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Dmitriy Samohin Tattoo Artist

Dmitriy Samohin Tattoo Artist
Dmitriy Samohin April 18, 2011 | Posted by admin in Featured Artist - 75 Comments Dmitriy Samohin is from Odesa, Odes’Ka Oblast’, Ukraine. The amount of detail and artistic skill that is put into each piece is truly extraordinary. If you like his work as much as we do, please share below. Check out his Facebook page to see more of his work. Dmitriy Samohin and Robert Hernandez Native Indian portrait by artist Kirby Sattler, Original picture – Red Kite Bird of Prey, The Mountain Lion

Xoïl Tattoos | Needles Side Tattoo | French Tattoo Artist | Ink Army™ Xoïl Tattoos January 16, 2012 | Posted by admin in Featured Artist - 16 Comments Xoïl tattoos out of “Needles Side Tattoo” in Thonon-les-Bains, France. Creativity tied to mental illness - StumbleUpon Irrelevance can make you mad By William J. Cromie Harvard News Office Ignoring what seems irrelevant to your immediate needs may be good for your mental health but bad for creativity. Focusing on every sight, sound, and thought that enters your mind can drive a person crazy. "Scientists have wondered for a long time why madness and creativity seem linked, particularly in artists, musicians, and writers," notes Shelley Carson, a Harvard psychologist. Carson, Jordan Peterson (now at the University of Toronto), and Daniel Higgins did experiments to find out what these conditions might be. They put 182 Harvard graduate and undergraduate students through a series of tests involving listening to repeated strings of nonsense syllables, hearing background noise, and watching yellow lights on a video screen. The students also filled out questionnaires about their creative achievements on a new type of form developed by Carson, and they took standard intelligence tests. IQ and creativity

The 6 Most Incredible Real World Beast Masters Disney movies make hanging out with wild animals look like a walk in a fun, happy, completely predator-free park. But in the real world, being around untamed wildlife isn't so much about carefree singing and dancing and monkeyshinin' as it is about running and screaming. Then coming back later to clean up the poop trail you inevitably left behind. Or it usually is, anyway. #6. To explain this picture of a child cuddling his 20-foot-long snake, we have to tell a story. Fotobank.ruSurprisingly, it didn't end with the kid as poop. Imagine you're the proud parents of a 3-month-old baby. GettyAll that's missing is the colic. So, small. Not Koun Samang's dad, who found a python in his baby's bed and sweetly returned it to the jungle, presumably while giving it a back massage and singing it snaky lullabies. Herald Sun"Hey, what's the worst that could happen?" Seven years later, Samang and the now-giant snake he named "Lucky" are going strong. Herald SunTasting. #5. Come on, dude.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter Heading text[edit] The Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS) is a self-assessed personality questionnaire designed to help people better understand themselves and others. It was first introduced in the book Please Understand Me. Four temperaments[edit] David Keirsey expanded on the ancient study of temperament by Hippocrates and Plato. Artisans are concrete and adaptable. Guardians are concrete and organized. Idealists are abstract and compassionate. Rationals are abstract and objective. Understanding the sorter descriptions[edit] Although the descriptions of the individual temperaments and role variants were written as a whole, temperament itself can be understood by comparing it to the rings of a tree:[4] The inner ring: abstract versus concrete According to Keirsey, everyone can engage in both observation and introspection. The second ring: cooperative versus pragmatic (utilitarian) This ring, in combination with the inner ring, determines a person's temperament. Four interaction roles[edit]

#tattoofriday - Tattoos & Tentacles Polvos: seres normalmente de 8 braços e 3 corações. Há quem curta, há quem não goste do bicho. Mas que eles representam muita coisa além do fundo do mar, é fato: agilidade, flexibilidade, sabedoria, alta capacidade de adaptação, além de se regenerarem caso tenham alguma parte de seus membros perdida. E é como os polvos que a gente quer se sentir: bravo, capaz e com uma vontade enorme de segurar todas as oportunidades do mundo, como se tivéssemos muitos tentáculos. Via Google Images, Fuck Yeah Tattoos, Pinterest, Flickr. Tattoo Polvo verde: Sarah Galantini.

Healthy Brown Bag Lunches For Kids and Adults Be a healthy hero: Pack a daily lunch for yourself and your children. Not only will you give your diet a big nutrition boost, you’ll save money too. We’ve got ten expert-approved, easy-to-pack lunch ideas—five for kids, and five for adults—to get you started. Now get packing! MORE: Six Foods That Could Save Your Life For Kids: Healthy Turkey Sandwich 1. The American Dietetic Association has a simple rule for children’s beverages: “Drink milk with meals, and drink water with snacks. QUIZ: Getting All Your Beauty Nutrients? For Kids: Ants On a Log 1. Ants on a log provides kids with protein from peanut butter and nutrients from a vegetable and fruit all in one. MORE: Sneak Beauty-Boosting Vegetables Into Your Meals For Kids: Spaghetti Surprise 1. Bananas are packed with potassium, necessary for proper nerve and muscle function and blood pressure regulation. MORE: Use Bananas in a Smoothie Recipe For Kids: Veggie Quesadilla 1. MORE: Start Your "Eat Pretty" Journey Here For Kids: Chicken Burritos 1.

How Quantum Suicide Works& ­­A man sits down before a gun, which is pointed at his head. This is no ordinary gun; i­t's rigged to a machine that measures the spin of a quantum particle. Each time the trigger is pulled, the spin of the quantum particle -- or quark -- is measured. Depending on the measurement, the gun will either fire, or it won't. If the quantum particle is measured as spinning in a clockwise motion, the gun will fire. Nervously, the man takes a breath and pulls the trigger. Go back in time to the beginning of the experiment. But, wait. This thought experiment is called quantum suicide.

13 Strange Highs from Around the World Maybe it’s pessimistic, but when it comes to what people will do to exit their sober minds, I’m rarely surprised. Getting high is an ancient practice for humans, and it will always have a presence in society. At the height of desperation, there simply are no boundaries to the pursuit of inebriation. All thirteen points in this infographic are glaring examples of this. It seems fundamentally human to not want to have one’s face in/around/ or near one’s own excrement. Though certainly the most repulsive example, this buzz is listed among stranger methods of exiting sobriety. Share This Infographic Get Free Infographics Delivered to your Inbox LSD Inventor's Remarkable Letter to Steve Jobs When Apple’s late guru, Steve Jobs, said in 2005 that "doing LSD was one of the two or three most important things I have done in my life," he caught the attention of another guru and inventor who lived 6,000 miles away in Switzerland. Albert Hofmann was a scientist working for Sandoz chemicals in Basel in 1938 when he first synthesized lysergic acid diethylamide, AKA LSD. That same year, he also became the first person to ingest acid and experience its peculiar psychedelic effects. In 2007, Rick Doblin, director of the Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) in Santa Cruz, called Hofmann—who had just celebrated his 101st birthday—and told him that Jobs was a fan of the drug. [Click image to view full size. The transcript: Dear Mr. Hello from Albert Hofmann. I'm writing now, shortly after my 101st birthday, to request that you support Swiss psychiatrist Dr. I hope you will help in the transformation of my problem child into a wonder child. Sincerely Albert Hofmann

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