WTFs/m Code Smells the simple image sharer Bad code smells - A Taxonomy Citation If you wish to cite this taxonomy please use the following article Mäntylä, M. V. and Lassenius, C. "Subjective Evaluation of Software Evolvability Using Code Smells: An Empirical Study". Journal of Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 11, no. 3, 2006, pp. 395-431. Taxonomy The reason for creating the taxonomy is to provide better understanding of the smells and to recognize the relationships between smells. In what way is this taxonomy better than the one provided in the Refactoring Workbook (Wake 2003)? Hey, I could argue that all smells should be placed inside a certain group (Change Preventers or OO abusers) since they all prevent change / abuse OO principles. I want to learn more about refactoring and code smellsTry (Fowler 2000) or www.refactoring.com I need to find a really good agile process framework to help our process improvement! References M. M. W. W.C. comments / feedback: Mika Mäntylä
Code Metrics, Code Smells, and Refactoring in Practice - The Cod Introduction Our team uses eXtreme programming practices to manage development on a mission critical system for a large retail chain. We have not adopted all the practices, but use the majority of the practices. Here is a list of the practices we use: Test-Driven Development (VSTS Testing Tools) Collective Code Ownership Coding Standards (FxCop, Code Metrics) Continuous Integration (daily builds, but we are looking to implement a CI environment soon) Planning Game (iteration planning and daily standup meetings) Customer Test (Fit, VSTS Web Tests) Small Releases (fortnightly UAT releases) Every morning at the standup meeting, the team lead will report on the nightly integration build. This report includes the following metrics: Unit tests passed, failed, ignored Fit test passed, failed, ignored, exceptions Test coverage (should be more than 80%) Cyclomatic complexity (should be less than 10) Code instructions (should be less than a 100) FxCop rule validations Background Here is the method: