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Important two-part piece by Melville House publisher, Dennis Johnson Part I The furor over Milo Yiannopoulos’s book deal with Simon & Schuster’s Threshold Editions inspires this publisher to ask one question of the disconcerted: Where have you been? Because this is where American publishing is now—or at least, the fifty percent of it dominated by the so-called “Big Five”—and it’s been there for a long time. Look at Threshold alone: It’s published Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Donald Trump. And then there’s the HarperCollins (Sarah Palin) conservative imprint (yes, I too think that sounds redundant) Broadside Books (Dick Morris), founded in 2010. You’ll note some of the authors of these imprints, such as George Bush and Dick Cheney, have the blood of hundreds of thousands of people on their hands. In fact what criticism there was along the way was countered the same way S&S is countering criticism now. And note: Not publishing vile dreck is not censorship.

2 ou 3 choses que je sais d’elle… la typographie » 2 ou 3 choses que je sais d’elle… la typographie Il y a près de quatre ans, sur l’invitation généreuse de Renaud Huberlant, j’entamais, avec la co-animation de ce blog, un exercice de balisage du flux informationnel de la toile et une tentative modeste de décryptage des enjeux et des élans du graphisme contemporain. Aujourd’hui, après avoir chaleureusement remercié Renaud pour son invitation et Simon Lagneaux pour son travail de développement et de suivi de cet interface, je vais poursuivre cette aventure critique et pédagogique au sein de l’espace plus collectif proposé par la revue en ligne Tombolo. Cet article est donc le dernier que je produirai, non sans quelque émotion, sur 2 ou 3 choses que je sais d’elle… la typographie. Un tombolo c’est ce genre de talus qui protège ou constitue le lien littoral entre deux étendues terrestres. Une forme d’isthme, une langue de sable dans la mer qui s’accroche à une île. Tombolo a été initié par officeabc (Catherine Guiral, Brice Domingues) et votre serviteur.

Bookride History Matters Home In the kitchen at Woolsthorpe Manor © NT/Andy Tryner We are a charity and completely independent of Government. We rely for income on membership fees, donations and legacies, and revenue raised from our commercial operations. We have over 3.7 million members and 61,000 volunteers. More than 17 million people visit our pay for entry properties, while an estimated 50 million visit our open air properties. We protect and open to the public over 350 historic houses, gardens and ancient monuments. But it doesn’t stop there. How we are run From the Board of Trustees and the Council to the Advisory Committee, as a Charity we are accountable to our governance body. More about how we are run Annual reports All the facts and figures from the last year brought together in one handy report. Read our annual reports Find out about what happens at our Annual General Meetings, how your vote can make a difference and what the outcomes of the last meeting were. More about the AGM

Communication Nation James Tauber : James Tauber's Blog Welcome to my blog. It's a haphazard collection of thoughts on various interests of mine as well as updates on projects. If you're interested in any of blogging, personal information management, Python, Django, XML, RDF, software development, Web 2.0, open source, free-market economics, Mac OS X, web architecture, REST, music theory, record producing, filmmaking, linguistics, the Greek New Testament, pure mathematics or general relativity, there's a chance you may find something of interest. Julython 2012 First Week This month I'm participating in Julython 2012, mostly just an excuse for me to dust off some old opensource projects and release some new ones I've been working on privately. Here's what I worked on this week: pyuca: an implementation of the Unicode Collation Algorithm Allows proper sorting of non-English words. ultima4: code for exploring Ultima IV data files Older code, put on github for the first time. skyrim: code for exploring Skyrim data files Just clarified license. Enjoy!

Quatre règles d'écriture à repenser Il ne s'agit pas de règles incontournables, ces conseils doivent être adaptés à chaque situation (contexte d'utilisation, public cible, etc.).[Revenir à la liste des conseils] Quatre règles d'écriture à repenser Ecrit par Eric Kavanagh, le 2 octobre 2005 Depuis 1997, on a beaucoup écrit à propos de la rédaction Web, et il suffit de consulter Google avec les mots clés writing for the Web pour s'en convaincre. Écrire plus court L'idée de base est simple, voire simpliste : parce que l'internaute lit moins rapidement à l'écran, il faut diminuer d'autant la quantité de texte à lire. 1) elle suppose qu'il y a toujours un texte de départ à couper (ce qui est faux) ; 2) elle semble universelle, ce qui implique que tous les contextes de communication, dans un même site ou d'un site à l'autre, sont semblables (encore faux) ;3) elle suppose que c'est la longueur du texte qui est le facteur le plus important à contrôler pour réduire le temps de lecture (pas toujours vrai). Favoriser la scannabilité

dovegreyreader scribbles 'We can ask and ask but we can't have again what once seemed ours for ever....they've gone and you can only wait for the pain to pass...' I have been giving some thought to my COBALT (Crisis Of Brilliance Art & Literature Trail) reading plans for this year, and much as I used to hate having to come up with Aims and Outcomes back in my working days (couldn't we just get on with it and see) I did want to try and outline for myself the Objects of the Project.. 1. 2. Of course I want to honour the centenary and the sacrifice, and discover, and be challenged and more, but above all I don't want to feel miserable all year either, so I continue to pick my way gingerly through the mass of potential reading I first read A Month in the Country back in ( checks journal) September 2006 which meant I had to go digging around in the blog basement to find out what I had thought about it over seven years ago. The story was the same. The book was still only eighty-five pages long. Rediscovery... Renewal... - a weblog by Tom Coates » Blog Archive » Swiss Cool Wordpress Theme - – A Blog For Writers Posted byadmin Presenting an all new WordPress them ad-free ladies and gentlemen! Check out ‘Swiss Cool’ a smart and sophisticated two column theme inspired by the colours of the Swiss national flag – the main sidebar is widget ready and it comes with an extended footer displaying archives, links and a search area. This theme is ideal for personal and professional blogs alike. View Live Demo | Download zip | Download rar To install the theme, download the files, extract them to your desktop then upload to your wp-content/themes folder via FTP. If you like this theme and decide to use it, please consider showing your gratitude in a more tangible way in recognition of the work gone into making it. admin About the Author:

039;s Blog Curio 8.5 just tiptoed out the door. While it has a handful of new features the main thing is a huge list of robustness tweaks and fixes. Basically every bug or stability issue reported to Zengobi has been addressed in this release. On the feature front, table fanatics will really enjoy Curio 8.5's incredibly cool support for new drop options when dragging items into Curio tables. Curio can now place the dropped items in a single column (adding rows as needed), a single row (adding columns as needed), or spread across and down (adding rows as needed). Also, if you use standard OS X text lists (via the Lists popup on the ruler) within table cells you're going to enjoy Curio 8.5's smarter support for the tab key. Lastly, something I've been meaning to add for ages, is support for moving files directly into Curio. Normally when you insert a file into Curio, a copy of the original file is made and stored within the Curio project package. The oft-forgotten Help menu is now a lot more useful.
