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Mobile Design Pattern Gallery
以前的进度条设计以拟物化为主,现在扁平化风格流行,连进度条也改变咯。这是40款最新收集的进度条设计,很多是Dribble上的作品,应潮流而生,想瞧瞧扁平化风格的进度条是怎样的,就来看看吧。如果你对拟物化的创意进度条更加有兴趣,那么来这里瞧瞧《18个读取进度条的优秀设计案例》 ================关于优设网================ “优设网“是一个分享网页设计、无线端设计以及PS教程的干货网站。
Five Sketches™
sun loading animation
Loading content. Please wait... 1) Click on the box on the right. 2) From the appeared dropdown select the desired preloader Select your preloader 24 Fr / 128x128 Sun watch 20 Fr / 128x128 Sun loader Partly cloudy Sunny 12 Fr / 128x128 Sun 9 Fr / 128x128 Chronos Type in your word, number or letterMaximum length: 30 symbols Word to animate A button corresponds to the image type you need to generate (GIF - Animated GIF, APNG - Animated PNG format). Note: .GIF format supports only absolute transparency or no transparency at all. Image type Set the background of a preloader to transparent. For GIF images all semi-transparent pixels will be in front of the selected background color. Transparent background The color of the preloader itself Foreground color The background color of a preloader. All transparent pixels will be filled with the given background. Background color Identifies the interval of time between frames switching. Animation speed Denotes width and height of a preloader in pixels. Keep original colors
Creative Nerds
So February has finally drawn to an end the shortest month of the year and it really has felt like it this month has rapidly went by, nerveless this hasn’t stop the design community pumping out some great design tutorials with some great outcomes. Photoshop Tutorials Design a Beautifully Detailed Web Button A simple, elegant, and professional button tutorial from Liam McCabe. How to Create a Realistic Crack Effect on a Face Today you will learn an easy way to add crack effects to your images. Create an Intricate Mythological Statue Photomanipulation Photoshop Tutorial In this Photoshop photomanipulation tutorial, you’ll learn how to take a stock image of a person, turn them into a statue using various texture mapping methods, and then how to superimpose this statue into an incredible scene. Create a Fallen, Rain-Soaked, Angel Composition in Photoshop Illustrator Tutorials How To Create an Intricate Vector Heart Illustration How To Create a Vector Soldier Character in Illustrator Freebies
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