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The fundamentals of storytelling in UX | UserTesting Blog
When was the last time you visited a website and really felt drawn into their story and brand? I mean, you really connected with what the company was all about, and their story led you to take action. For me, it was experiencing Medium for the first time. If you haven’t heard, Medium is a platform built by Evan Williams (@Ev), co-founder of Twitter, that allows anyone to read and write content with almost zero learning curve. Medium’s storytelling drew me in and caused me to become a regular contributor and consumer of their content. Why does storytelling matter in UX? Storytelling matters for a lot of reasons. Stories provide clarity and memorability. Credit: Nielsen Norman Group Stories capture attention. In fact, let me tell you a story: I recently read the book by Tony Robbins called Money: Master the Game. In essence, stories connect your audience to your brand, allowing you to create lasting and meaningful change in their lives. The fundamentals of storytelling in UX Relevant Structured