Click on the images to view the contentSEAMLESS TEXTURES ASPHALT, ROADS, RAILS SEAMLESS TEXTURES STONE WALLS, MASONRYIncluded: masonry quoins, misc brick, stone, old stone walls, dry stacked stone, retaining wall, stone blocks
Vray Materials / VISCORBEL
To begin creating beautiful materials, we must first understand how the VRay material works. Let’s take a closer look at the VRayMtl, VRayFastSSS2, and VRayBlendMtl. These 3 are the main material types that are essential for realistic results, you can achieve almost anything with them. VRay offers even more material types, but those are meant for pretty specific tasks and will not be covered in this guide. Forget about using MAX Standard materials, they will give you slow, noisy and non-realistic results. VRay is designed to be used with it’s native shaders, so that is what we are going to do. Let’s get started. (You can click on the images to enlarge them.) VRayMtl is the basic, most used, universal material that VRay offers. This how the basic, unchanged material looks. Now let’s look at the first section – Diffuse. Think of Diffuse as the base color of the object. VRayMtl allows you to choose a simple color as the Diffuse or use a Map. Here is an example. Next section is Reflection
Natuzzi Italia
Shape, harmony and comfort make perfect a Natuzzi Italia sofa. The refinement of style and originality is given by the daily work of a team of stylists and designers, coordinated by the experience of the President and Chief Stylist, Pasquale Natuzzi. Shapes and colors in perfect tune, create a special atmosphere in different environments. The comfort is achieved with smooth and enveloping lines, and materials skillfully combined with innovation and technology. This concept goes beyond the mere aesthetic element, and is able to cradle your everyday emotions. Discover the entire Natuzzi Italia collection in your nearest store. Per ulteriori informazioni, visita:
Plugins Orgánicos para Sketscup
Hola!!! Estos plugins aumentan las funcionalidades del sketchup a otro Nivel. Para usarlos, descomprimen y pegan en la carpeta plugins...Disculpem que algunas imagenes no se ven pero es por el servidor... Artisan 1.0.1 ExtrudeTools Sculpt Tools Soap Skin & Bubble FredoScale - v2.2 Shape Bender SketchyFFD JointPushPull - v2.0 Tools on Surface - v1.8 BoolTools The Curve, Taper & Stock Maker RoundCorner - v2.3 Y muchos otros Gracias....Por comentar!!!