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Comics This is a comic about the backfire effect. The first big expansion pack of Exploding Kittens is now shipping. It contains 20 game-changing cards, along with a human-sized cone of shame. I made a new thing. Next Page » All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2016 Matthew Inman. SEO advice: url canonicalization (I got my power back!) Before I start collecting feedback on the Bigdaddy data center, I want to talk a little bit about canonicalization, www vs. non-www, redirects, duplicate urls, 302 “hijacking,” etc. so that we’re all on the same page. Q: What is a canonical url? Do you have to use such a weird word, anyway? A: Sorry that it’s a strange word; that’s what we call it around Google. www.example.comexample.com/www.example.com/index.htmlexample.com/home.asp But technically all of these urls are different. Q: So how do I make sure that Google picks the url that I want? Q: Is there anything else I can do? Q: If I want to get rid of domain.com but keep www.domain.com, should I use the url removal tool to remove domain.com? Q: I noticed that you don’t do a 301 redirect on your site from the non-www to the www version, Matt. Q: So when you say www vs. non-www, you’re talking about a type of canonicalization. Q: Let’s talk about the inurl: operator. Q: Okay, how about supplemental results.
Institute Management System for simplifying school operations. If you have a single page that's accessible by multiple URLs, or different pages with similar content (for example, a page with both a mobile and a desktop version), Google sees these as duplicate versions of the same page. Google will choose one URL as the canonical version and crawl that, and all other URLs will be considered duplicate URLs and crawled less often. If you don't explicitly tell Google which URL is canonical, Google will make the choice for you, or might consider them both of equal weight, which might lead to unwanted behavior, as explained in Reasons to choose a canonical URL. How Googlebot indexes and chooses the canonical URL When Googlebot indexes a site, it tries to determine the primary content of each page. Google chooses the canonical page based on a number of factors (or signals), such as whether the page is served via HTTP or HTTPS, page quality, presence of the URL in a sitemap, and any rel=canonical labeling. Valid reasons for keeping similar or duplicate pages
Welcome to the Society for Technical Communication Canonical URL Tag - The Most Important Advancement in SEO Practices Since Sitemaps The announcement from Yahoo!, Live & Google that they will be supporting a new "canonical url tag" to help webmasters and site owners eliminate self-created duplicate content in the index is, in my opinion, the biggest change to SEO best practices since the emergence of Sitemaps. It's rare that we cover search engine announcements or "news items" here on SEOmoz, as this blog is devoted more towards tactics than breaking headlines, but this certainly demands attention and requires quick education. To help new and experienced SEOs better understand this tag, I've created the following Q+A (please feel free to print, email & share with developers, webmasters and others who need to quickly ramp up on this issue): How Does it Operate? The tag is part of the HTML header on a web page, the same section you'd find the Title attribute and Meta Description tag. This would tell Yahoo! The Canonical URL tag attribute is similar in many ways to a 301 redirect from an SEO perspective. from Yahoo! p.s.
School Management System during COVID-19 Pandemic School Management System during COVID-19 The Scenario Right Now: Amid the deadly Covid-19’s second wave hitting the world, most of the schools across the nation have shut down their schools indefinitely. Educational industry experts have clearly expressed their views saying that the entire educational system from elementary to tertiary level has collapsed across the globe due to COVID-19. “Doug Lederman” a popular educationalist has stated that “Because of COVID-19, most professors and students suddenly find themselves forced to use technology as they teach and learn”. Experts have also claimed that the upcoming times can be more challenging, with students facing multiple challenges of educational hardships including quality education, hands-on experience, laboratory work, library visit, peer tutoring, remedial teaching, research and innovation. How an Institute Management System Can Help? Engagement: No More Constraints: Better Connectivity: 24×7 Availability: Easy Access to Learning Materials:
The best new social media analytics tools of the year (so far) - TNW Social Media 2 September '11, 03:55pm Follow This is the eleventh of a weekly series, in which every week, we look at five social media tools and platforms that have created some buzz over the last week. But with two thirds of the year under our belts, it makes sense to start looking back a bit. For this edition, we’re going to take a look at the best new social media analytics and insight tools of 2011. Here are the ones that have stood out for us this year (so far): PageLever.com – Facebook fan page insights and analytics on steroids.PeopleBrowsr.com – One of the most comprehensive social media planning and monitoring tools ever released.kyoo.com – Not a classic analytics tool, but it does give you a snapshot of online buzz relating to selected keywords.SiteTrail.com – Have you ever wanted to get an idea of how a competitor’s website is performing? So, there you go! Featured image: Shutterstock/idreamphoto
Improvised Fee Management System from Edecofy Improvised Fee Management System Edecofy the leading Institute ERP System is happy to announce the launch of its Comprehensive and Smart Institute Fee Management System. The system has the power to revolutionize Fee Collection and Fee Management processes and help in improvising the financial health of educational institutions like Schools and Colleges. Fee collection and management are considered to be pivotal for the smooth running of school financials. How can our Improvised Fee Management System can help? Our Improvised Fee Management System, an integral part of the school management system can help in efficiently managing the school fee and finances. While parents can make their fee payment with the comfort of the internet, schools/colleges on the other hand can ensure transparency with safe storage of data, Fee Management System provides a win-win scenario for both institutions and parents. Here are the key benefits that your institute can avail, by adopting our Fee Management System.
Social Media Roundup – August 2011 Yes, it’s a rather late August roundup, but blame the weather – it’s hard to type with a constant depressing downpour of rain outside. But forget that and enjoy the best of social media during the month! Ban chavs! image from nitro-digital.co.uk In the furore after the riots (not in Scotland. Facebook privacy, hootsuite, location and sad faces With the news that Facebook now achieves 1 trillion pageviews a month, Hootsuite – my personal and stand-out favourite social media dashboard – have upped their Facebook game and now provide much better support for rich media (e.g. photo) posting, groups, and some other lovely things. image from AP Facebook have also been making huge changes to privacy controls on the social network, with privacy options now provided fully on a post-by-post or media specific basis. Facebook Places has also effectively gone, to be replaced by location tagging for all updates. You’re boring, give me prizes “Why aren’t people sharing my posts” we hear clients say. No jobs
Online Attendance Monitoring during Corona Pandemic Era... Online Attendance Monitoring The Challenge: With the Nation hitting nearly 4 Lakh new cases of corona a single day, students, along with their parents and schools are worried about their academics. Marking attendance in remote learning is a different ball game compared to its predecessor the traditional model of the classroom, where the teacher used to mark their student’s attendance with the help of an observe-and-log model. Attendance on the other hand is considered to be an important factor in assessing the quality of the school, and an indicator of success. Here are some of the tips from education industry experts on handling attendance in online: Online Attendance Marking: This is similar to the traditional method of marking attendance physically using registers. However, the tricky part in the system is that the student who has marked as present during the starting of the class may drop in the middle of the class, questioning the integrity of the attendance. Activity Monitoring: Save
Phone Number Co-Citation Analysis for Local Link Builders Phone Number Co-Citation Analysis for Local Link Builders In testing and researching an upcoming piece on local link opportunity analysis (which follows of course from Content-Based Link Opportunity Analysis) I was struck by a wild and sudden bolt of epiphery... If you can identify a unique footprint for local competitors, then search for this footprint, each URL that the search engine discovers is a "citation." In this simple exercise below, we'll treat the company's phone number as that "unique footprint" and see what happens :) Update: Congratulations local link builders! Because of a recent good experience with a local roofing company (I'm in Raleigh, NC) I decided to check out that market to see what's shaking in the local SERPs. Mmmm... look at those ripe, juicy phone numbers just dangling there in the breeze. 1) Gather phone numbers from your top-listed competitors When I searched for each of them, I put quotes around them. 4) Count Hostname Co-Citations The Sales Pitch