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PRINT Magazine plenty of colour Visual Arts Magazine, graphic design, illustration, photography, interviews, inspiration, tutorials 50 Design Blogs You Have To Read In 2015 - Shillington Design Blog Hello readers! Guess what? We’ve updated this list for the new year. Check out 50 Design Blogs You Have to Read in 2016. As designers we find inspiration everywhere. When we’re out and about, in books and magazines, galleries and exhibitions—and, of course, on the internet. Which ones will spark your design vision? Friends of Type Created by four designers and lovers of lettering, you’ll find fresh and original typographic design and lettering posts updated daily. A visual catalog of ideas, it’s an uncategorised library of inspiration that you can leaf through whenever the mood takes you. httpster A showcase of the hottest in web design, httpster is a perfect place to boost your creativity to see how graphic design skills turn sites from good to great. SiteInspire Choosy in its selections, SiteInspire is a collection of the best web design out there, specialising in clean and simple sites. Typewolf You know the font you want but you can’t find it? Grafik Eye On Design Mr Cup Line25 99u

Touchey design blog - design ideas and inspiration 50 Design Blogs You Have to Read in 2016 - Shillington Design Blog Our most popular post of last year was 50 Design Blogs You Have to Read in 2015, a comprehensive countdown of where to find the diamonds in the endless mine that is the internet. Well a lot can happen in a year on the blogsophere, so today we take a fresh look at the hottest and brightest blogs for 2016. As well as serving up visual feasts of good design, these feeds offer sound business advice, technology hacks and the latest industry resources from all corners of the world. Which one is your favourite? The Dsgn Blog Founded and curated by Croatian designer Ena Baćanović, The Dsgn Blog has a focus on the work of young designers and students from all over the world. Design is Fine. A fun tumblr feed with a focus on nostalgia and old-school design, penned by a teacher of design history from Germany. Design Cloud Clean, clear, purely visual tumblr sharing work and ideas under categories including typography, illustration, visual art and graphic design. Hooked Sex, Drugs and Helvetica SideBar

Speckyboy Design Magazine Aqua-Velvet / Art. Design. Illustration. Typography. Design Inspiration and Resources - Line25 Web Design Blog
