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7th Grader mimics Nature

7th Grader mimics Nature
13 year old copies Nature to Improve Solar Performance Thirteen year old Aidan Dwyer was walking in the woods in Upstate New York in the winter and noticed a spiral pattern to tree branches. Aidan realized the tree branches and leaves had a mathematical spiral pattern that could be shown as a fraction. After some research he also realized the mathematical fractions were the same numbers as the Fibonacci sequence. Aidan's backyard in Northport, NY. The 7th grader next wondered why nature used such a pattern? Aidan discovered that the Fibonacci pattern helps deciduous trees, in higher latitudes, efficiently track the Sun and collect the most sunlight even in the thickest forest, on the cloudiest days. The American Museum of Natural History has awarded Aidan a Young Naturalist Award for 2011. See the detailed description of his discoveries on the Museum's website: * In late 2012, early 2013, Aidan builds a larger model: Share this page... Become a Fan of Inspiration Green Got water?

Droit aux buttes Jardins en buttes à l'écocentre du périgord On les voit fleurir un peu partout, elles représentent une vraie révolution dans notre relation au sol et notre façon de cultiver. Symboles par excellence de l’agroécologie mais surtout de la permaculture (avec la poule), elles n’en sont pourtant qu’un élément parmi d’autres. Elles représentent l’antithèse du jardin à la papa : un espace riche et vivant, résistant à la sécheresse, à l’excès de pluie, un espace multidimensionnel extrêmement productif qui peut même être auto-fertile. L’observation et l’imitation de la Nature nous ouvre de nouvelles portes délivrées du travail du sol, des intrants chimiques et du pétrole, pour une agriculture non plate, non linéaire, vivante et qui crée de la fertilité. C’est Emilia Hazelipp qui semble avoir importé la culture sur butte en France. Mais quels sont les avantages de cette culture étrange qui demande pourtant un gros travail de mise en place? tout d’abord, elle évite de se baisser. J'aime :

Surviving a traffic surge: Three techniques to scale your site fast My server I've been a satisfied linode customer for about seven years. I've always had the cheapest plan (about $200/year), and because it's a virtual server, it automatically upgrades for free whenever the cheapest plan gets more memory, disk space or bandwidth. Right now, that means 512 MB RAM, 24 GB disk and 200 GB/month bandwidth. Step -1: Detect the surge I keep tabs on my site through an app for Google Analytics on the iPhone. Unfortunately, Google Analytics failed to detect the surge: page load time was so high that visitors were closing the page before analytics could load. As a result, my analytics showed almost no increase in page views. It took me about fifteen hours to realize my site was crushed. I now have a cron job running to watch for stress on It looks at the httpd log file every five minutes, and it sends me email when requests per second exceed a preset threshold. I also installed the linode iPhone app, so I can check server load in real time. More resources

how to easily delete your online accounts | Spring Financial is a finance company based in Canada. The company was founded in 2014. Spring Financial is a subsidiary of Canada Drives, which is a leading auto financing company in Canada. The Chief Executive Officer is Michael Galpin. Upon loan approval, the funds will go into a secure trust account. Canceling your loan is simple. Darknet - The Darkside - Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing & Computer Security The illustrated guide to a Ph.D. Imagine a circle that contains all of human knowledge: By the time you finish elementary school, you know a little: By the time you finish high school, you know a bit more: With a bachelor's degree, you gain a specialty: A master's degree deepens that specialty: Reading research papers takes you to the edge of human knowledge: Once you're at the boundary, you focus: You push at the boundary for a few years: Until one day, the boundary gives way: And, that dent you've made is called a Ph.D Of course, the world looks different to you now: So, don't forget the bigger picture: Keep pushing. There's a bit more below, but I also wrote a follow-up 5 years after the illustrated guide which may be of interest -- HOWTO: Get tenure. Related posts If you like these posts, then I recommend the book A PhD Is Not Enough Get it in print; fund students; save lives By request, a print version of The Illustrated Guide to a Ph.D. is on sale. Click here to preview or buy it. Why biology? License: Creative Commons Resources

Big Data. La révolution des données. Volume infini, temps réel et formats déstructurés caractérisent les données du Big Data. De leur capacité à gérer et analyser ces données dépend la compétitivité des entreprises, des organisations et des territoires. L'AWT fait le point sur un phénomène au coeur de la révolution numérique Big Data ? Le Master Plan TIC du programme Creative Wallonia décrypte le nouvel environnement numérique global selon 4 axes: Mobile et Web². Interconnectés et s'alimentant l'un l'autre, ces 4 axes sont les fondations et les catalyseurs de l'industrialisation du digital. "Nous créons actuellement en deux jours autant d'information que nous en avions créée depuis la naissance de la civilisation jusqu'en 2003", rappelait récemment Eric Schmidt, Chairman de Google. Avant de définir le Big Data, il est essentiel de dire ce qu'il n'est pas. Pourquoi Big et pourquoi maintenant ? 3 facteurs expliquent le développement du Big Data: Le coût du stockage. Sources et types de données les données structurées. Volume

10 Brilliant Social Psychology Studies Ten of the most influential social psychology experiments explain why we sometimes do dumb or irrational things. “I have been primarily interested in how and why ordinary people do unusual things, things that seem alien to their natures.Why do good people sometimes act evil?Why do smart people sometimes do dumb or irrational things?” Like famous social psychologist Professor Philip Zimbardo (author of The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil), I’m also obsessed with why we do dumb or irrational things. The answer quite often is because of other people — something social psychologists have comprehensively shown. Each of the 10 brilliant social psychology experiments below tells a unique, insightful story relevant to all our lives, every day. Click the link in each social psychology experiment to get the full description and explanation of each phenomenon. 1. The halo effect is a finding from a famous social psychology experiment. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Switch 6. Transistor as a switch Resemble circuit between the transistor and switch (fig.6a) typical transistor interface, as a switch. (fig.6b) switch interface function resembling fig a. (fig.6c) opto-coupler interface. (fig.6d) resembling opto-coupler interface, compare fig c. Using transistor as a switch to drive high current loads (fig.6e) Digital Logic interface to a Relay as output using transistor. - npn transistor "BC549" to drive up to 0.1A load - npn transistor "2N3019" to drive up to 1A load - npn transistor "tip31a" to drive up to 3A load (fig.6f) same transistor setup to drive a motor. The switching setup to drive the coil load On/Off, can generate "back emf". (fig.6g) flyback diode typically 1N4148 (for small current rating), to eliminate back emf generated. Analog Devices, IRF (International Rectifier), MAXIM, National Semiconductor A switch is a mechanical to electrical conversion device. Transistor can be used as a switch or as an amplifier. More information

EMOTIV INSIGHT: Optimize your brain fitness & performance by Tan Le Our mission to empower individuals to understand their own brain and accelerate brain research globally was set into motion with the launch of this Kickstarter campaign for Emotiv Insight. Over the course of this campaign, you joined our community and pledged to change how people think about their brain and how we could use brainwear to improve how we live, work, and play. Thanks to you, we are making the Emotiv Insight a reality! Thank you again for being such an awesome community! The human brain, our most advanced organ, is an intricate and complex network of connections. Emotiv Insight is a sleek, 5 channel, wireless headset that reads your brainwaves and a mobile app that translates those signals into meaningful data everyone can understand. We’ve leveraged our knowledge and experience to create the next generation Brainwear™ that tracks and monitors your brain activity and gives you insight into how your brain is changing in real time. We are pioneers in this field. More details:
