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Hello World: Build a mobile app in five minutes Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 or later makes it easy for you to build mobile apps for a variety of devices using the same workflow you use to build web or desktop applications today. You can now build apps to run on the Apple iOS, Google Android, and BlackBerry Tablet OS platforms. This tutorial walks you through the basic steps required in Flash Builder 4.6 to create and run a simple mobile Flex project both on the desktop and on a device. Although the screen shots in this particular tutorial show an Android device, the steps apply equally to an iOS or BlackBerry Tablet OS device. First things first: Make sure you have a copy of Flash Builder 4.5.1 or later (an updater is available for existing Flash Builder 4.5 customers). Creating a Flex mobile project in Flash Builder 4.6 is easy: Figure 1. On the Mobile Settings screen of the wizard, ensure that Google Android is checked as the target platform. Figure 2. This step is optional. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8.

Camera | a free jQuery slideshow by Pixedelic A simple slide This is the "simple anathomy" of a slide: Captions You can add a caption to the slide, just put a div with class "camera_caption" into the div above: <div data-src="images/image_1.jpg"><div class="camera_caption">The text of your caption</div></div> By adding one more class to the "camera_caption" div you can decide the effect of the caption. HTML elements You can also put some HTML elements into your slides. <div data-src="images/image_1.jpg"><div class="fadeIn camera_effected">The text of your html element</div></div> An HTML element can have a class "fadeIn": in this case it will be displayed with a fading effect. Videos To include a video into your slideshow you must put an iframe into one of your slides: As you can see I set the width and the height of the iframe to 100%, so it changes its size according with the size of the slideshows (I mean the iframe, the video in the iframe will mantain its ratio). The "data-" attributes or a particular alignment for one slide only:

Pd Documentation 3 back to table of contents The following are basic instructions on how to get Pd installed and running on your machine. More details are maintined online on the site. Pd runs under Microsoft Windows, Linux, and MacOS (10.2 or later). How to get Pd up and running depends on your operating system, but the overall strategy is the same. Installation instructions are platform-specfic; the following three sections will describe what to do for various operating systems you might have. 3.1. To test audio and MIDI, start Pd and select "test Audio and MIDI" from the "Media" menu. First, try to get Pd to play a sine wave over your speakers. If there's anything wrong, the most likely outcome is that you will hear nothing at all. The number boxes labeled "AUDIO INPUT" show the levels of incoming audio, in dB, with 100 being maximum. To test the quality of audio input and output, turn on "monitor" (also at right) which causes the inputs to be played to the outputs at unit gain. 3.2. .

index Nokia supports a range of Open Source activities in research centers and development groups around the world. Projects, documentation and resources are hosted in the most appropriate ecosystem for fostering and growing each project. Some are hosted and managed by Nokia directly, while for many others Nokia is simply a contributor. The first section lists the Core Projects which are currently receiving Nokia Investment. The remaining sections list other projects of interest to Nokia and the Nokia Developer community, and archived projects that were formerly of interest. Core Projects Qt Project Cross-platform app and UI framework Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework for developers using C++ or QML, a CSS & JavaScript like language. Qt, Qt Quick and the supporting tools are developed as an open source project governed by an inclusive meritocratic model. WebKit Open source web browser engine Nokia uses WebKit in its platform browsers, and it is also the base of Qt WebKit. Qt

WOPE – HTML5 Multi Screen Framework – Enterprise Edition Increase User Engagement & Web Traffic Aptana index This is very informal documentation for the Smeck guitar processing patch described in the paper, "Patch for guitar" (available as HTML or PDF ) presented at the second Pd convention in Montreal, 2007. The patch works for guitars having a separated (6-channel) pickup and audio interface so that the computer receives six channels of audio from the guitar. One such interface is the StringPort from Keith McMillen Instruments; this works fine with macintosh computer, and on Linux with a patch to the alsa driver code (write me for that). More do-it-yourself-ish people might want to build their own pre-amp, as I did before the StringPort came out. The patch runs in Pd and should work on linux, macintosh, or windows machines. When you download and unpack it, Smeck should appear as two directories, "smeck" and "lib". To run the patch you will need to make sure it has the right channel assigments for the 6 guitar strings; this is specified in the file, "locale.txt".

Web Application Development - A Guide to Success From the good old days of the <BLINK> tag, to the XML-savvy Web services of today, applied Internet language has come a long way. And nowhere is this more evident than in the field of Web application development. As the Internet grew into a major player on the global economic front, so did the number of investors who were interested in its development. So, you may wonder, how does the Internet continue to play a major role in communications, media and news? Web applications are business strategies and policies implemented on the Web through the use of User, Business and Data services. Who Needs Web Applications and Why? There are many entities that require applications for the Web-one example would be Business-to-Business interaction. The Web Application Model The Web application model, like many software development models, is constructed upon 3 tiers: User Services, Business Services and Data Services. The final tier is the Data Service layer. Choosing the Right Project 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.
