How to Build an Arduino on a Breadboard - Open Home Automation You might know that I am currently building a complete home automation system using open-source hardware. And one of the key part of this project is to build wireless sensors based on Arduino. Maybe you also have an idea and you want to build your own autonomous sensor or system based on Arduino. And for that, it is just unrealistic to use an official Arduino board like the Arduino Uno. Why ? Simply because there are many things you don’t need when building your own system: the USB port, LEDs, the reset button, the extension headers … All these parts just take extra space and consume power for nothing when you want to build a system that does a specific task. Hardware requirements You need several components to build you own Arduino system on a breadboard. You will also need several components around the chip. Finally, you will need a breadboard and some jumper wires. Software requirements Hardware configuration This project is quite complex to build, so be with me.
Control a Lamp From Your Smartphone Using the WildFire Board - Open Home Automation When it comes to building an home automation project using Arduino & WiFi, my favourite choice is usually the CC3000 WiFi chip. Even if this chip has some bugs (that can be solved by software), it is a great solution to give your Arduino projects a WiFi connection. However, you always have the issue to connect this WiFi chip to your Arduino board. Even with a shield, it makes the whole project bigger and messier. Well, the guys at Wicked Device solved this issue for us with the WildFire board. They integrated the CC3000 chip on a board the size of an Arduino Uno, with a lot of additional goodies. As an example, we’ll make a simple WiFi lamp controller with this board. Hardware & Software Requirements Let’s first see what we need for this project. To control the lamp, I used a PowerSwitch Tail which allows to easily connect a lamp or any electrical device to your project. This is the list of the required components for this project: if (!
Home Automation with the ESP8266 - Open Home Automation This book is a very concise guide on how to use the ESP8266 WiFi chip to build home automation projects. The ESP8266 is a small, low-cost and low-power WiFi chip that received a lot of interest from the DIY & makers community when it was released. This little WiFi chip only costs $5, and comes with an onboard processor, which makes it the ideal chip to build open-source home automation projects. In this book, you will learn how to use the ESP8266 WiFi chip in several typical home automation projects. You will first learn how to create a simple temperature data logger using this chip. Then, you will use the onboard processor of the ESP8266 chip to make a completely autonomous lamp controller, that can be controlled from any device, wether it’s your computer or a mobile device. Finally, we are going to see how to integrate everything you learned in the book to build a complete home automation system based on the ESP8266 chip.
EAS 199A: Fall 2012 :: Using Arduino This page provides links to class notes and on line instructions for the Arduino microcontroller platform. All students in EAS 199A are required to purchase their own Arduino board, which is part of the Sparkfun Inventor's kit. The kit is available from the Textbook Information Desk at the PSU Bookstore. See below for advice on avoiding pin 0 and pin 1 for digital I/O. Arduino Home From the Arduino home page: Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. On the Arduino web site you will find The getting started guide has detailed pages on installing the Arduino IDE: Install the Arduino IDE on Windows 7 ( the Arduino IDE on Mac OS X ( the Arduino IDE on Linux ( Manual for the Sparkfun Inventor's Kit Adafruit Tutorials Adafruit Industries designs and sells electronics kits and components.
Arduino Tutorial - Getting ready This lesson won't teach any electronics, really. Its more for making sure that everything is setup and ready for the future lessons. It will verify the Arduino is working as intended and that the computer you are using is compatible. For this lesson you will need some stuff! Make sure you have this stuff or you will be unable to complete this lesson Take your Arduino out of its protective bag. Diecimila Arduino Or like this: NG Arduino If there's anything missing or really wrong, make sure to contact the store you bought it from. OK, now that you are satisfied that your Arduino looks good, put the rubber bumpers on the bottom of the board. Depending on which Arduino and which OS you have there are different instructions Now we are ready for the moment of truth, it's time to plug your Arduino in and power it up. The jumper-setting step is only for Diecimila and OLDER arduinos! You'll want it set as shown in the picture above. Make sure your cable is a A-B cable. If not, double check:
Arduino Tutorial - Lesson 1 - Let there be blink! Ah yes, it is finally time to make your Arduino do something! We're going to start with the classic hello world! of electronics, a blinking light. This lesson will basically get you up and running using the Arduino software and uploading a sketch to the Arduino board. These instructions mostly show Windows software. Not much is needed for this lesson, just a USB cable and an Arduino. Make sure you've gone through Lesson 0 first! The first thing to do is download the Arduino software. Go to the Arduino Software Download page and grab the right file for your OS. The packages are quite large, 30-50 MB so it may take a while to finish Extract the package onto the Desktop Windows Mac OS X Double click the Arduino software icon To open up the workspace I think I get the red error text shown because I already have Arduino installed. The first step is to configure the Arduino software for the correct chip. If the text says ATMEGA8-16P then you have an atmega8 chip. Windows port selection
Arduino Tutorial - Lesson 2 - Modifying the first sketch OK you've gotten your Arduino set up and also figured out how to use the software to send sketches to the board. Next step is to start writing your own sketches. We'll start off easy by just modifying something that already works. To start we will venture deep into the Blink sketch, looking at each line and trying to understand what its doing. Then we will start hacking the sketch! Start up the Arduino software and open the Blink example sketch, as you did in Lesson 1. The sketch itself is in the text input area of the Arduino software. Sketches themselves are written in C, which is a programming language that is very popular and powerful. int ledPin = 13; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); delay(1000); } Lets examine this sketch in detail starting with the first section: This is a comment, it is text that is not used by the Arduino, its only there to help humans like us understand whats going on.
Arduino Tutorial - Lesson 3 - Breadboards and LEDs You've started modifying sketches, and played a bit with the onboard LED (or if you have an NG, an LED you added). The next step is to start adding onto the hardware component of the Arduino. We will do this by adding a solderless breadboard to our setup, connecting up new parts with wire. Solderless breadboards are an important tool in your quest for electronics mastery. Basically, a chunk of plastic with a bunch of holes. In the images above you can see how there are two kinds of metal strips. In this lesson, we will show pictures of both the tiny breadboard on a protoshield and also using a 'standard' breadboard without a shield. Warning! Distressing as it may sound, solderless breadboards can be very flakey, especially as they age. To use the breadboard, you'll need jumper wires. Heres how to do it with just diagonal cutters...Cut the wire first, using wire cutters Nick the insulation, then pull it off. The resistor is the most basic and also most common electronic part. Look again!
Arduino Tutorial - Lesson 4 - Serial communication and playing with data Ah, Arduino, I remember when you were just crawling around and blinking LEDs. Now you're ready to learn how to speak! In this lesson we'll learn how to use the Serial Library to communicate from the Arduino board back to the computer over the USB port. Then we'll learn how to manipulate numbers and data. For this lesson we won't be using the shield, so simply remove it (keeping the mood light LEDs on it you'd like). The shield doesn't contain any programs or data, it is just our way of connecing up the LEDs and resistors. Libraries are great places, and not yet illegal in the United States! Software Libraries are very similar. The library we will be using is the Serial Library, which allows the Arduino to send data back to the computer: Serial may sound like a tasty breakfast food, but its actually quite different. Information is passed back & forth between the computer and Arduino by, essentially, setting a pin high or low. This is as good as Microsoft Visio can do, yay! it!
Arduino Tutorial - Lesson 5 We've done a lot so far, blinking lights, printing messages...all of that stuff is output: signals coming from the Arduino. The next step is to start playing with input, with the Arduino responding to outside events. In this lesson we will begin with the most basic kind of input, a push-button switch! You're probably familiar with switches, there's tons of them in your house. One kind of switch you use every day is a light switch. On the left, the switch is open and no current flows. (thanks wikipedia!) In this photo, you can see the internals of a light switch. Light switches are great but we need something smaller. These little switches are a 1/4" on each side, cost about 25 cents, and can plug directly into a breadboard. Normally, the two wires are disconnected (normally open) but when you press the little button on top, they are mechanically connected. Find 5 things around the house that have switches. Power up the Arduino and try pressing the button. Switch capability Fig 5.2 Fig 5.4
Arduino Tutorial - Learn electronics and microcontrollers using Arduino! So, I get two or three emails a day, all basically asking the same thing: "Where can I learn about electronics?" In general, most of these people have seen some of my projects and want to be able to build similar things. Unfortunately, I have never been able to point them to a good site that really takes the reader through a solid introduction to microcontrollers and basic electronics. I designed this tutorial course to accompany the Arduino starter pack sold at the Adafruit webshop. The pack contains all the components you need (minus any tools) for the lessons Follow these lessons for happiness and prosperity. Lesson 0 Pre-flight check...Is your Arduino and computer ready? Here are some recommended tools: If you need to get any soldering done, you may also want.... All of the content in the Arduino Tutorial is CC 2.5 Share-Alike Attrib. Love it? To some extent, the structure of the material borrows from: The impressively good "What's a microcontroller?"
effects-of-varying-i2c-pull-up-resistors Details Created: December 18 2010 Figure 1 I2C is a popular communication protocol in embedded systems. When interfacing with the slave device a pull-up resistor is needed on each bi-directional line. Since the Arduino is a popular micro-controller among hobbyists we'll use it for the following examples. We'll set up our oscilloscope to measure rise time, frequency and peak voltage. Let's take an initial reading using just the Arduino's internal pull-up resistors. Figure 2 As you can see in Figure 2, the signal eventually takes on a square shape which is what we like to see. Next, we'll use the same circuit, but this time let's switch from Standard mode to Fast mode (400kHz). Figure 3 the rise time is very slow with respect to the clock frequency. Figure 4