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Color Theory Quick Reference Poster - Paper Leaf Design

Color Theory Quick Reference Poster - Paper Leaf Design
It’s always good to be able to articulate design choices to your clients; why you put something where, why you chose the color scheme you did, etc. This knowledge is one of the biggest differences between a designer and a non-designer. But there is a lot to remember when it comes to the realm of graphic design – so much so that it’s pretty much impossible to remember everything from all the theories of graphic design, to web design best practices to Photoshop keyboard shortcuts. With that in mind, I decided it would be useful to have all of the basics of color theory contained in one place – specifically, a cool infographic-esque poster. *Edit: we now have an Elements of Design Quick Reference Poster as well as a Principles of Design Quick Reference poster too! The idea is that this graphic can be either printed out or used as a desktop wallpaper. The graphic contains info on: Hopefully this will be as useful to you as I’m hoping it will be to us here at Paper Leaf. Related:  Teoria

Color Matters - Design and Art - Color Theory Color theory encompasses a multitude of definitions, concepts and design applications - enough to fill several encyclopedias. However, there are three basic categories of color theory that are logical and useful : The color wheel, color harmony, and the context of how colors are used. Color theories create a logical structure for color. For example, if we have an assortment of fruits and vegetables, we can organize them by color and place them on a circle that shows the colors in relation to each other. The Color Wheel A color circle, based on red, yellow and blue, is traditional in the field of art. There are also definitions (or categories) of colors based on the color wheel. Primary Colors: Red, yellow and blueIn traditional color theory (used in paint and pigments), primary colors are the 3 pigment colors that cannot be mixed or formed by any combination of other colors. Secondary Colors: Green, orange and purpleThese are the colors formed by mixing the primary colors. Color Harmony 1.

Teoria del colore nell'arte e nel design, schemi di colore, tonalità, luminosità, saturazione, colore nel design, tonalità, luminosità, saturazione, color wheel, contrasto Esempi Complementari Schema di colori complementari (due colori, uno di fronte all'altro sulla ruota dei colori) i due colori complementari con aggiunta di bianco i due colori complementari con aggiunta del nero Sette colori caldi aggressivi In una combinazione di colori puri, tinte, toni e sfumature. Sette colori freddi recessivi In una combinazione di colori puri, tinte, toni e sfumature. Schema di colori Triad Composto da tre colori distanziati a una distanza uguale a parte sulla ruota dei colori, ad esempio, i tre colori primari - rosso, blu e giallo. Schema di colori DIAD Due colori che nella ruota sono divisi da un altro, ad esempio, rosso e arancione. colore piu’ bianco piu’ 30% di colore grigio colore piu’ nero Split complementari Split complementari (un colore e i due che si trovano a lato del suo complementare ad esempio, rosso, giallo-verde e blu-verde) set di colore puro. Neutralizzare Visualizza il Cultor "Color Picker" Utilizzo practico: 1.

Make Better Websites - Inspiration & Showcase for Quality Design and CSS Websites In recent years, screen resolutions are getting both bigger (large monitors) and smaller (in the mobile sense), as such, a static or fixed web layout may no longer be deemed completely viable. Maybe its time to change. Liquid, fluid and elastic layouts, have as many supporters as fixed layouts, despite what ever your feelings are on these styles of layouts, having some knowledge on adapting a site to liquid or elastic would most definitely be a plus in your arsenal. In this article you will find a collection of starter and basic fluid/liquid and elastic layouts, CSS frameworks and some useful tools to help you with your next project. Tiny Fluid Grid Inspired by the 1kb Grid, the Tiny Fluid Grid is a super simple fluid layout generator. Gridinator – Fixed, Elastic and Fluid Layouts The concept for GRIDINATOR is to allow for easy creation of custom, grid-based layouts. CSS Layout Generator – Fixed and Fluid Layouts Variable Grid System Layout Generators – Fixed and Liquid

Color » Design Festival If you are designing, or re-designing your web site, it is time well spent running your website through the color accessibility tools below to ensure that your site can be seen correctly by as many people as possible. Most of these tools use WC3 guidelines to perform their various operations. If you can actually read and understand them, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 requires, amongst other things, that there is sufficient contrast between text and background color. For a person with a color disability, the colors used on a web site can mean the difference between being able to read text and images or not. 1 in 12 people have some sort of color deficiency. Vischeck allows you to see your website or an image, as a person with color disabilities would see it. The Gray Bit web site comes with the tagline, “Experience Color, Wearing Shades of Gray”. Colour Scheme Designer. The Check My Colors web site provides a simple form on which to submit your URL.

La ruota dei colori è sbagliata ? Come funziona veramente la visione dei colori di Jason Cohen Perché gli artisti sono speciali? Chiedete a qualsiasi artista di spiegare come funziona il colore e tutti si lanceranno in un trattato su come i tre colori primari: rosso, blu, giallo formino la "ruota" dei colori. Perché "ruota?" Continuando questo processo si produce la fatidica ruota dei colori che probabilmente avrete imparato a scuola, un grazioso dispositivo, simmetrico in cui ogni colore si fonde senza soluzione di continuità e linearmente nel successivo: Purtroppo, niente di tutto questo soddisfa un'indagine anche superficiale Ad esempio, quando osservate gli inchiostri della vostra stampante vedrete qualcosa di molto diverso: Sono tre i colori d'inchiostro che, se combinati, producono tutti gli altri: ciano, magenta e giallo. Se si è lavorato in computer grafica è stato necessario riconoscere i nomi dei colori utilizzando i "valori di colore RGB"; un vero smanettone, quindi, pensa automaticamente al "giallo" quando vede #FFFF00 . Ora dove siamo arrivati?

We All Love Typography I have always been interested in Typography. When I see a good example of Typography, I just wonder why my designs don’t showcase that amazing element. Whether it’s spacing, font choice, position, kerning, I just can’t seem to get that look. Shiny Binary Deviant Artists – Pm Cruz Zudlich Mr Graphics Guy 2 Fish Lee25 Duk Nguyen Marina Chaccur Libro Piezas Mapa Daily Type A Guide to Web Typography Flickr Type Group 25 jQuery Plugins for Working with Forms – Get the FlatPix UI Kit for only $7 - Learn More or Buy Now Almost every website uses a form of some kind. Contact forms and other types of forms can be enhanced with the use of a number of jQuery plugins that are readily available. In this post we’ll feature 25 useful plugins that you may be able to use in your own work with forms. jqTranform jqTransform will make it easy to give your forms a more attractive look as compared to the default form. jQuery Form Plugin With this plugin you can easily upgrade HTML forms to make use of AJAX. In-Field Labels Display labels inside form fiels with this plugin. jQuery Form Validation This plugin will validate the information entered into form fields before it is submitted. AJAX Form Validation Another option for adding form validation. jQuery Auto Complete This plugins adds an auto complete functionality to form fields, especially useful for searches. jQuery Autocomplete Another option for adding auto complete to form fields. Uploadify Contactable jQuery Checkbox

25 Awesome Tools for Choosing a Website Color Scheme As a designer, color management should be an integral part of your workflow. A website’s color scheme helps shape its identity and therefore should not be carelessly thrown together. Here are 25 online, desktop and iPhone applications to help you live and breathe color management no matter where you are. Online Tools There are simply a ton of free color tools available on the web. Kuler Kuler is one of the best free online color scheme creation tools out there and my personal favorite. Color Scheme Designer Color Scheme Designer has a beautiful interface that helps you create beautiful color schemes in seconds. colorblind simulation is built in so you can ensure usability will be optimized for all users. Colour Lovers An online community where color aficionados can create, share and browse color schemes. Pictaculous The guys at MailChimp created this excellent free service. Color Spire A simpler, no frills interface that helps you build a five swatch color scheme. Daily Color Scheme Color Rotate

I colori? Scappano sempre… Scritti sul colore in Italia fra gli anni settanta e novanta - AIS/Design Prendendo in esame una serie di testi elaborati tra gli anni settanta e novanta in Italia, l’articolo intende restituire il ruolo che la scrittura ha assunto per promuovere, nel mondo della produzione, una nuova cultura del colore e strumenti capaci d’intervenire sui parametri immateriali che definiscono la qualità dell’ambiente pubblico e privato. Le connessioni fra i testi, diffusi in riviste specialistiche e divulgative, manualistica e pubblicazioni aziendali, ma anche in periodici d’interesse popolare, dimostrano come la scrittura incentrata sul tema del colore ha contribuito a superare i limiti di una cultura del progetto ancorata a principi puramente compositivi, configurandosi, nel design, come fattore di mediazione tra pratica professionale ed elaborazione teorica. Il colore è oggetto da secoli di numerose riflessioni che si sono rinnovate in concomitanza con le trasformazioni sociali, culturali, economiche e tecnologiche susseguitesi nel tempo. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Klee, P. (1945).

“Obsessions make my life worse and my work better” « NAGGEN.DE Ein Kunstwerk aus Geldmünzen, zusammengesetzt von Sagmeister Inc. im September 2008 im Rahmen des Droog Event 2: Urban Play. Die öffentliche Installation bestand aus 250.000 Eurocent-Münzen, die auf einer Fläche von 300 Quadratmetern in Amsterdam verteilt wurden. Mehr Fotos hier [via designyoutrust] Gefällt mir: Gefällt mir Lade... Plus de 50 textures pour webdesigners Des textures pour webdesigners. Voici un échantillon. Elles sont gratuites pour la plupart. Ce qui veut dire aussi que certaines ne le sont pas :-). Il Museo Immaginario: JOAHNNES ITTEN. L’INVENTORE DEI COLORI. Avete presente i colori? Johannes Itten, li ha riscoperti, spiegati, condivisi con l’amico Klee, aiutandolo nella sua strada onirica, e poi li ha cristallizzati nel tempo divenendo guida spirituale (e ispiratrice) per i designer e gli architetti di oggi costruendo modelli visivi apparentemente perfetti. Non a caso la sua icona è una ospite fissa nella home page de IL MUSEO IMMAGINARIO. Se notate l’immagine, al centro del cerchio c’è un triangolo che contiene i tre colori fondamentali o primari, che sono il rosso, il giallo e il blu. Dalla mescolanza di questi colori si ottengono i colori secondari intorno al triangolo a formare un esagono, e sono il verde, l’arancio e il viola. Chiude il cerchio con 12 colori che sono i primari i secondari e i terziari, cioè gli altri ottenuti da ulteriore mescolanza. Pittore, designer, scrittore è stato una delle colonne portanti della Scuola del Bauhaus, e il maggiore teorico del colore del '900. The Encounter, author: Johannes Itten,

20 Color Combination Tools for Designers | Spyre Studios Being able to select the right colors is key in designing an effective and intriguing design, whether for the web or for print. If you’re able to achieve a good balance within your design, then it’ll communicate a stronger message much more easily to the users or readers because certain colors “activate” certain types of emotions. If you’d like to read more about choosing the right color scheme and the psychology of colors, I invite you to read the following articles: Color Combination Tools Below we’ve compiled a list containing 20 Color Combination Tools for Designers. Have we missed any? Kuler The web-hosted application for generating color themes that can inspire any project. Color Scheme Designer Color Scheme Designer has been around for some time and was recently re-written and designed. Contrast-A: Find Accessible Color Combinations This application allows you to experiment with various color combinations, review your colors accessibility, and create color palettes. Check My Color Kolur
