Character meme fun!
This is how I was procrastinating during the exam period. "Post-processual theory? ...After I've cleared out my hard drive, I think... ... ooh! What's this? A daft questionnaire I saved from somewhere on the Internet? I must fill it in."
Expanded Power Revision Checklist
Would you like to be a published poet? Would you like recognition for your work? Please check out the "Invalid Item" Part I of the Writers Workshop: Expanded Power Revision Checklist I first presented the content of this article at a writers workshop.
23 Websites that Make Your Writing Stronger
We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master. ~Ernest Hemingway How strong is your writing? No matter how good you think it is, there’s always room for improvement. In most cases, plenty of room. Luckily, there are some amazing websites that’ll help you improve your writing, and take it to the next level.
Alignments, Allegiances, and Loyalties
So, you want to write about a villain who stops being so villainous, and perhaps even becomes a hero? Or do you want to write about a hero who becomes more of a "dark" hero, or even an outright villain? Or a character who just plain switches sides? This is a subject that is often handled badly, with the character progression coming off as forced and contrived. So, here are some tips that should help you write a more plausible shift, whether you're writing an OC for a roleplay or fanfiction or a character for an original work.
Getting To Know Your Characters: 1000 Character Development Questions
How do you create characters? It all depends on the story and the individual writer. We all have different methods and techniques when creating characters. Personally, I like to free write.
How to Flesh out a Country or Region in Your Fantasy RPG World
Edit Article Edited by Zach Haffey, Maluniu, Glutted, Nicole Willson and 5 others Hello game master/fantasy author. This is a guide to organizing and sorting out the finer details and aspects of a specific country or region of your world: a format for the living details that help you and your players delve in to the role-playing aspect of your game.
How to Make Readers Feel Emotion
on January 30th, 2011 by Fiction Editor Beth Hill and last modified on February 8, 2011 I wrote an article on the importance of creating emotions in readers, but I’ve noticed that writers are looking for specifics on how to accomplish that. So, this article complements that first one, presents practical tips on how to stir the reader’s emotions.
Caveat emptor. Carpe diem. O si villi, si ergo, fortibus es in ero. Et tu, brute.
Plotting, Conniving, and Manipulating
Plotters, connivers, and manipulators are a popular character archetype, showing up as villains and heroes alike. The recent Doctors. Loki. Batman. Rumplestiltskin. They're absolutely amazing to see when they're done right... but unfortunately, many people don't do them right, often due to misconceptions of how the process actually works.
201 Stories by Anton Chekhov
About Anton Chekhov: One of Russia's greatest writers, Chekhov began his career writing jokes and anecdotes for popular magazines to support himself while he studied to become a doctor. Between 1888 and his death he single-handedly revolutionized both the drama and the short story. Near the end of his life he married an actress, Olga Knipper.
Said Is Not a Four-Letter Word
NOTESPart of the "Variety Is the Spice of Life, and I Need Some Tums" set of essays. For the others, see:Purple Fanfic's (total lack of) Majesty | Epithets: Fandom's Designated Hitters written December 2004 "Said" Is Not a Four-Letter Word