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Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person...

Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person...
Years ago, some feminist on the internet told me I was "Privileged." "THE FUCK!?!?" I said. I came from the kind of Poor that people don't want to believe still exists in this country. Have you ever spent a frigid northern Illinois winter without heat or running water? I have. So when that feminist told me I had "white privilege," I told her that my white skin didn't do shit to prevent me from experiencing poverty. After one reads McIntosh's powerful essay, it's impossible to deny that being born with white skin in America affords people certain unearned privileges in life that people of another skin color simple are not afforded. "I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented."" If you read through the rest of the list, you can see how white people and people of color experience the world in two very different ways. I do understand McIntosh's essay may rub some people the wrong way. Related:  For Introduction to Sociologyclass

The Marijuana Industry Alienates Black People and Benefits White Folks In 1992, Tupac famously said “instead of war on poverty, they got a war on drugs so the police can bother me.” The effects of the War on Drugs are still active and visible 25 years after the rapper called attention to this already decades old problem. Black people are nearly four times more likely to get arrested for marijuana possession than white people, despite marijuana usage being the same between the two groups. Like many of the public policies in the U.S., the policies around the prohibition of marijuana was racialized and relied on racist propaganda instead of factual, scientific research. Today, those same white women are benefitting heartily from the legal cannabis market. Related: PART TWO: BLACK-OWNED URBAN FARMS IN THE DMV Of the 3,200 to 3,600 marijuana dispensaries in the U.S., fewer than three dozen are Black-owned. The Hood Incubator Members of The Hood Incubator have access to monthly programming including community skill shares and legal workshops. District Growers

Why working-class sitcoms don't work Monty Brinton / CBS Mom should have been a sure thing. The new sitcom is a creation of Chuck Lorre, who already has three hit shows on the air; it stars former movie star Anna Faris. But while the show is hardly a flop, TV By the Numbers says its initial ratings make it “likely to be cancelled.” What makes this show different from Lorre’s The Big Bang Theory or Two and a Half Men? Veteran TV writer Ken Levine says in today’s TV industry, it’s conventional wisdom that “working-class sitcoms will seem too depressing.” But in sitcoms, not only do affluent people dominate the ratings, they also dominate the award-winners. Though some dramas, like Breaking Bad, deal with household problems such as medical bills, prestige comedies shy away from these issues: Comedian Louis CK bombed on HBO with Lucky Louie, about a family living in poverty, but became an award-winner for Louie, about the pressures of being a successful comedian. Why can’t comedies deal with people who aren’t affluent?

Bias Isn't Just A Police Problem, It's A Preschool Problem : NPR Ed A new study out of Yale found that pre-K teachers, white and black alike, spend more time watching black boys, expecting trouble. LA Johnson/NPR hide caption toggle caption LA Johnson/NPR A new study out of Yale found that pre-K teachers, white and black alike, spend more time watching black boys, expecting trouble. First, a story: Late one night, a man searches for something in a parking lot. A woman passes, stops, takes in the scene. "What are you looking for? "My car keys. "You dropped them right around here?" "Oh, no. "Then why are you looking here?" The man pauses to consider the question. "Because this is where the light is." New research from the Yale Child Study Center suggests that many preschool teachers look for disruptive behavior in much the same way: in just one place, waiting for it to appear. The problem with this strategy (besides it being inefficient), is that, because of implicit bias, teachers are spending too much time watching black boys and expecting the worst. The study

CLASS & HOW IT IS REPRESENTED ON TELEVISION | Class Representation within Sitcoms Since 1950's Social class is categorized by individuals who occupy a similar position in the economic system within society. “These dimensions include power, wealth, social status, education level, prestige of one’s occupation, social standing, and many others” (Gabrenya 3). The portrayal of the working class within sitcoms has been underrepresented since the Golden Age of television. This blog is an exploration of the representation of the working-class on sitcoms since the 1950’s. 1950’s During this era, the standard of living for American citizens was increasing significantly because of the economic boom. Technological development had an impact on the consumerist mentality and female homemaker role. The luxurious middle-class high standard of living was not a reality for all Americans. Class representations that were relevant during the 1950’s revolved around the rise of white-collar jobs and relocation of families to the suburbs. The Honeymooners 1960’s 1970’s 1980’s

Why women get attacked by trolls: A new study unpacks the digital gender safe... Yesterday, Pew released its most recent research study on online harassment. Forty percent of 2,849 web users surveyed earlier this year reported experiencing online harassment, categorized as name calling, purposeful embarrassment, stalking, sexual harassment, physical threats and sustained harassment. Age and gender were the most consequential factors contributing to whether or not a person has been harassed. People between the ages of 18-29 were the most likely say they’d been harassed. The survey also revealed important differences between men’s and women’s descriptions of “harassment” and provided insight into the frustrations regularly articulated by women living with widespread hostility online. The survey found that, in general, men are more likely to experience online harassment, but they are experiencing less severe forms and significantly fewer emotional, personal or perceived reputations harms.

Ketchup sandwiches and other things stupid poor people eat I met this woman named Mae. She’s a van driver for a production company. She works 14-hour days but says she doesn’t mind, says she keeps one eye on the road and the other on the prize — a paycheck that has to last through the dead months. We’re driving through a poor stretch of Atlanta. Dirty streets. Old houses. We pass a decades-old Buick Skylark. “You into cars?” I’m not into cars, but my dad and I once abandoned one of those Buicks on the side of a Florida highway when I was a teenager. “I hear you,” she says. Mae’s voice is rich, melodic, it’s Maya Angelou meets Gladys Knight. Mae invites me to sit up front with her. “So her brothers drive corvettes?” “One each?” “Lord Almighty,” she says, “folks of privilege don’t understand how $17 can ruin you.” Mae tells me how she’d come home from school and her mother would hustle her and her sisters upstairs to pick out clothes for the next day before the utilities cut off. I was poor in Florida. “I hear you,” she says.

Concrete Examples of How Video Games Normalize Violence Against Women CLIP: Dragon Age: Origins “Grab a whore and have a good time” Welcome to the second part of our mini-series examining the Women as Background Decoration trope in video games. I need to stress that this video comes with a content warning and is not recommended for children. I define the Women as Background Decoration trope as: The subset of largely insignificant non-playable female characters whose sexuality or victimhood is exploited as a way to infuse edgy, gritty or racy flavoring into game worlds. In our last video we discussed the concept of Sexual Objectification and looked at a specific subset of non-essential female characters which I classify as Non-Playable Sex Objects. In this episode we will expand our discussion of the Women as Background Decoration trope to examine how sexualized female bodies often occupy a dual role as both sexual playthings and the perpetual victims of male violence. CLIP: Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood “Are you here for the whore?” “I gotta stop him now.”

Intergenerational Income Mobility: New Evidence from Canada by Wen-Hao Chen and Yuri Ostrovsky, Social Analysis and Modelling Division Patrizio Piraino, University of Cape Town, South Africa Release date: June 17, 2016 Correction date: (if required) Skip to text Text begins Start of text box This Economic Insights article examines the extent to which the lifetime income of children is correlated with the lifetime income of their fathers—a topic known as intergenerational income mobility. End of text box Social mobility is often seen as a broad measure of equality of opportunity. A simple yet intuitive way to measure social mobility is to look at intergenerational income elasticity (IGE). This study re-examines intergenerational earnings and income mobility in Canada using an updated version of the Intergenerational Income Database (IID). Canadians are mobile, but not to the same extent as previously suggested The degree of intergenerational persistence tends to be greater when market income and total income are measured. Conclusion References Chen, W.

The Real Story of Asians in America That Hardly Anyone Is Talking About On May 24, a heartbreaking article was published in the New York Post. According to the story, an elementary school in Flushing, New York, held a carnival during school hours May 21, complete with food, a jumping castle, inflatable slides and "a twirly teacup ride." All P.S. 120 students grades pre-K to 5 were invited to attend, as long as they paid a $10 entry fee. Unfortunately, more than 100 children could not afford the fee. So instead of letting them go to the carnival, the administrators made them sit in an auditorium and watch "an old Disney movie" while 900 of their peers laughed, shouted and listened to a DJ perform outside. The story gets sadder — one girl reportedly asked a teacher if she was "being punished" — but especially interesting for our purposes is the demographic breakdown of these kids. It's a story we're not used to hearing. 1. But they do not represent all of Asian America. 2. 3. 4. 5. And that's saying nothing of mental health: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Charities want to make an impact. But poverty porn is not the way | Jennifer Lentfer | Voluntary Sector Network Pity, guilt and shame are easy emotional levers to pull, and ones that have become tempting to indulge in as funding is squeezed. We have seen how one well-crafted message can raise awareness of a problem and increase donations in the blink of an eye – from the Kony 2012 film, which became a viral video sensation for Invisible Children, to the Ice Bucket Challenge, which raised more than £75m for motor neuron disease research. But at the other end of the scale, Comic Relief’s fundraising video featuring pop singer Ed Sheeran and the street children of Liberia won the Radi-Aid “most offensive” campaign award in 2017. Since Band Aid in 1984, non-profit organisations have faced scrutiny about approaches that raise awareness and money, but do not invite the public to question why poverty exists in the first place. Trust the public with nuance Poverty, disease, injustice, and conflict are all heartbreaking. Like Sheeran, no one wants to see children on the street in Liberia or anywhere else.

There's No Such Thing as a Slut — Atlantic Mobile A new longitudinal study examined how college students slut-shame—and found that the practice is as illogical as it is damaging. In 2004, two women who were long past college age settled into a dorm room at a large public university in the Midwest. Elizabeth Armstrong, a sociology professor at the University of Michigan, and Laura Hamilton, then a graduate assistant and now a sociology professor at the University of California at Merced, were there to examine the daily lives and attitudes of college students. Like two Jane Goodalls in the jungle of American young adulthood, they did their observing in the students’ natural habitat. The researchers interviewed the 53 women on their floor every year for five years—from the time they were freshmen through their first year out of college. Their findings about the students’ academic success later formed the basis for Paying for the Party, their recent book about how the college experience bolsters inequality.

advice I would have given myself ten years ago – Organizing Work The author, who prefers to remain anonymous, worked for several years as a field organizer for the largest public sector trade unions in the US, before becoming a teacher in a large urban district. He now organizes with his coworkers and students, most recently to secure greater education funding and driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants. I’ve been thinking about the advice I would have given myself ten years ago about getting involved in organizing. I’ve learned a lot and made a lot of mistakes. So here is what I would say based on some of my own experiences and mistakes. Organize for clear, attainable goals that have benchmarks and ways to measure success. Respect collective process. Like this: Like Loading...

Why Don’t We Talk About the Gender Safety Gap in the U.S.? This week, John Krakauer’s book, Missoula, “a depressingly typical” story about college town rapes, was released. In a recent NPR interview, Krakauer describes his dawning realization about how many women in the United States have been sexually assaulted, most often by people they know. His prior lack of awareness about women’s experiences, either of being assaulted or avoiding assault, is hardly rare. A primary reason most people can remain blissfully unaware of the reality of sexual assault is that media continues to ignore the role that gender plays in the experience of violence. In December, for example, Gallup released its most recent assessment of a gendered safety gap in its annual U.S. crime survey, a report that garnered virtually no media interest. What does this gap mean, why is it so persistent and why are we not talking about it? This safety gap is routinely ignored in attempts to find solutions to violent crime. Gallup’s “Guns in the Home: Safer or Not?”

Ontario cuts reflect idea that people deserve to be poor As a community mental health social worker in downtown Toronto, I encounter the most extreme conditions of poverty and social inequality in the city. The people I work with are often forced to find shelter in profoundly undignified environments. Some pay upwards of $1,000 a month to share a shoebox-sized room with strangers in boarding homes where sickness is rampant and pest infestations are chronic. When I search for people in dangerously cramped city respite shelters, I’m struck by their resemblance to natural disaster relief centres. There is no privacy; there are rarely any showers; and leaving your “cot” means risking the few possessions you have to theft. The new Ontario budget, released last month, is set to cut many programs and services in a way that will dramatically worsen the lives of our city’s most vulnerable communities. Policy programs like these are premised on the moralistic and meritocratic misconception that we all get what we deserve in life.
