21 Escalations and repeated notifications 1 Overview Zabbix provides effective and extremely flexible functionality for escalations and repeated notifications. Depending on configuration, Zabbix will automatically escalate (increase escalation step) unresolved problems and execute actions assigned to each escalation step. Zabbix supports the following scenarios for escalations, notifications and remote commands: Immediately inform users about new problems Pro-active monitoring, Zabbix executes arbitrary scripts (remote commands) Repeated notifications until problem is resolved Delayed notifications and remote commands Escalate problems to other user groups Different escalation path for acknowledged and unacknowledged problems Execute actions (both notifications and remote commands) if a problem exists for more than N hours (seconds, minutes, etc). 2 Simple messages In order to alert MySQL Administrators about any issues with MySQL applications the following configuration can be used: Note also use of macros in the messages.
Virtual Mailhosting System with Postfix Guide The purpose of this guide is to establish a virtual mail system that can handle multiple domains with a variety of different interface options. This is not intended to be used by the average user who is looking for a mail client, this is a full-scale Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) intended for individuals who are hosting their own domains and/or need to provide support for virtual domains. By the end of this guide, you will have an easy method to manage a mail server that supports: Web based system administration Unlimited number of domains Virtual mail users without the need for shell accounts Domain (specific) user names Mailbox quotas Web access to email accounts IMAP and (very optional)POP3 support SMTP Authentication for secure relaying SSL for transport layer security Strong SPAM filtering Anti-Virus filtering Log Analysis The real plus is that all of this is managed by a single database. Getting Started System Setup and Packages Basic Setup Linux 'vmail' user Admin Support Systems
Page 6 - PDF Generation With PHP Lines aren't the only thing you can draw - circles and rectangles also figure prominently on the menu. Take a look at the following example, which demonstrates. Here's the output: In this case, the pdf_rect() function has been used to draw a rectangle, given the coordinates of the lower left corner and the height and width. This rectangle has then been filled and outlined in two different colours, via the pdf_fill_stroke() function. pdf_setcolor($pdf, "fill", "rgb", 1, 1, 0); pdf_setcolor($pdf, "stroke", "rgb", 0, 0, 0); pdf_rect($pdf, 50, 500, 200, 300); pdf_fill_stroke($pdf); Circles are handled by the pdf_circle() function, which accepts three arguments: the X and Y coordinates of the circle center, and the length of the circle radius.
Instagram Engineering • Keeping Instagram up with over a million new users in twelve hours Fat of the LAN Version 1.4 Change logNOTE: This article is depricated! See the new version for Debian Etch Note: This how-to works as is under the LDAP how-to here: Note: This article covers some basic Spam filtering. It is not the place for detailed UBE handling. I will soon be outlining a detailed How-To just for spam. For the sake of clarity, I’ll be using “tobias.local” for my domain, and for my IP address. …which are excellent, but a little different from what I’ll be doing here. I’m running on Sarge (Testing), so if you’re running Stable you’ll need to change some of your apt settings. and to /etc/apt/apt.conf: APT::Default-Release “stable”; APT::Cache-Limit 12582912; What this does is say “pin all packages at stable” Now repeat for /etc/skel. –> quit
TWINE Project: HTML Validator for PHP The HTML Validator for PHP is a PHP class filter designed to submit a HTML interfaces of dynamic web applications to the W3C HTML Markup Validation Service and display the results in an HTML table. It is designed to be super easy to use. Usage To use this class, just include the file at the top of the PHP script producing the HTML output (before any HTML has been written), as follows: <? And that's it--no other configurationis necessary. Configuration options To configure the display of the output, you can use CSS.
API - developer - SMS API - Orange API 1. tarifs selon les cas d’usage a. envoyez des SMS vers des mobiles: Vous pouvez envoyer des SMS via votre site Web ou votre application informatique depuis un numéro d'émission mutualisé. Les numéros d’émission disponibles sont : 38100 pour la France métropolitaine et WORLD pour le monde (voir la zone de couverture ). principes de facturation: chaque SMS envoyé par votre application est débité de votre compte ; le prix du SMS est déterminé en fonction du numéro d’émission et de la destination du SMS ; chaque "partie" de 134 caractères d'un SMS long est facturé le prix d'un SMS ; une remise au volume est appliquée en fonction de la recharge achetée. * prix à destination et en provenance de la France métropolitaine, pour un SMS reçu sans session, tarif pour l'achat d'une recharge de 836,22 € HT, contactez-nous pour de plus gros volumes b. envoyez des SMS avec un nom d’émetteur personnalisé c. envoyez des SMS et recevez en réponse des SMS non surfacturés pour l'émetteur prix en crédits recharges
ISP-Server Setup - Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" This is a "copy & paste" HowTo! The easiest way to follow this tutorial is to use a command line client/SSH client (like PuTTY for Windows) and simply copy and paste the commands (except where you have to provide own information like IP addresses, hostnames, passwords,...). This helps to avoid typos. ISP-Server Setup - Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" Version 1.0 Author: Till Brehm <t.brehm [at] ispconfig [dot] org>, Falko Timme <ft [at] falkotimme [dot] com>Last edited 10/18/2005 This is a detailed description about the steps to be taken to setup a Ubuntu based server (Ubuntu 5.10 - Breezy Badger) that offers all services needed by ISPs and hosters (web server (SSL-capable), mail server (with SMTP-AUTH and TLS!) I will use the following software: In the end you should have a system that works reliably and is ready for the free webhosting control panel ISPConfig (i.e., ISPConfig runs on it out of the box). I want to say first that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. Requirements
Looking for freelancers I’m always on the look out for talented freelancers and, at the moment, I’ve got a particular need for designers & developers who are strong with WordPress (not immediate start stuff, just looking forward to next few months). Update: I’m also very keen to hear from the following people: strong, hard core, JS people (especially ember.js, node etc)IOS & Android app developers (both native & cross platform)Strong, general PHP (must have linux skills)project managers Note: please do not respond if you’re an agency. Role 1: Designer/HTML & CSS builder (+ WordPress) You’ll design and build websites & have history in doing so & a visible portfolio. I’d expect you to know a bit about jQuery (e.g. getting plugins workings) but not be a PHP expert or be a hardcore WordPress serverside expert (that’s role 2). Ideally you’ll know the basics about GIT and/or SVN (or are prepared to learn). Role 2: PHP developer (+ WordPress) You’re almost certainly not a designer but a hard core PHP coder. Freelancer?