little wider, especially for authors looking for an easy way to format and distribute their own content. At the same time, people raised concerns about the content restrictions of the iBooks Author tool. According to the contract in iBooks Author, books that writers charge for through the iBooks 2 store are subject to fees, which isn't new — iTunes does the same thing with apps in the App Store. Still, self-publishing holds potential for many authors, especially now that 29% of U.S. adults own some kind of tablet or ereader. If you are a writer who wants to take try the self-publishing route, we've assembled a comprehensive chart of all the potential tools available to you, as well as their prices and anything else you may need to know. Are you an ebook publisher using something that didn't make the list?
Storytelling digitale, coding e riuso: quando la tecnologia unita alla didattica lascia il segno di Caterina Moscetti Maestra presso la Scuola Primaria “Mons. Bartoletti” – Istituto Comprensivo Sigillo, Perugia Le storie vissute si ricordano. Le storie vissute e raccontate arrivano lontano e prendono forma nei pensieri di chi le ascolta. La narrazione è partita dall’esperienza che hanno vissuto i bambini della classe quinta: hanno portato un calzino ciascuno, rigorosamente spaiato, e hanno pensato tante trasformazioni. Durante l’attività sono state scattate molte fotografie (qui la galleria completa), facendo attenzione ad ascoltare i suggerimenti degli alunni riguardo i soggetti da inquadrare. Lo storytelling digitale è stato completato con il racconto del riuso del calzino, fatto dai bambini utilizzando il linguaggio di programmazione visuale Scratch. Per fare tutto questo i bambini hanno usato le mani, la creatività, il pensiero divergente e la tecnologia. Qui lo storytelling della giornata in un video Foto di Caterina Moscetti Mi piace: Mi piace Caricamento...
iBooks 2, iBooks Author, iTunes U : l'iPad dans toutes les salles de classe Une conférence de presse à New York, présentée par Phil Schiller : ce keynote n'était pas tout à fait ordinaire pour Apple. Dédié à l'éducation, secteur privilégié d'Apple, il a été le théâtre de la présentation d'iBooks 2, iBooks Author et iTunes U transformé en une application, un écosystème complet pour tenter d'imposer l'iPad dans les salles de classe et les amphis. Répondre aux problèmes du système éducatif américain Apple s'est de tout temps sentie investie d'un mandat éducatif : Steve Wozniak distribuait des Apple II dans les écoles de son quartier et a un temps été professeur, Steve Jobs a construit NeXT et reconstruit Apple comme des sociétés travaillant de manière très étroite avec les acteurs du monde éducatif. La présentation de Phil Schiller a donc logiquement commencé par un état des lieux du système éducatif primaire et secondaire américain, tout autant décrié que son système universitaire est admiré. C'est là que les éditeurs entrent en jeu. Images The Verge
Reading Like A Historian The Reading Like a Historian curriculum engages students in historical inquiry. Each lesson revolves around a central historical question and features sets of primary documents designed for groups of students with diverse reading skills and abilities. This curriculum teaches students how to investigate historical questions by employing reading strategies such as sourcing, contextualizing, corroborating, and close reading. Instead of memorizing historical facts, students evaluate the trustworthiness of multiple perspectives on historical issues. How do I use these lessons in my classroom? The 91 lessons in the U.S. curriculum, 41 lessons of the world curriculum, and the 5 lessons in the introduction to historical thinking unit can be taught in succession. 1) Establish relevant background knowledge and pose the central historical question. *Note: United Streaming requires a subscription to Discovery Education. 3) Whole-class discussion about a central historical question. Of course!
Digital Storytelling: Cos’è, come utilizzarlo nella didattica, con quali strumenti si realizza Il Digital Storytelling ovvero la Narrazione realizzata con strumenti digitali (web apps, webware) consiste nell’organizzare contenuti selezionati dal web in un sistema coerente, retto da una struttura narrativa, in modo da ottenere un racconto costituito da molteplici elementi di vario formato (video, audio, immagini, testi, mappe, ecc.). Caratteristiche di questa tipologia comunicativa sono: # il fascino: derivante dal carattere fabulatorio che possiedono le storie, dato che si tratta, fondamentalmente, di racconti; # la ricchezza e varietà di stimoli e significati: derivanti dall’alta densità informativa e dall’amalgama di codici, formati, eventi, personaggi, informazioni, che interagiscono tra loro attraverso molteplici percorsi e diverse relazioni analogiche. # Si tratta quindi di una forma di narrazione particolarmente indicata per forme comunicative come quelle proprie del giornalismo, della politica, del marketing, dell’autobiografia e anche della didattica. 1. 2. 3. 4.1. 4.2.
Home—Survey of Multimodal Pedagogies in Writing Programs Data from the CCCC-Sponsored "Survey of Multimodal Pedagogies in Writing Programs" This website accompanies an article appearing in the print version of Composition Studies entitled “Integrating Multimodality in Composition Curricula: Survey Methodology and Results from a CCCC Research Initiative Grant.” In that article the author-researchers listed below provided methodologies and outcomes of a national survey conducted in 2005 to discover how instructors use multimodal composition practices in their writing classrooms and research. The data provided here includes all of the respondents’ answers to the 141-question survey, the original of which is linked in the Home icon above. We provide this raw data (having removed the answers that were personally identifying for respondents) so that other researchers can follow up on this work in ways useful and suitable to their own institutions and needs.
Explain Everything ™ Top Ten Group Work Strategies If I am continually vexed by any one question in education it is ‘how can we enhance student motivation?‘ Of course, I do not have the answer, and if there is one it is multi-faceted, complex and, frankly, not going to be solved in this blog post! From my position as a classroom teacher, I am always on the look out for those strategies that create a state when students are motivated and in their element, where they work furiously without even realising they are doing so, without realising the clock is ticking down to the end of the lesson. There is no better compliment than when students question how long there is left and express genuine surprise at how fast time has passed, and that they have actually enjoyed that lesson! My, admittedly non-scientific, observations are that many of the times students are in ‘flow‘, or their element, in my lessons is when they are collaborating in group work. Why is this then? Don’t get me wrong, there are pitfalls and obstacles to group work. 1. 2.