25 Ways to be More Self Reliant Today
Becoming independent is not an overnight thing but everything has a beginning and this is no different. The small steps you take today can change your life, even save your life, further down the road. 1. Get Out of Debt Getting out of debt is the number one priority. Come up with a plan to get out of debt. When you can pay more by all means DO! 2. Learn one homemaking, farming, or other skill a month. Learning to milk a goat or a cow, clip hooves, and handle basic care is important, too. Other skills might include building and woodworking skills, learning about engines and how to fix them, and things along those lines. 3. Make simplicity a habit. The more things you have, the more things you have to keep up with, take care of, and worry about. 4. Invest in books. 5. Learn cooking skills. It's surprising how many people honestly don't know how to make cake with out a mix! 6. Invest in reusable personal items like cloth diapers and cloth feminine hygeine products. 7. 8. Plant herbs. 9. 10.
Grow Your Skills with Online Video Lessons | Curious.com
The Magic and Mystery of Constructing a Herb Spiral and Why Every Suburban Lawn Should Have One - The Permaculture Research Institute
Herb Spiral (Panama) One of the first permaculture projects I did was building an herb spiral, and to be honest, the design has never ceased to delight me. Undoubtedly, that one and the few spirals that followed are amongst the most beautiful garden beds I’ve made. More importantly, they are also amazingly productive and a great way of getting into the mindset choosing the right spot to plant stuff, both in the sense of permaculture zoning and climatic considerations. These are some of reasons why everyone who can should have an herb spiral, and there are many more. For those looking to get into permaculture, an herb spiral can be a fantastic first project. Where the magic happens Herb Spiral (Day 1) First things first, permaculture design calls for developing our spaces as sensibly as possible, putting those items that require the most attention or provide the most regular use nearest to our living space. Secondly, the spiral design is not without purpose. Constructing the spiral Related
1. Relative Location | Deep Green Permaculture
The first Permaculture Design principle is ‘Relative Location’. In this principle, every element (separate component in a design) is placed in relationship to another so that they assist each other. In Permaculture our primary concern is with the relationship between things, and how they interact, rather than with the things themselves. So, in Permaculture design, we focus on the connection between things, and by understanding the nature of the elements, and how they benefit each other, we can determine the optimum location for them. All elements have inputs and outputs, and they can have many of these. By the correct placement of elements, we can create a relationship where the outputs of one element feed into the inputs of another element in our design. To know what an element’s inputs and outputs are, we have to understand its nature, and when we have done this, we can determine the relative location where the element is best placed in our design. Like this: Like Loading...