Educating Innovators When does innovation begin? Is it at the moment of inception, or at the moment of adoption, or at the moment when the new innovation really displaces the old? An interesting question, especially as the implications of each milestone are fundamentally different, yet each is a profound accomplishment in their own right. “Use-centered innovation” will, by necessity, celebrate not only advances in hardware, but also advances in utilization practices, and as our recent experiences with personal computers, smart phones, and tablets have so vividly illustrated, it is often well-after the “platform” is launched that the real innovation begins. Rethinking marketing Recently, IMD was invited to assist a partner company in rethinking the world of Marketing, and particularly the essence of what we came to refer to as Wow! Starting out The bulk of our program time was devoted to group work – recognizing, distilling and generalizing the lessons to be learned from their team’s Wow! Wow! By Bill Fischer
Murder Your Worst Habits By Doing This Old habits die hard. Which means if you want to kick butt and knock those bad habits out cold, you need some serious ammunition. Yup, it’s buh bye bad habits and hello new life. Or in the words of Die Hard hero John McClane (Bruce Willis): “Welcome to the party, pal.” What’s Your Poison? Who’s your guest at this habit busting party? We all have our favorites. Glugging away time on social mediaForgetting important tasks (e.g. keeping feeds updated)Obsesively checking emailUsing sugar (okay, chocolate) instead of exercise to boost my energy Time to get brutal. Knowing your enemy is your first task in defeating it. Brutal honesty with yourself is the only way you can see what’s wrong. Alternatively, you can ask a friend. You’ll still need to be honest with yourself. Your Habit Busting Arsenal Now you know what you’re facing, what’re you going to do about it? Here are a few of your options. Cold Turkey. Check out our advice on detoxing. A Guardian Angel. Body Busting. Get A Dummy. Avoid Temptation.
Muito além do ativismo de teclado Por: Há anos, uma falsa contradição estorva a cultura política de autonomia que se desenvolve, por exemplo, nos Fóruns Sociais Mundiais. Ela superou o centralismo, segundo o qual liderar a luta por trasnformações sociais era tarefa para organizações estruturadas e hierárquicas (em especial, os partidos políticos). Mas, exatamente por ter enfrentado este obstáculo, ela valoriza exageradamente as opções e atitudes individuais. É como se só houvesse dois extremos: ou o dirigismo, no qual os desejos de mudança são controlados por uma elite que tende a se tornar autoritária; ou a fragmentação, que leva ao limite o “poder da base” e por isso rejeita todo tipo de ação coordenada. Acaba de ser lançado um vídeo singelo e didático que busca uma alternativa para este dilema. “A História da Mudança” tem estrutura formal muito simples. O vídeo é otimista. Para saber mais: Site Oficial: (em inglês) Página no Facebook: (em inglês)
How To Create A Social Recruiting Strategy When creating a social media recruitment strategy, there are three critical considerations every employer or talent organization must address directly and comprehensively. The good news is, you already know the answers to these crucial questions, and while unique to every company, recruiter and job opportunity, those answers provide a strategic, measurable framework for social recruiting success. The Big 3 Questions of Talent Acquisition Hiring managers, HR business partners, recruiters and executive leadership (not to mention current employees) are all crucial stakeholders in the talent acquisition and retention process. That’s why it’s important to remember that no matter what your role or the size of your company, recruiting relies on performance based feedback. 1. There’s always that one req or passive candidate profile that’s the most pressing, the most critical, and, by general rule, the most difficult for which to source. 2. The easiest way to connect the dots? 3.
- StumbleUpon Lilach Lilach is the founder and driving force behind Socialable, and highly regarded on the world speaker circuit. Forbes and Number 10 Downing Street have even been graced by her presence! In a nutshell, she’s a hugely connected and highly influential serial entrepreneur – the embodiment of Digitelligence.Listed in Forbes as one of the top 20 women social media power influencers and likewise as one of the top social media power influencers, she is one of the most dynamic personalities in the social media market, she actively leverages ethical online marketing for her clients and for Socialable. After launching her first business within three years of becoming a mother, her financial success was recognised by being a finalist at the Best MumPreneur of the Year Awards, presented at 10 Downing Street. When Lilach isn’t working she enjoys spending time with her family and is an avid fan of Zumba.
Programa de Formação Continuada em Mídias na Educação - Módulo Introdutório: Integração das Mídias na Educação Nas últimas décadas do século XX, assistimos a um acentuado movimento de mudanças nas organizações sociais, consequente e interdependente dos movimentos de mudanças políticas, econômicas, científicas e culturais. Esse movimento impulsionou e foi impulsionado, de um lado, pelos avanços das pesquisas, das descobertas científicas e do desenvolvimento dos mais sofisticados meios tecnológicos de informação e comunicação e, de outro, pelas complexas inter-relações do mercado internacional, cada dia mais globalizado. Segundo Castells (2003), três processos independentes começam a gestar-se no final dos anos 60 e princípios dos 70 e convergem, hoje, para a "gênese de um novo mundo": a revolução das tecnologias da informação; a crise econômica tanto do capitalismo quanto do estadismo e sua subseqüente reestruturação; o florescimento de movimentos sociais e culturais - feminismo, ambientalismo, defesa dos direitos humanos, das liberdades sexuais, etc.
Great Presentation Ideas: How to Captivate Your Audience If you want to know how to captivate your audience, you have to focus on what really matters. Not necessarily what matters to you…what matters to your audience. (An excerpt from The NEW Elevator Pitch) You have to “take in” your listener: Are they agitated? Create an Opening for Your Elevator Speech The new elevator speech often starts in a way that is unexpected, sometimes disarming. Good openers come from a place that says, “I recognize you. How to Captivate Your Audience: Recognition is the Key to a Compelling Conversation Notice the words “could have”. “I’ve got all the answers” is not captivating, because no one really does. “I know what you need” is a bold statement, the verbal equivalent of kicking down the door. If you have a solution, prepare us to listen. It’s not your job to judge the validity of your remarks (“they’re great” or “they stink” are both wrong, and it’s not your place to choose). Instantly, you’ve lost your audience. And remember to keep it brief. What’s yours?
Um jeito anônimo e polêmico de usar a web Por GEOFFREY A. FOWLER Há mais de quatro anos, William Weber vem ajudando a administrar um serviço gratuito chamado Tor, que torna a navegação na internet anônima para qualquer pessoa. Mas em 28 de novembro, a polícia apareceu na casa de Weber, de 20 anos de idade, em Graz, na Áustria, e o acusou de distribuir pornografia infantil. Ele diz que as autoridades confiscaram seus computadores, e ele agora aguarda acusações formais que o podem levar à prisão. Weber diz que o material pornográfico não lhe pertence. Sua experiência mostra bem os desafios diante do Tor Project Inc., firma sem fins lucrativos com dez anos de existência sediada em Walpole, no Estado americano de Massachusetts, e que espera tornar generalizada a navegação anônima na internet. "Há dez anos, ninguém tinha esse conceito de privacidade", diz Andrew Lewman, diretor-executivo da Tor. Para continuar crescendo, o Tor tem que convencer mais voluntários a se inscrever para ampliar a sua rede.