Publishing 2.0

How will native advertising scale? That’s the question on the mind of every brand advertiser, ad agency, and publisher. Native advertising has emerged as a great hope for the future of advertising, to capture the billions of brand ad dollars expected to shift from TV, where mass audiences are finally collapsing, and from online display advertising, where already rock bottom prices, consumer attention, and effectiveness continue to plummet. The hope for native advertising is based on its potential to create immense value for everyone involved: Value for Consumers At its best, native advertising gives consumers content that is genuinely interesting, engaging, and useful. Native advertising is a stark contrast to the interruptive advertising model and to display ads that are so uninteresting, useless, and value destroying that “banner blindness” is now universal. Native advertising truly is NATIVE when consumers can value the content the same way they value editorial content. Value for Brands
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The Media Battle: Why is it Google vs. The Rest Of The World?. Strange Attractor: Picking out patterns in the chaos
Posted by Suw Charman-Anderson Bear Storm Media and London South Bank University (Bear Storm Media is a spin-off company from the London South Bank University.) Intro So a friend of mine told me about this mini-conference, and when I looked at the wiki I saw a bunch of names I didn’t recognise, which seemed like a good reason to go along and see what was going on. Greg Tallent The way we access content is different. Vin Crosbie, NY journo, said he pays more for his digital media than print, because the online versions are worth more and are more useful - archives, email-able etc. News and most other media content will be delivered either exclusively on the internet or as well as on the internet. Moving from an information world to an attention world: too much info; too little time; not enough attention. NBC Universal CEO Bob Wright, says that network news will always have a place because people can’t be bothered to wade through online content. At the moment - too much digital content - tags 1.
Les 7 et 8 avril se tenait à Bordeaux, à la librairie Mollat, le 1er EPUB Summit organisé par EDRLab. Je reproduis ici les quelques mots que j’ai prononcés pour introduire les débats, et j’en poste une version en anglais ici. —- > Pour se faire une idée des débats, un storify est disponible ici. Je vous souhaite à tous la bienvenue à l’EPUB Summit, au nom du comité directeur d’EDRLab et de son président, Pierre Danet, qui, lui, conclura ces deux journées. Travailler sur le standard EPUB, ce n’est pas seulement chercher à résoudre le problème de la transposition sous forme numérique des livres imprimés. Cela serait déjà un beau programme, étant donné la complexité, la variété et la sophistication des objets concernés. Markus Gylling avait résumé, dans une présentation, l’EPUB 3 en 5 lignes, qui ouvrent déjà plus largement notre horizon : EPUB 3 c’est : Qu’avons-nous fait, en réalité ? Bien sûr. Cela fera bientôt 5 ans que la spécification EPUB 3 a été publiée par l’IDPF.
Constellation Research Group
Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Corante: technology, business, media, law, and culture news from the blogosphere
Future Journalism Project
Meaningful Data
Web 2.0 Ireland