A Mighty Girl: Books for Smart, Confident, and Courageous Girls
13 Must Reads For The Black Feminist In Training
online audiobooks sources list
(Please note, WYLD has selected OneClickdigital so you will experience a platform change. For more information, please visit this link.) There are several websites that offer DRM-free mp3s of works in the public domain. SYNC offers a mixture of new and classic YA audiobooks as mp3s every month.LoudLit.org pairs “great literature and accompanying audio” and notes that by “putting the text and audio together, readers can learn spelling, punctuation and paragraph structure by listening and reading masterpieces of the written word.”Free Classic AudioBooks offers books in both mp3 and m4b formats.LibriVox bills itself as “acoustical liberation of books in the public domain.” Have you found any other sources for free digital audiobooks?
The list: 100 Great Science Fiction Stories by Women | It Doesn't Have To Be Right...
Now let the arguing begin… The list below contains 100 pieces of short fiction – short stories, novelettes and novellas – by women writers, published between 1927 and 2012. Each author appears only once. The stories are by no means the best by each writer. In most cases, I’m simply not familiar enough with an oeuvre to choose the best; in other cases, I’ve picked a story I’ve read and thought good, and yes, there are a few of my favourite stories in the list too. I’ve not read them all – some came from suggestions on Twitter or on an earlier post on this blog (many thanks to all who contributed), others I took from various award lists or Year’s Best TOCs. The point of the exercise was to demonstrate that women have been writing good science fiction since the beginnings of the genre – a point signally ignored by the table of contents of the 1978 anthology 100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories, which contained only five stories by women. Like this: Like Loading...