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Social Media for Administrators

Social Media for Administrators
As I have done a lot of work with school administrators on why they should be using social media and some practical ways to use it within their schools, I wanted to compile some articles together that will help schools/organizations move forward. They will be listed under two categories; the why and the how. The articles are listed below: The Why The Need for Courageous Leadership – If new ideas are going to happen and we are going to encourage risks, we need to take risks as well. Here is an example of a principal trying something new and tapping into the best resource in his school; his students. What Digital Accelerates – Many of the fundamentals that were important 50 years ago are still important today. Humanizing Our Organizations Through Social Media – In this post, I share what many organizations are doing around the world and how it is important that in education, we get through our culture of fear and do what we can to connect with those that we serve. The How

Ten Websites for Science Teachers We all know that the web is full of excellent web resources for science teachers and students. However, unless you live on the web, finding the best websites can become quite a challenge. This isn't a "Top Ten" list -- instead, it is a list of websites that I either use on a regular basis or just find interesting. From teaching resources for the nature of science and authentic field journals to wacky videos about numbers, I am sure that you will find something in the following list the works for you! Please share your favorite science web resources in the comment section! 1) Understanding Science UC Berkeley's Understanding Science website is a "must use" for all science teachers. 2) Field Research Journals The Field Book Project from the National Museum of Natural History and the Smithsonian Institution Archives intends to create a "one stop" archive for field research journals and other documentation. 3) Evolution 4) PhET Simulations 5) Earth Exploration 6) EdHead Interactives video

Le pouvoir d’agir via les réseaux sociaux Ce billet est grandement inspiré d’un article de Scott McLeod, de l’Iowa. Dans un échange avec lui, il s’est dit heureux de voir que ses écrits inspirent d’autres gens à poursuivre la conversation et être aussi agents de changement. Mise à jour : ce billet est publié presque en même temps que celui-ci de Chris Kennedy, DG de Vancouver SB, et qui traite du même article de McLeod… Kennedy offre ces bons conseils pour le personnel scolaire, en marge d’une meilleure intégration des médias sociaux dans l’école, le district : Se fixer des attentes gérables et atteignablesChoisir un nombre restreint d’outils et bien les exploiterSe réserver du tempsDéterminer ce que cela va remplacerFaire le virage vers la mobilité Sages conseils. (Crédit image : Waag Society, sous licence Creative Commons) Le consensus est en train de se confirmer : l’école aujourd’hui doit être lieu de développement de compétences outillant chaque jeune pour sa vie et sa carrière, dans un monde en grand changement. Et vous ?

50 Global Edu Leaders You Should Follow On Twitter Education is a constantly evolving organism, with individual humans and institutions making up the cells and organs that keep it running. Some are bad, some are neutral, and some ensure its very survival in ways minor and major. And social media outlets such as Twitter enable them all to keep this crucial discussion about a basic human right constantly flowing. Administrators and Researchers John Robinson: Principal John Robinson loves discussing both policies impacting public schools and education technology from an administrative perspective.Eric Sheninger: He didn’t win the NASSP Digital Principal Award this year because of his tech-fearing tendencies, that’s for sure! EdTech Kevin Corbett: This developer and educator focuses on the learning potential of games and social media, sharing expert advice and articles he believes will push the boundaries of tech in the classroom.Steven W. Higher Ed Nonprofit Organizations and Activists Policymakers and Government Organizations

Commonplace book A commonplace book from the mid-17th century Commonplace books (or commonplaces) were a way to compile knowledge, usually by writing information into books. Such books were essentially scrapbooks filled with items of every kind: medical recipes, quotes, letters, poems, tables of weights and measures, proverbs, prayers, legal formulas. Commonplaces were used by readers, writers, students, and scholars as an aid for remembering useful concepts or facts they had learned. Each commonplace book was unique to its creator's particular interests. "Commonplace" is a translation of the Latin term locus communis (from Greek tópos koinós, see literary topos) which means "a theme or argument of general application", such as a statement of proverbial wisdom. History[edit] Zibaldone[edit] During the course of the 15th century, the Italian peninsula was the site of a development of two new forms of book production: the deluxe registry book and the zibaldone (or hodgepodge book). English[edit] Notes[edit]

Welcome to The Race Card Project! - The Race Card Project Pinterest Group Boards Can Improve Collaborative Work Pinterest is an online pinboard but growing more rapidly as a social networking platform, particularly through collaborative group boards. Pinterest, formed in early 2009, is evolving much like other social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, but in a different way. What makes Pinterest so different? People we already know, by virtue of the site's Facebook or Twitter sign-in process, will become linked when you join Pinterest. The foundation of Pinterest is a dynamic linking technology often referred as the "interest graph" - a network of sharing and finding links that grow new connections through linked interests. Lili Randazzo, a photographer friend, decided to link her passions and products using Pinterest, and hopefully generate an online group with similar interests. Forming an online group may require evaluating whether the social networking site is right for your endeavor. So Lili Randazzo describes her board, Paths this way, "I am attracted to paths.

Becoming a 21st Century Administrator Effective leaders in 21st century schools consider instructional requirements, the expertise of teachers, and the ultimate needs of students. Today’s teachers face unique challenges never encountered—or even imagined—by their predecessors. Preparing students to thrive in a global, technologically advanced society where they must use digital tools that evolve at a blistering pace to succeed at careers that did not even exist a decade ago is a daunting task! Information processing skills have become a survival skill—nearly ubiquitous access to mountains of Web-based information may expose learners to more information in just one day than those of previous generations would have been able to access in a lifetime. In order to prepare students for their future, teachers must have the support and leadership of school administrators who understand 21st century skills. What outcomes do we want to accomplish in the classroom? Outcomes Tools Preparation Learn something every day. Evaluating Success

Practical Theory | A View From the Schoolhouse [This year marked the first graduating class of our second campus – SLA@Beeber. I was honored and thrilled to be asked to be the keynote speaker. It’s been such an incredible experience to watch this group of students and families and educators build this school into something wonderful, and I was so excited to share the day with them. — Chris] To the Science Leadership Academy @ Beeber inaugural class – the Class of 2017 – congratulations! I cannot begin to tell you how much it means to me to be standing in front of you today. And you did not do this alone. And still – there were more. And now – what I want to talk to you about this afternoon is what all this means for the rest of your life. What we build may not be perfect – but it can be beautiful. And that’s what you did. What you did was beautiful. And not just the outcomes – the process matters too – a lot, actually. After all – If it were easy, everyone would do it. You can do it. Think about it – what would have happened if Mr.

Genetics Genetics includes the study of heredity, or how traits are passed from parents to offspring. The topics of genetics vary and are constantly changing as we learn more about the genome and how we are influenced by our genes. Inheritance Mendel & Inheritance – powerpoint presentation covering basics of genetics Simple Genetics Practice – using mendelian genetics and punnett squares Genetic Crosses with two traits – basic crosses, uses Punnet squaresGenetic Crosses with two traits II – basic crossses, uses Punnett squaresDihybrid Crosses in Guinea Pigs (pdf) – step through on how to do a 4×4 punnett square Codominance & Incomplete Dominance – basic crosses involving codominance X-Linked Traits – practice crosses that involve sex-linkage, mainly in fruitflies The Genetics of Blood Disorders – a worksheet with genetics problems that relate to specific disorders: sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, and Von Willebrand disease. Human Genetics Presentation Chromosomes Modeling Chromosomal Inheritance

La liste des réseaux sociaux La liste des réseaux sociaux : Quel réseau social choisir ? Quel réseau social utiliser pour un usage professionnel ou personnel ? Quels sont les nouveaux réseaux sociaux tendance ? Quelle est l’offre de réseau sociaux sur ordinateur ou mobile pour me connecter avec les communautés qui m’intéressent et échanger via photo, vidéo, messages, audio… Mis à part Facebook, réseau social sur lequel ma mère est devenue experte, quels sont les réseaux sociaux émergents sur Internet ? Étant donné qu’une « couche sociale » est présente dans quasiment l’ensemble des services en ligne et applications, vous ne trouverez dans cette liste que les réseaux sociaux ayant dépassé le 1 000 000 d’utilisateurs pour une meilleure visibilité. Consultez le classement mondial réseaux sociaux et le classement France des réseaux sociaux pour connaître les réseaux qui dominent actuellement. Note de Rudy : Si vous êtes expert en marketing, vous pouvez proposer vos articles en me contactant sur la page dédiée. Flickr

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