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Food in Jars - A Canning Blog Canning with Kids Free Vehicle Mileage Expense Log The Free Printable Vehicle Mileage Log can be used to track mileage of your business vehicles for tax or other business tracking purposes. The printable vehicle mileage log in Adobe Acrobat PDF format is designed for you to print out and keep in the vehicle so you can enter your starting and ending mileage by hand. The additional link below to our Premium Vehicle Auto Expense Form is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that includes columns for date, odometer start/end, trip miles, purpose/description and total. The spreadsheet version will auto calculate the total mileage at the bottom. Download Vehicle Mileage Expense Log Premium Vehicle Mileage Expense Log – Excel for $3.97 Vehicle Mileage Expense Log Premium Vehicle Mileage Log is a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet to organize mileage and expense for business or personal tracking. Price: $3.97 Premium travel expense report in Excel format that will automatically calculate the total of all expenses entered. Price: $5.97
Feeding the Crew Saving the Season - Journal HOW To Organize Your Files – Mission: Office - Organize With Sandy February 15, 2011 by Sandy I did a post on organizing your files in a general sense. But I wanted to go a little deeper with you. I have had some people ask me specifics on how I set up my files. Files can be our Friends But for them to be our friends, they have to be organized well enough so that you can find what you are looking for. With that being said… there is no one way that is “the way” to organize your files. There are many recommended methods, but it all comes down to what works for the person who has to use the files… right? I am going to recommend to you what I do. Some people file Do you need to make labels from a label maker? I showed you what my files looked like before and after I reorganized them last month. This is how I organized them. Drawer 1: Family / Personal Files 6) Christmas – I keep a copy of addresses I use for cards each year. Drawer#2 – My Business Information I keep files for: Drawer #3 – My Kids Files This drawer is my files for my boys and myself. File Cabinet #2
Lancaster County Cooperative Extension - Let's Preserve Newsletter Archive Title Page 2014 Lancaster/York Tree Fruit Meeting April 8, 2014 The 2014 Lancaster/York Tree Fruit Growers Twilight Meeting to be held at Brecknock Orchard in Mohnton on May 6 at 6:30 PM. Besides learning about this orchard’s operations, we will have discussions on fruit thinning, seasonal insect IPM and spring orchard diseases. This meeting is designed for commercial tree fruit growers and pesticide license update credits will be offered. How To Write a Harmonized GAP Farm Food Safety Plan April 7, 2014 This course is designed to assist produce growers who are writing a Harmonized Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) food safety plan and who are considering or required to submit a USDA third party audit. Now is the Time to Produce Potatoes For The Early Market
laundry etc Getting Organized with a Homemaking Binder - Intentional By Grace Welcome to Intentional By Grace! Sign up for my weekly newsletter here. The new year always brings an incredible urge to get organized, especially in the area of home management. I originally heard about this idea from Lindsay at Passionate Homemaking several years ago. However because I believed in the concept, and I was tired of never having what I needed on hand, I purposed to find a way to make it work for my family. Today, I’m going to show you what my homemaking binder looks like, what’s inside it, and how I use it on a daily basis. A Tour Inside My Homemaking Binder Sections in My Homemaking Binder {I will link to the source I use for each item, if available. Planning – This section houses: Prayer – This section houses: 5 P’s of Bible Study reminderscripture Memory worksheets (both active verses, as well as blank additional worksheets)prayers and Bible studies I’m working on (or want to work on) Wife – This section houses: Mom – This section houses: Schedules – This section houses:
Hitchhiking to Heaven