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U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is now accepting applications for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Citizenship and Integration Grant Program, which will provide up to $10 million in funding for citizenship preparation programs in communities across the country. The Citizenship and Integration Grant Program is a competitive grant opportunity for public or non-profit organizations, which promotes immigrant civic integration and prepares permanent residents for citizenship. Applications are due by May 16.

Consulado de Mexico en St Paul Se recomienda al público que desee una cita para tramitar pasaporte o matrícula consular hacerlo preferentemente mediante el sitio web en internet ya que el servicio telefónico MEXITEL tendrá modificaciones en su sistema y presentarán algunas intermitencias. Hoja informativa sobre el proceso de ingreso a México. Información importante sobre menores extranjeros que viajen a México. El Consulado de México informa que los extranjeros menores de 18 años que viajen en calidad de turistas a México solos o acompañados por un tercero mayor de edad distinto a los padres o a quien ejerza la Patria Potestad, NO necesitarán presentar documento en el que los padres den su permiso para que ellos puedan viajar. Important Notice about Minors under 18 traveling to Mexico. Government Benefits, Grants, and Financial Aid for Citizens Free Money from the Government Many people have heard that the government will give you money for almost any reason. This is not true. You must complete an application and meet specific eligibility requirements in order to receive financial assistance from the government. can help you determine which types of government assistance you might qualify for and tell you where to apply. Back to Top

Life in the U.S. - Building a Life in the U.S. Even those who are well prepared with plenty of support go though a period of adjustment settling into a new life in a new country, and it's natural to have a lot of questions. Here you'll find information on ways to build credit as a new immigrant, how to find a job, apply for a Social Security Number and other tips to help you adjust. Silicon Valley Assists Undocumented StudentsLeaders in the tech industry are helping undocumented students as they wait for DREAM Act to become a reality.

STAPLES Center Adult Basic Skills Professional Development ABSPD provides professional development through Institutes, face to face workshops, online professional development, DVDs, training manuals, and web based resources. Our continuing goal is to improve the effectiveness and quality of instruction through focused professional development. Our research-based resources are designed for ABE, Adult Secondary, and ESL instructors and incorporate teaching techniques designed to effectively reach these diverse populations. Face to Face Professional Development U.S. Passports & International Travel For 24/7 automated passport information or to make an appointment at a passport agency, please contact: The National Passport Information Center To speak to a customer service representative, please call between the hours of 8:00 am to 10:00 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.

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Home Mission Statement CSAL is committed to understanding reading-related characteristics that are critical to helping adult learners reach their reading goals and to developing instructional approaches that are tailored to adult learners’ needs and interests. CSAL General Overview Welcome to Travel.State.Gov Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) - Home page Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) administers, coordinates programs that are related to adult education and literacy, career and technical education, and community colleges. For the latest news and information about career and technical education and adult education, see the "OCTAE Connection newsletter" and the OCTAE Blog. Adult Education and Literacy

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