Since 2009, 88 Percent Of Income Growth Went To Corporate Profits, Just One Percent Went To Wages By Guest Contributor on June 30, 2011 at 3:15 pm "Since 2009, 88 Percent Of Income Growth Went To Corporate Profits, Just One Percent Went To Wages" After the longest recession since WWII, many Americans are still struggling while S&P 500 corporations are sitting on $800 billion in cash and making massive profits. Now, economists from Northeastern University have released a study that finds our sluggish economic recovery has almost solely benefited corporations. According to the study: “Between the second quarter of 2009 and the fourth quarter of 2010, real national income in the U.S. increased by $528 billion. The New York Times adds, “According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, average real hourly earnings for all employees actually declined by 1.1 percent from June 2009, when the recovery began, to May 2011, the month for which the most recent earnings numbers are available.” –Sean Savett
The Reactionary - Magazine The charming, sinister G. K. Chesterton Keystone/Getty Images Professor Ker’s spirited and double-barreled attempt at a rehabilitation of his cherished subject is enjoyable in its own right, and takes in such matters as Chesterton’s dialectical genius for paradox, the authority of the Father Brown stories in the detective genre, and the salience of Charles Dickens in the English canonical one. In his obituary, T. Aiming off an early line (“The cold queen of England is looking in the glass”) as a kind of establishing shot, Chesterton presses on to conscript all the images of sullen northern Protestant indifference in the face of the sultan’s mobilization: St. In one rather gallant stave, then, the finer aspects of Christendom detach themselves from the frigid dogmas of the Reformation, and reproclaim the magnificence of the Crusades. Our patch of glory ended; we never heard guns again. All conservatism is based upon the idea that if you leave things alone you leave them as they are.
10 things that parents should never say to their children | SingaporeScene Things to never tell your children. (Getty Images) Through my work, I’ve had the privilege of speaking to and working with thousands of students, young adults and parents. Two things have become painfully obvious to me. First, it’s extraordinarily difficult to be a world-class parent. Second, a significant proportion of students and young adults’ frustrations are caused by their parents. I’m not a parent myself, but I’ve observed what many parents say to their children, which can negatively impact them—sometimes for life. From a child and a student’s perspective, here are 10 things that parents should never say: 1. It’s shocking how many parents say this to their children in a fit of anger. This is the type of phrase that can scar children deeply, and can make them doubt their worth as a human being. 2. As a parent, you might feel like you really do know what’s best for your children, but using this phrase is not at all effective in convincing them that you're right. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Nono Dassier, le troll libéral et son message farfelu : autopsie. chers lecteurs, vous devez le savoir , on va parler un peu de Bayrou et de ses soutiens. Celui est redevenu libéral après une intox “sociale” en 2007 avec pauvres hères qui nous soutenaient qu’il était presque à gauche… Ici c’est des trolls libéraux qui soutiennent Bayrou… et Arnaud Dassier. Devant le choc attendu de la perte du triple A, le fameux AAA et de son nouveau plan de rigueur .. les libéraux couinent pour expliquer qu’ils ont raison. En voici un exemple, avec le dogme absolu des libéraux: Voilà donc selon notre Libéral ex-UMP, ex-Sarkozyste, c’est l’investissement privé qui fait défaut. Alors Monsieur Dassier, que dire de cette courbe là qui montre l’évolution des profits et investissements des entreprises depuis 1950. Comme par hasard, la courbe des investissement diverge vers 1983/1984. Et ce n’est pas un phénomène franco-français , par ce que voici d’autres éléments cette fois-ci au niveau de l’Europe.
The Awful Cover Letter All of Wall Street Is Laughing About It's that time of year when hopeful undergrads send out their resumes to the investment banks they for some reason want to work for. But one guy's bombastic cover letter has made him the laughing-stock of Wall Street. A tipster forwarded us this cover letter, from an NYU student named Mark to J.P. Morgan, with the note, "this has been circling around the Street." 1/23/2012J.P. The endless email thread forwarded to us suggests every investment banker on Wall Street has seen this thing, much like the classic Aleksey Vayner video resume. Drinks on me for the first analyst to concisely summarize everything that is wrong with this.NYU builds ROCKSTARS..Something to aspire to.Frizz, you guys still need a first year for next summer? When reached by phone yesterday, Mark was well aware of the furor surrounding his letter, and that he'd overplayed his hand. Cheer up, Mark.
SCANDALEUX: l’état UMP finance la spéculation avec vos impôts ! C’est Electron Libre qui a noté l’horreur, l’information pénible. La BNP qui ne manque pas d’argent a touché 180 Millions d’euros de crédit impôt recherche pour … son “High Frequency Trading” .. donc une application pour traders. Oui, de l’argent public qui finance cette saloperie ! Si vous ne savez pas ce qu’est le High Frequency Trading, ou HFT … Voici un peu d’explication. le HFT utilise des serveurs en réseau, qui via des algorithmes de calcul (parfois buggés), achètent ou vendent des actions, obligations ou produits dérivés à haut fréquence. 50 % des “ordres” de bourse sont désormais passés via ces systèmes. On le voit, rien n’a ralenti la progression : la folie informatique spéculatrice continue. le HFT a déjà été responsable directement de crash boursier. Soyons sûr que cela ne sera pas régulé autrement que sur le papier par cette bande de vendus au libéralisme. On le voit, le mal est profondément ancré. Pour ça en 2012: va falloir changer de président !
Picking the scab of colonisation There's a deep wound in Australia. There's a gash in our story. It is a wound that is known by different names: Colonisation. Dispossession. Coercion. Control. It is still with us. The wound is fresh. The wound of colonisation is a wound in the heart of the First Peoples of this land. To the people in high places who say that the wound does not exist, we say we know it does exist. To the people in high places who say that the wound is an Aboriginal problem, we say that the wound is not an Aboriginal problem. The policies that the Government wishes to enshrine as legislation today are policies built on the falsehood that the wound does not exist or that the wound exists but that it is an Aboriginal problem. They are policies that do not treat the wound and cannot heal the wound. They are policies that deepen the wound. They are policies that continue to harm, to hurt, to humiliate, to degrade, to punish, to control. As Elaine Peckham put it: 'We don't want the Basics Card. Comments GAJ 02 March 2012
"Une taxe Tobin européenne ne freinerait pas la spéculation" D’après David Thesmar spécialiste de la finance internationale à HEC, le principal intérêt d’un impôt sur les transactions financières serait d’accroître les ressources propres de Bruxelles. Capital : La Commission européenne envisage de créer une taxe sur les transactions financières. Permettra-t-elle de limiter la spéculation ?David Thesmar : Non. Capital: Est-il techniquement possible de mettre en place un tel impôt ? Capital: Jean-Claude Trichet, le président de la BCE, redoute que cette taxe Tobin ne provoque une -délocalisation massive des activités financières européennes. Propos recueillis par Marie Charrel
Reading for the Rushed I read every day, and I'm a remedial reading teacher. I keep my trusty book prop at the kitchen table to read a dead tree format book during lunch, about 40 minutes a day for fun. I also read ebooks, when hard copy is not available. If I'm away from home, I use my smart phone and Kobo reader to keep me in books while I wait somewhere, such as a doctor's office, or haircutters, or if I'm the passenger in the car. As far as reading faster, and with better comprehension, I suggest reading for enjoyment at a reading level just below your reading ability. Où il est démontré que la caste des nantis s’en fout plein les fouilles C’est l’observatoire des inégalités qui balance l’info. On s’en doutait tous, mais manquaient des chiffres du fait du choix étrange de l’INSEE expliqué sur cet article. Et qu’on ne me ressorte pas les théories libérales à la con, comme celle du ruissellement, de la libération des trucs, la courbe de laffer ou la théorie des incitations. Les chiffres sont là, hop sous vos yeux: On voit qu’entre 1998 et 2008, les 90% des salariés les moins payés se voyaient gratifier de +0,9% tandis que les 0,1% plus payés de +68,9%, ou les 10% les mieux payés gagnaient 8,2% de plus. C’est à dire que ces 10% les mieux payés ont eu un gain 9 fois supérieurs à celui des moins payés. Nos gros salaires se sont donc envolés, et où sont les conséquences bénéfiques de tout ça? Maintenant demandez vous quel est le poids social et médiatique de ces très hauts revenus qui s’envolent ( au moins +18,3% pour le 1% le mieux payé)?