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How do I post via email? fileStorage Blogia - crear un blog gratis Orelles de burro Blogger Getting Started Guide - Blogger Help Blogger Getting Started Guide How to publish a blog post How to create and edit pages Manage comments on your blog Import and export your blog Welcome to Blogger! To start using Blogger, simply sign in with your Google Account. Create a blog To start a blog with Blogger, visit the Blogger homepage, enter your username and password, and click Sign in. Pick an address (URL) and a blog title. Back to top Dashboard Your Dashboard, as always, is your starting point. Writing a new post: Just click on the orange Pencil icon on your Dashboard to access the Post Editor. Note that the Earnings tab will only show if AdSense supports your language. Overview On the Overview tab, you can see your blog’s activity, news and tips from the Blogger team, and recent Blogs of Note. Write your post Once you've signed in to Blogger, you'll see your dashboard with your list of blogs. Click the orange pencil icon to write a new post, and enter anything you want to share with the world. Add an image Add a video Customize

How to Make Money Blogging: 23 Steps Steps Part 1 Finding Your Inspiration <img alt="Image titled Make Money Blogging Step 1" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn" onload="WH.performance.clearMarks('image1_rendered'); WH.performance.mark('image1_rendered');">1Write down every topic that you are knowledgeable or passionate about. You'll have a much easier time making money from a blog you are interested in, rather than trying to write content you don't like because you think it will make money.[1] Some examples are hobbies that you enjoy, your career, or some specific and miscellaneous knowledge that you have. Part 2 Deciding on a Blogging Platform Part 3 Creating Compelling Content Part 4 Marketing Your Blog Part 5 Monetizing Your Blog Community Q&A Add New Question When I am creating my blog, it asks for a URL. Unanswered Questions Ask a Question Tips Warnings Loading... Upload error

5 “DISPOSABLE” Web Accounts to Keep Your Identity Safe | Identity theft is on the rise. According to StatisticBrain, there are between 12 and 15 million victims every year with an average loss of about $5,000 per victim. What would you do if you were next? There are so many different ways your identity can be stolen these days. Social security numbers and banking PINs are the obvious methods, but here are a few other methods you may not be aware of: You can’t be in 100% control over all of these potential attack vectors, but it’s in your best interest to cover your tracks as much as possible. In 2014, a SWAT team busted into the house of a well-known gaming streamer (named Kootra) when one of his watchers phoned in a prank claiming that he was holding people hostage. In the most recent election, Trump supporters on social media were heavily “doxed” — their real-life personal details were discovered and released to the public, opening the door for others to abuse that information however they saw fit. 2. Google Voice is also an option. 3. 4. 5.

Un novo comezo: Mi código QR y mi licencia CC Estes días he estado probando una nueva herramienta que sirve para crear códigos QR, me ha encantado y he creado uno para mi blog. La herramienta que he utilizado se llama Unitag, es un generador de códigos QR y es muy fácil de usar, sólo tenemos que copiar la URL a la que quermos que nos lleve y elegir entre varias plantillas, y ya lo tenemos así de fácil. Os dejo un tutorial para que veais lo fácil que es. También he añandido una licencia CC (Creative Commomons) y que es esto me preguntareis, este tipo de licencia ofrece algunos derechos a terceras personas bajo ciertas condiciones. He creado una licencia de Reconocimiento - No comercial - Compartirigual (By-nc-sa). Es muy fácil de hacer, aquí os dejo un tutorial.

La pitxa un lio How to Limit Access to Blogger Blog Posts A question that I often get when I work with elementary school teachers to help them get on the road to blogging goes like this, "can I restrict reading access to just my students and their parents?" The answer to that question is yes. The video below shows you how to do this if you're using Blogger. Applications for Education While I prefer to guide teachers in the direction of teaching their elementary school students not to reveal personally identifying information on classroom blogs, I also recognize that sometimes the only way a teacher will try blogging is if they can restrict access to just students and their parents. The directions below cover the same steps covered in the video above. Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:

Creating Web 2.0 Effects With Photoshop, Part 1 [Software Tutorials] The visual style that has come to be associated with the term Web 2.0 has exploded in popularity; everywhere you look, corporate sites, web service sites, ecommerce sites, and even personal blogs are making use of clean, minimalist design coupled with fancy graphic effects. If you’d like to jump on the bandwagon, this is the article for you! Using Photoshop, I’ll show you how to add Web 2.0 graphic goodness to your site design using non-destructive techniques. It may even take your site from boring to trendy! I won’t assume too much, nor should it matter if you’re not using the latest version of Photoshop. If you’re a Photoshop veteran, no doubt you’ll be happy skimming through the first few tips while we cover the basics. Oh, and one other thing — whenever I mention a tool for which a keyboard shortcut can be used, I’ve indicated that shortcut key in parentheses. Let’s get started then, shall we? Creating a Simple Gradient 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Variations Creating a Background Gradient 1. 2. 3.

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