Understand the Difference Between Helping and Enabling | I Told You I Was Sick It’s the middle of the night. Your phone rings. You know who it is before you pick up. Your friend is in crisis again. She’s had too much to drink and needs to talk. You rush over, bleary-eyed and half-asleep to listen as she pours her heart out; the same problems you’ve been listening to for years. When she’s finished, she looks at you with sparkling eyes and calls you her “angel” and says she “doesn’t know where she’d be without you.” It can be very easy to fall into the trap of thinking you’re being paid a high compliment here. When you don’t know the difference between helping and enabling (as I didn’t for many years), it’s easy to get taken advantage of, used up, and thrown away like yesterday’s trash. The worst thing about enabling? Just the opposite in fact; they will grow to resent you. The Creepy Meaning Behind “You’re My Angel” Statements I had a close friend for many years who would call me his “angel”. Unfortunately, he was someone I enabled for many years. Lazy Behavior
Coping Skills Flashcards With the population I work with, identifying and remembering to utilize coping skills can be a problem. I have created "Coping Skill Flashcards" for my clients. I created my flashcards in Microsoft Word, and I put different words and pictures on each card to represent coping skills. I hole-punch the cards in the upper-left corner and then put them on a loose-leaf ring. I chose pictures that were black and white drawings so that my clients can color them. While they color them, we discuss what coping skills are (ie, "A coping skill is something you can do to help yourself deal with anger, sadness, or other feelings or problems you may have"). This project is not limited only to emotionally-disturbed children.
The 4 Keys to Happiness | LifeTrainings Understanding the nature of happiness is a hot new topic in science – it appears in all the scientific magazines, and the BBC recently devoted a series of programs to the subject, interviewing scientists from all over the world. It even has a name, ‘The neuroscience of happiness’. The scientists have been trying to understand how the different mechanisms of desire, want, happiness and pleasure work in the brain. They have ‘discovered’ that most of the things we think will make us happy, don’t, at least not for long. Why is this so? After a while, we take ‘things’, including people, for granted – even things that once made us ecstatic. It is what the scientists call the ‘hedonic treadmill’. Osho explains that this is because the mind is always desiring – that is its nature. Pleasure is not happiness Happiness, says Osho, is different from pleasure. So what makes us happy? Osho gives four keys to focus on developing in yourself. 1. 2. 3. Sadness is just a habit. 4. Osho quote: “It depends.
Telling Dream Characters They're In A Lucid Dream - How To Lucid You’re in a lucid dream. You are aware of yourself, and you’re exploring the world around you. Taking in the sights and feeling the wind through your hair, when you notice a dream character. She’s the only person you can see in the scene, and you’re feeling a bit lonely/curious, so you approach her. You start talking, and after a while you realize that although you’re lucid, she’s not. Is This Real? That’s how it normally is in every dream you’re controlling, you’re aware of what’s happening, but are the dream characters? So what happens when you convince a dream character that they’re in a lucid dream. This is where we get into Deeper Lucid Dreaming From here on in, we’re talking about advanced stuff. It really is interesting the further down you go, and we’re going to talk about what happens when you not only become lucid yourself, but make another dream character become lucid. There’s a reason this is on the list of things to do in a dream. ‘What do you mean? No, we didn’t. Thank You!
Les 6 critères du bonheur, selon le rapport 2013 de l'ONU BONHEUR - Rappelez-vous, c'était il y a un peu plus d'un an: la publication du premier World Happiness Report, le Rapport annuel sur le bonheur, par l'ONU. Sa finalité: mesurer le bien-être des individus pays par pays évidemment, mais aussi déterminer quels sont les critères les plus importants dans la mesure du sentiment de bonheur. Rendu public dimanche 8 septembre, le second World Happiness Report permet d'y voir un peu plus clair. Grâce à l'analyse de données fournies par les États mais aussi les travaux sur le bien-être d'organisations comme l'OCDE, ou encore ceux de l'institut américain Gallup, les chercheurs ont pu aller plus loin que l'an dernier. Lire aussi:» Arianna Huffington : Pourquoi les enquêtes sur le bonheur me laissent perplexe » Mesure du bien-être : 1978 fut l'année la plus heureuse selon une étude de chercheurs australiens Ils ont notamment repéré les six facteurs importants du bien-être. Danemark Norvège Suisse Pays-Bas Suède Canada L'importance du bien-être mental
To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This I Googled Dr. Aron’s questions; there are 36. We spent the next two hours passing my iPhone across the table, alternately posing each question. They began innocuously: “Would you like to be famous? But they quickly became probing. In response to the prompt, “Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common,” he looked at me and said, “I think we’re both interested in each other.” I grinned and gulped my beer as he listed two more commonalities I then promptly forgot. The questions reminded me of the infamous boiling frog experiment in which the frog doesn’t feel the water getting hotter until it’s too late. I liked learning about myself through my answers, but I liked learning things about him even more. I sat alone at our table, aware of my surroundings for the first time in an hour, and wondered if anyone had been listening to our conversation. We all have a narrative of ourselves that we offer up to strangers and acquaintances, but Dr. Much of Dr. “Here?”
Bonheur et malheur Je suis toujours très étonné de voir autour de moi des amis incapables de donner une définition du bonheur. Tous veulent être heureux mais aucun ne peut dire ce qu’est pour lui cet état. D’une part, nous avons des gens qui relient le bonheur à la possession, que ce soit d’argent ou de biens : « je serais heureux quand j’aurais gagné au loto, ou quand j’aurais telle superbe voiture, ou quand j’aurais trouvé l’homme ou la femme de ma vie. » On voit bien que cela n’est pas une définition, c’est une énumération de circonstances qui mèneraient à un état de satisfaction, à défaut d’être du bonheur. Bien sur, on peut argumenter que ces satisfactions entraîneraient de la joie, et que la joie est incompatible avec le malheur, qui est le contraire du bonheur. Donc, ce sera le bonheur. D’autres amis tentent une approche plus philosophique, voire analytique de la définition. Certain de ceux-ci définissent le bonheur comme l’absence de malheur. Définitions Que disent les dictionnaires : Allons plus loin.
Assessment, Seducing and Mirroring | Dating a Sociopath Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? In the very beginning things feel extremely promising with the sociopath. But you will not know why. You have met what appears to be the person of your dreams. He has assessed you by What you sayBody languageTalks of needs and wantsInformation about your lifeHow much do you have to take? In the beginning the sociopath will ask a lots of questions? The sociopath is a predator and has the ability to read a person better than anyone Despite his warm charismatic extererior, behind this lies a cold calculating mind, not inhibited by emotions. He is the slick, smooth salesman, and will assess you, for what you want, what you need, will mirror back to you, and then ‘sell’ you exactly what you want. The assessment and how they mirror you, will depend on what they want from you. If they need money? “how much is your house worth” ”how much do you earn”“do you have any debts”? From an early point, the sociopath is assessing you. 1. 2. 3.
Qu’est-ce qu’un enfant épanoui ? - Dossier Evalué, gâté, scruté, l’enfant occidental d’aujourd’hui est l’objet de tous les regards. Ses parents veulent lui procurer éducation, bien-être et confort. Ses maîtres et professeurs jaugent sa capacité à être performant, à devenir un individu sociable et entreprenant. Devenu roi, n’est-il pas aussi victime de pressions incessantes ? The Dance – Sociopath and Empath I am an empath, which to me means I have talents others don’t have and I also have weaknesses. I honestly can’t decide whether or not it’s good or bad to be an empath. It certainly makes me unique! I have experienced things like telepathy, mind reading, psychic visions, etc. without much effort. I can feel people’s emotions and I can relate to them and help them through it. People who haven’t been exposed to what a sociopath is may have a wrong impression about how to spot them. Having encountered a few sociopaths in my life, I can easily describe what “the dance” is like. The second part of the dance is the PUSH/PULL. The reason this becomes a dance is that the sociopath is also attracted to the empath. After the sociopath feels they have adequately yet subtly hooked in the empath is when the ATTACK happens. The next phase is usually GASLIGHTING which involves the sociopath discarding the empath once they’ve gotten what they wanted. So, what is an empath to do really? Like this:
14 signes montrant que vous êtes vraiment heureux (et comment le rester) Si quelqu’un dans la rue vous demandait si vous êtes heureux, que répondriez-vous ? De nombreux facteurs influencent notre humeur au quotidien – que ce soit un problème au travail ou dans notre vie privée – et beaucoup de ces facteurs peuvent entamer notre sentiment de bien-être. Et nous ne sommes pas seuls : selon le World Happiness Report 2013, les pays d’Amérique du Nord sont aujourd’hui moins heureux qu’il y a cinq ans. L’une des réponses se révèle assez surprenante. Vous voulez partager votre bonheur Qu’il s’agisse de faire un compliment à quelqu’un ou d’accomplir un acte de gentillesse gratuit, quand vous êtes vraiment heureux, vous voulez que les autres le soient aussi. Les aléas de la vie ne vous tracassent pas... Vous venez de rater le train ? … En fait, vous appréciez les petites choses de la vie. Il n’y a rien de mieux que d’entendre votre chanson favorite passer à la radio ou d’être dehors et entendre les pépiements des oiseaux. La réussite des autres vous rend fier.
untitled Scientists May Have Discovered The Real Cause Of Addiction Addiction is currently defined as a chemical dependency caused entirely by the way the body reacts to a certain substance. But Johann Hari, author of “Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs,” believes it is a vital element of one’s life that drives a person to addiction. He recalls seeing an anti-drug commercial in the 1980s featuring an old experiment in which a rat was placed in a cage with two water bottles. One bottle contained pure water while the other was laced with heroin or cocaine. The rat became addicted to the second bottle and drank until it died. Vancouver Psychology Professor Bruce Alexander, however, didn’t think the rat kept drinking the drugged water solely because it wanted to. He hypothesized it drank the drugged water simply because it was in a cage and had nothing else to do. Professor Alexander would repeat the experiment but in a different environment he called Rat Park. The rats were presented two water bottles, just like the first experiment.
How Psychoanalysis Differs from Psychotherapy | Practical Psychoanalysis The talking cure Psychotherapy is a rather generic term – social workers, counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists can all call themselves therapists. Psychoanalysis is an experience – you cannot call yourself a psychoanalyst without having done your own analysis. Before there was psychotherapy, however, there was psychoanalysis. In his work with his patient Anna O., a pseudonym for Bertha Pappenheim, one of the first feminists, Breuer discovered that after she was able to speak about the origin of her symptoms, they disappeared. The difference The presumption that talking has healing powers fuels many psychotherapeutic practices today. First, psychotherapy deals with what we call the ego, the I or the active agency with which you make decisions on a daily basis. Second, the goals of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy are also different. A different therapeutic relationship To put this visually for you, I created the following infographic: Like what you just read?