15 Online Background Generators April 22nd, 2009 by Webmasterish in Articles I think we all agree that backgrounds, whether viewed on a website, a mobile phone, or a desktop, act as a key visual element that could render the viewing experience from pleasant to utterly disturbing. Of course what we are interested in is to have a great looking background, and there are many simple ways to achieve that. This roundup is just about that. Related Roundups Know Some More? You know the drill; share them with everyone by adding them in the comments. Share the Love! If you enjoyed reading, consider sharing it on one of these social sites. You may also like: Repper by StudioLudens Repper is a new tool that generates cool patterns from [...]
Creative CSS3 Animation Menus Being in the mood for experimenting with CSS3, I'd like to show you some creative menu hover effects in today's tutorial. The idea is to have a simple composition of elements, an icon, a main title and a secondary title, that will be animated on hover using only CSS transitions and animations. We'll be exploring some different effects for the elements. View demo Download source Being in the mood for experimenting with CSS3, I’d like to show you some creative menu hover effects in today’s tutorial. The icons used in the demos are actually a Web Symbols typeface that we’ll include with @font-face. The Markup The HTML structure for the menu will be an unordered list where each item is a link element that consists of an icon span and a content div that will contain the main title and the secondary title: As we are using a symbol font for the icons, we write letters for the icons. The CSS The common style for all the examples will be the inclusion of the symbol typeface: Example 1 Example 2
Front end styleguides and pattern libraries Save the Web Don’t bookmark the web. Save it. Gimme Bar doesn’t just keep bookmarks; it stores items in your personal library in the cloud. Design Seeds®: For All Who Love Color #ededed #e8dcca #b08a61 #66503c #6b636a #aba2a4 Find The Palettes You Love seasoned tones posted 04.27.14 comments 1 geode tones posted 04.25.14 comments 0 sponsored links culinary color posted 04.25.14 comments 1 geode brights posted 04.22.14 comments 0 dried tones posted 04.14.14 comments 3 bundled hues posted 04.09.14 comments 1 nature hues posted 03.07.14 comments 0 color comfort posted 12.01.13 comments 2 bountiful tones posted 11.28.13 comments 1 thanksgiving hues posted 11.28.13 comments 2 pear tones posted 11.25.13 comments 5 breakfast hues posted 11.24.13 comments 3 next page >>> ShareThis Copy and Paste
Tuesday Total Textures 45 by paul0v2 Tue, 11/16/2010 - 13:06 Tuesday Total Textures is post series that will bring a new life to your Tuesdays. Every week I'll be posting some free hi resolution free textures that you can download to use in your projects. Check out this week's free textures, download the ones you like and start making your texture collection. Ripped Glass Golden Grass Colours Leather Japonese Print Abstract Paint Concrete Grid Wall Texture Paper Texture Cracked Wall Color Palette Generator - Colllor
15 Best Websites with Non-Standard Navigation In this article Marcin Treder of UXPin – The UX Design App shows some of the best examples of the important trend of the year 2013. If you want to learn more about 2013-2014 trends – download free UXPin’s ebook “Web Design Book of Trends: 2013-2014”. Navigation is among the most important pieces of every single website. No content would be reachable without properly designed navigation that answers the questions “where am I?” Something changed in 2013 though. Designers and Web Developers that are using UXPin – The UX Design App reported many time this year, that using non-standard navigation is a major and still growing design trend that is loved by their customers. Take a look at the 15 best examples of non-standard navigation elements and brace yourself for a ride. Vespillo le film Cascade Brewery Co – Brew by Feel Adidas Group Retail Careers CO3, la science dans ton chez toi ! Diesel Home Collection Nerval / Pierre Georges, interaction designer. Experience Designers Hot Dot
Personality Test An Extroverted Personality should be very outgoing, an alpha-type personality, and seek out the spotlight wherever possible. However, introvert people are often viewed as being faulty and needing “fixing”. What Cain suggests in her novel, “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking”, is that introverts truly boast a power that extroverts lack to varying degrees. She also proposes the idea that there are three general personality types: introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts, who run a fine line between extroversion and introversion. In general, it’s believed that introverts have the following personality type: High degree of self-awareness: Introverts have an innate ability to “tune in” to how they are feeling or thinking about any given situation, thereby leading to the common conclusion that they possess a high degree of self-awareness.
60 Impressive Free High Resolution Textures and Backgrounds I’m passionate about textures. I’ve already published some compilations, such as 30 free paper backgrounds and textures at my Creative Closeup blog and 10 grunge, rusty and dirty tileable textures at this site. Now it is time for a new roundup of incredibly cool high resolution textures. These textures belong to different authors. All of them can be used in commercial projects, but it is safer to check the term of use of each texture before doing so. There’s an interesting book called Crumble, Crackle, Burn: 120 Stunning Textures for Design and Illustration that comes with 120 high resolution textures on a bundled DVD. There’s an amazing Photoshop plugin, FilterForge plugin, that lets you create your own textures plugins without coding a single line. And if you want to know how to create some textures yourself, you should check the Textures and Backgrounds Tutorials section of this site. The following images are a small and partial preview of the complete texture.
30 Great Interactive Sites I apologize for not posting on the Wall for the longest time, but yes, I’m still alive (just been busy with Themify). Today I have an awesome post to share — 30 great interactive sites. HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript have opened up many design possibilities. Web design nowadays is very interactive, it is no longer limited by static layouts. The 30 sites listed below demonstrate great examples of interactive web design. It ranges from simple transition effect to cool parallax scrolling to rich media presentation such as music audio and videos. Bienville Capital Management The Bienville Capital Management site offers seamless transition between pages. Tool of North America At the first glance, the Tool of North America site looks like a Flash site, but it is actually all done with Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3. Whiteboard The background’s blurry effect is particularly stunning on the Whiteboard site. Cyclemon Simply beautiful illustrations presented with parallax scrolling! Mahedine Yahia Satorisan
Start Building Consistent Web Interfaces | Patternry 85 Free High Quality Silhouette Sets Initially silhouette was applied on portraits or pictorial which were be used for thin black card. But nowadays, we can easily find silhouette images in many media forms like artworks, illustration, photography, movies, graphic design or even fashion and fitness. Modern designers use silhouette to create dramatic effect in many art works because silhouette emphasizes the outline and view of an object. The mystery of silhouette objects create a space for viewers’ imagination. This week, we’ve managed to compiled 85 free high quality silhouette sets to speed up your designing job. People Businessmen Silhouettes Pack 01 (12 shapes) Businessmen Silhouettes Pack 02 (12 shapes) Business People Pack 03 (41 shapes) Business People Pack 04 (40 shapes) His Res Male Silhouettes (22 shapes) Businesswomen Pack 02 (24 shapes) Businesswomen Pack 01 (23 shapes) Sexy Girls (212 shapes) Female Silhouettes (15 shapes) Hi Res Female Silhouettes (24 shapes) Stock Girls (8 shapes) Dancing Girls (40 shapes) Animal Plants