XIV Congreso SEDLL 4ª Circular: Informaciones de Interés [PDF] 3ª Circular: Comunicaciones y publicaciones [PDF] Acreditación del congreso como formación continua [VER] Acreditación del Congreso: El Congreso está acreditado como formación continua para los profesores de enseñanza reglada en Portugal, de los grupos 110, 200, 210, 220, 300, 320, 330, 340 e 350. Más información en: 2ª Circular: Call for Papers SEDLL 2013 [PDF] 1ª Circular: Presentación del XIV Congreso International SEDLL 2013 [PDF] Enseñar, educar, investigar son tareas que las sociedades contemporáneas abordan con una creciente perspectiva global, con dificultades y soluciones que cada vez más trascienden la eficacia de las respuestas locales. Xaquín Núñez SabarísPresidente del Comité Organizador
NSW LearnScope Blog & Podcast » Blog Archive » eLearning07 Conference Centre on jokaydia! science and virtual worlds, a conference and articles Has your life been deeply shaped by Tolkien, Dungeons & Dragons, Final Fantasy, and/or Conan the Barbarian? Were you, like me, fascinated by Science's 27 July 2007 cover article about online worlds as natural laboratories for scientific research? And what are you doing 3 weeks from now? Convergence of the Real and the Virtual: The First Scientific Conference in the World of Warcraft 9-11 May This will not be your typical conference. Instead, each conference participant will receive (while supplies last) 10 gold pieces, a red “Sciencemag” shirt, a colorful conference tabard emblazoned with an infinity symbol, two extra bags for swag, a telescope, and a pet creature. If that sounds scary, complex, weird, geeky, well… welcome to the future. I look forward to meeting you there. Best wishes from Azeroth, The Gonzo Scientist
Welcome - CALICO CALICO - The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium Member Login E-mail: Password: Reset Password Conference 2014 May 6 - 10 Hosted by Ohio University, Athens Open, Online, Massive: The Future of Language Learning? Welcome to this year's CALICO conference. Register to Attend Online or Download .pdf form Lodging Recommendations Presentation Schedule Pre- and Post-conference Workshops The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium Texas State University 214 Centennial Hall San Marcos,TX 78666
The Thinking Stick | SLearning 2.008 Pre-Conference Yes we try and make the Learning 2.008 Educational Technology conference a little different each year. We don’t just talk about changing the was we teach and learn, we try and model it as well. We don’t always succeed but it’s about taking risks and pushing ourselves as educators. We can not expect educators to go to a conference where we tell them that they need to take risks, learn something new, and reflect without us as conference organizers doing the same. We continue to try and do that sometimes failing, sometimes su cceeding. We’re also rethinking how to hold a pre-conference. Chris has created an amazing setting on International School Island in Second Life for our 3 pre-conference sessions. Dates (Sundays) 31st August : Alan Levine (CDB Barkley); David Warlick (Suriawang Dapto) 7th September : Ewan McIntosh (Learning Loon) 14th September : Organizer’s Open Forum Times
140 Character Conference IALLT | International Association for Language Learning Technology Where technology speaks your language SLEDcc_orange_rubrics_semifinal_draft Information Week: Web 2.0 Expo Preview: Web 2.0 Isn't Just About The Apps - O'Reilly Conferences Sebastopol, CA, January 13, 2011 - We'd be lost without location technology. It encompasses our lives, and it's become bedrock for business success. The O'Reilly Where 2.0 Conference explores the business of location April 19-21, 2011 at the Hyatt Regency... Sebastopol, CA, December 20, 2010 - The O'Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo, returning April 11-14, 2011 to the Hyatt Santa Clara in Santa Clara, California, spreads the latest and best knowledge on MySQL and related technologies to the global open... Sebastopol, CA, December 17, 2010— The O'Reilly Open Source Convention will help to define, maintain, and extend the identity of open source July 25-29, 2011, at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, OR. Sebastopol, CA, November 30, 2010 - The call for proposals has opened for RailsConf 2011, when the Ruby on Rails community will gather May 16-19, 2011 at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, MD.