Dungeons and Dragons Tools and DM Resources Adventure Hook Generator AD&D DM Program by Torquil Gault Background Generator Campaign Suite from Mortality Chainmail Battle Sheets Chainmail Terrain Chainmail Comprehensive Rulebook (319 Kb ZIP) Chainmail Warband Generator 3a (481 Kb ZIP) Chainmail Warband Generator update 1.4 Chainmail Stat Cards City Generator by Robert Bottorff (ZIP 100 Kb) Combat Tracker ZIP by Eduardo Moranchei (no AV done) Cool Tools by Keith Uher (ZIP 688Kb) Cool Tools 2 Program to help DMs by Keith Usher Critical Hits Table by Orestto Robles (ZIP 103 Kb) Critical Hits Table by ?? (ZIP 39 Kb) Combat Generator (ZIP 160k) needs Java 1.3 Runtime Mak)e sure Java 1.3 is installed. Unzip the file to its own directory. DOS/Windows only: from a DOS prompt, type "setup" (without the quotes). DOS/Windows only: from a DOS prompt, type "run" (without the quotes). Combat made easy (ZIP 82 Kb) by Paul Barker D&D Helper using D&D Adventure critical and fumble tables.
The Free RPG Blog: Become an Expert in Free RPGs - 2009 in Free RPGs Friends! Roleplayers! Philanthropists! Lend me your eyes. Not surprisingly, there is rather a lot. Fantasy Adventurer A one page fantasy RPG, whose review takes longer to read than the game. Brutal Brutal has a single aim: to make a combat system that is as rich and gloopy as the congealing blood of your slain enemies. Dark Dungeon Dark Dungeon is a free fantasy RPG sitting neatly in the old school while offering a different perspective. Dungeonslayers A fast, trim, dungeon-crawling, monster-hacking, treasure-thieving game. Fear Flexible Easy And Realistic (Fear) has everything except a kitchin sink monster. Legendary Tales Legendary Tales is a cohesive, comprehensive and brimming with ideas in the form of detail. Tales From The Wood Tales From the Wood is a roleplaying game where you play animals from the British woodland: Mice, Rabbits, Vole, Squirrels and Hedgehogs. Verge Verge is a fantasypunk roleplaying game set in 'The City', enclosed, crawling, sprawling, overcrowded, dark and beautiful. Fate
crooked staff productions roleplaying aids Please note that this site and its contents are Copyright © Kristian Richards 2002 - 2011 <p>Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: <a href=" />Powered by FeedBurner</p> Hello and welcome to the CSP home page! It is the aim of this web-site to provide a wide variety of roleplaying aids for both the GM/DM and player alike. Within these pages you will find a number of files and images (spread over a few differing sections) all of which are completely free* to download. In some instances (such as with the adventures section) the downloads are compatible with the Dungeons & Dragons (3rd edition) role-playing game - though in most cases they should prove to be equally suitable for most types of role-playing / board games with little or no modification. For all the latest CSP news, updates, and even more free downloads be sure to check out... *However, a number of products are now for sale via RPGNow, DriveThruRPG, and lulu.
How to Flesh out a Country or Region in Your Fantasy RPG World - Edit Article Edited by Zach Haffey, Maluniu, Glutted, Nicole Willson and 5 others Hello game master/fantasy author. This is a guide to organizing and sorting out the finer details and aspects of a specific country or region of your world: a format for the living details that help you and your players delve in to the role-playing aspect of your game. Ad Steps 1Short Introductory Summary - Give a one or two paragraph overview of the region or country, highlighting something unique or unusual about it and where it is geographically in your world.Ad 2Life, Society and Culture - This section should detail the culture(s) of the people who populate the region. Tips And for other topics, your providing these details will inspire ideas for larger, overarching plot-lines and the workings of still other regions of your land. Warnings
Paizo Publishing Fifty More Adventure Ideas (for Dungeons and Dragons®) - Writer's Corner: Recreation Non-Fiction Dec 13, 2006 (Updated Dec 20, 2006) Popular Products in Books From $2 From $5 The Bottom Line The ideas for this game are infinite. A veteran Dungeons and Dragons® player for many years, and not afraid to admit this, I have conceived Fifty More Adventure Ideas (for Dungeons and Dragons®), my expansion to the One Hundred Adventure Ideas on page 44 of The Dungeon Master’s® Guide, Core Rulebook II, v.3.5. 1.
Crónicas de Cima del Salto - La Ciudad de Cima del Salto - Cima del Salto Cima del salto se asienta en las colinas de la Luna, junto a lacatarata del río Nentir. Aquí se encuentran todos los viajeros ycomerciantes que emplean el viejo camino Real que discurre de norte asur, la ruta Comercial enana que viene del este y el propio río. Losriscos circundantes albergan varios pequeños valles, donde vivengranjeros y leñadores; pocos de ellos están a más de 6 o 7 kilómetrosde la villa. En general, la gente que vive fuera de los muros de Cima del salto segana la vida con la agricultura o cuidando ganado, mientras que los quehabitan en la urbe son artesanos, peones o mercaderes. La gente sinotras expectativas puede ir viviendo contratándose como porteadores,para llevar los cargamentos desde los muelles Inferiores hasta losSuperiores (o viceversa). Cima del salto importa bienes manufacturados de las ciudades demayor tamaño que hay corriente abajo, así como trabajos en hierro de lavilla enana de Baluarte del martillo, y a su vez exporta madera, cuero,frutas y grano. Par
5 NPCs That Won’t Put Your Players to Sleep Are your NPCs drab and boring? Do they all speak with the same voice (yours) and use the same mannerisms (yours)? Do they exist only as plot hooks, sage advisors, and merchants? Then you, my friend, might want to consider spicing up your party’s social life with some three-dimensional NPCs that won’t soon be forgotten. The Target Wherever this NPC goes, trouble follows. The Object of Desire This NPC could be a sultry maiden or a handsome hero who seems to be fond of one or more party members. The Look-Alike This is a cruel trick, but a fun one. The Crime Lord In the tradition of crime bosses everywhere, this NPC will be happy to help the party out – for a price. The Comic Relief Sometimes a dose of silliness is all you need to get your players active. One-sentence NPC generator To whip up some quick NPC ideas of your own, check out the one-sentence RPG generator at roleplaying Tips. How do you feel about colorful NPCs? Powered By DT Author Box Written by Janna Rating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)
What are some alternatives to using miniatures for games that require them? - Role-playing Games - Stack Exchange Fiery Dragon and several other companies make flat tokens that can be used, and have illustrations on them. Fiery Dragon also sells them electronically, and you can then print them on uncut label sheet, and stick them to better materials (like wooden disks or poker chips) for more durable tokens. Several RPGs of old made extensive use of them; The Fantasy Trip, GURPS 1E (via the Man to Man boardgame using GURPS 1E rules), DragonQuest... D&D 3 & 4 both suggest such tokens and illustrate using them instead of minis. Stealing counters from old board games is an 'ancient and honorable practice'... it's actually implied strongly in the whitebox D&D rules to do so with Avalon Hill's Outdoor Survival... which has a number of animals and people. Any material bit that's small enough to fit your battle grid can be used in a pinch. Paper miniatures, either print your own from the image files or PDFs, or preprinted ala SJG and PI Games' offerings, are a very viable compromise.
Seventh Sanctum D&D 4E Nentir Vale Maps Hello there. I was upset that there were no expanded maps post the new adventures produced by wizards of the coast. What could I show my players of where they were going? I proceeded to add onto the map canvas and use the photoshop clone tool to add the new features as described in published adventures in D&D 4e.
PCGen :: Get Pcgen PCGen is open-source software available for free under the LGPL License. There are a couple of ways you can get it: Option 1. Download Latest Stable Release of PCGen Click on the link suited to your computer below. This is the most recent stable or production PCGen Release. [View Older Production Releases] Download Stable Data Sets These are stable data sets that are developed in between stable releases of PCGen but can be installed and used with a stable version of PCGen. [View Stable Data Sets] Option 2. These are development milestone releases designed to display the work in progress on PCGen and for use in testing new features. 6.03.04 Beta Released: 1970-01-01 6.03.03 Alpha 6.03.02 Alpha 6.03.01 Alpha 6.03.00 Alpha [View Older Alpha and Beta Releases] Option 3. Autobuilds are compilations of the PCGen program and data taken direct from our source at regular intervals. See the Autobuilds page for these downloads. Option 4.
Using, Applying and Reasoning about Mathematics :: Games There are 87 results Broad Topics > Using, Applying and Reasoning about Mathematics > Games Pentanim Stage: 3 and 4 Challenge Level: A game for 2 players with similaritlies to NIM. Winning Lines Stage: 2, 3 and 4 Challenge Level: An article for teachers and pupils that encourages you to look at the mathematical properties of similar games. Nim-like Games A collection of games on the NIM theme Nim Stage: 4 Challenge Level: Start with any number of counters in any number of piles. 2 players take it in turns to remove any number of counters from a single pile. Games Related to Nim Stage: 1, 2, 3 and 4 This article for teachers describes several games, found on the site, all of which have a related structure that can be used to develop the skills of strategic planning. The Triangle Game Can you discover whether this is a fair game? Sliding Puzzle Stage: 1, 2, 3 and 4 Challenge Level: Nim-interactive Ratio Pairs 3 Match pairs of cards so that they have equivalent ratios. Stage: 3, 4 and 5 Challenge Level: Got It
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