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European word translator: an interactive map

European word translator: an interactive map
Enter one or two lower-case English words to see translations from Google Translate. This site is an old side-project that I'm planning to shut down around the end of 2017. It's been a fun project and I'm grateful for the encouraging and helpful feedback I've received. Drop me an email at james dot trimble at yahoo dot co dot uk if you really need the site to continue working after the end of 2017. J Examples: banana the cat she runs Random words: awareness risk A few things to keep in mind: Translations are generated by Google Translate. Translation not available Sorry, this page does not yet translate proper nouns (such as names of people or places) or words in languages other than English. Try typing another word or two, or click one of the examples below the input box. Related:  SpråkhistoriaVocabLanguage and the Human Experience

Tips för att visa arvord Past participle – divided according to the pronunciation ,ENGAMES Last week I taught passive and present perfect tense. I thought that I was well prepared but in both cases we encountered one big problem. The students could not form the past participles correctly. So they fought with the past participles and completely ignored the grammar taught. So now I know that we have to deal with past participles before we return to the two grammatical points again. Past participles – mind map Here I try to track some regularities in forming the past participles in English. Past participles are not as difficult as they seem. In this section of the post you can practise the 40 past participles in different games. The second game is called En Garde. Click Here to play the game The third game has already been presented on our site.

Jolly Roger Telephone Company Uses Software To Entrap Telemarketers NPR talks to Roger Anderson about his Jolly Roger Telephone Company and his device that keeps telemarketers on the phone for prolonged periods. Meet a man on a mission, a mission to stop telemarketers. It all started with a passion for phones. ROGER ANDERSON: I just love telephones and telecom in general. And it really, really offended me that all these unsolicited telemarketers are clogging up the system and causing people to drop their landlines. SIEGEL: So that's what Roger Anderson did. For example... ERICA: Hi, good evening, Joseph? ANDERSON: Yes. ERICA: Hi, Joseph. ANDERSON: Hello, are you are a real person? ERICA: Yes, I am. CORNISH: Actually, Joseph is not a real person. ANDERSON: You can at least get a little bit of, you know, a feeling of empowerment over these telemarketers when you think about them wasting 3 to 5 minutes of their time talking to a robot instead UNIDENTIFIED MAN: The reason I'm calling, my company's having a promotion - clean out your entire ventilation system.

Karin Bojs: När vårt språk kom hit Nya rön som blev offentliga i veckan har i princip löst en fråga som forskare har tvistat om i hundra år: varför halva jordens befolkning talar indoeuropeiska språk. Den senaste tiden har det tidiga 1900-talets rasbiologi fått mycket uppmärksamhet. Sveriges television sände nyligen en dokumentär av Maja Hagerman om rasbiologisk dokumentering av samer. Björn af Kleen här på DN har skrivit reportage om Karolinska institutets samling av skallar. Båda har gjort utmärkta jobb. De undviker att falla i en vanlig fälla där rasbiologin klumpas ihop med biologi i största allmänhet, med genetik och med Charles Darwin. Utmärkande för rasbiologin var inte bara att den var rasistisk och oetisk. Visst var det tidiga 1900-talets genetik en inspiration - särskilt Mendels återupptäckta rön om arvsanlag. En av de mest tongivande var arkeologen och lingvisten Gustaf Kossinna (1858-1931). Så är det inte. Modern genetik visar i stället att vi alltid har rört på oss och blandat oss med varandra.

8 Idioms in English using two Easter symbols – Eggs and Bunnies. The Easter weekend starts today in the UK. Good Friday and Easter Monday are public holidays (or bank holidays as we call them here in the UK). As I write this post, millions of people are making their way to the airports or holiday destinations within the UK clogging our already busy motorways. Luckily, David and I have decided to head up to the Lake District early Saturday morning to avoid the long queues on the roads. In my last post dedicated to the theme of Easter, I concentrated on the food that is eaten during this period. Today I’d like to share with you 8 idioms that we have in the English language that have two of Easter’s symbols – the egg and the bunny (rabbit). 1. 2. Ex. 3. 4. 5. Ex. 6. Ex. 7. 8. Ex. Do you know any other idioms that use the words ‘eggs’ and ‘rabbits’ in them? The Lake District I am celebrating Easter and next week in the Lake District.

When People Talk Backwards Some people believe that your brain encodes its actual meaning in reverse within everything you say. by Brian Dunning By Brian Dunning, Skeptoid Podcast Episode 105, June 17, 2008 Just when you thought there was nobody in the world crazier than yourself, along come people who believe that we all subconsciously say what we really mean in reverse, through the unconscious but deliberate choosing of careful words which, if played backwards, say what we actually mean. Proponents of this hypothesis call it Reverse Speech, because they were really creatively inspired on the day they named it. A leading advocate for reverse speech, also called backward masking, is David John Oates, an Australian. And when you play it backwards, turns out he was trying to comfort you with the message "You're frightened, lean on me": [play sample] Pretty interesting, but not necessarily convincing to a skeptic. It almost does sound like speech, doesn't it? Pretty cool, huh?

Lyssna till en språkets källa Den första svenska lagtexten, Västgöta­lagen, har kommit i ny utgåva. Översättaren och författaren Erik Andersson njuter av karga ord och lakoniska formuleringar. Med lagarna börjar den svenska litteraturen, och först bland dessa var Västgötalagen på 1220-talet. Det är så tidigt att det knappt fanns ett Sverige och knappt något svenskt språk heller: det är just från Västgötalagen som fornsvenskan räknar sin början. I denna arla ordgryning tycks det som om västgötarna besinnade allvaret i sitt företag. Nog för att de hade haft många skickliga lagmän alltsedan gamle Lum från Vånga som var hedning och lades i hög, särskilt att märka en hel dynasti från Edsvära utgående från Karle, en fader för fosterlandet kallad. Eskil var visserligen östgöte, av Bjälboätten, brorson till Birger Brosa och äldre bror till Birger jarl, men han hade stora egendomar i Västergötland och var bosatt i Long strax norr om Vara. Oc innurlika spurdhi oc letadhi han all Lums lagh. Också Lydeke har fått en annan roll.

How to Study Vocabulary Words Do you want to know how to study vocabulary words? First, get a list of them. A vocabulary word list is a group of words that belong to a certain subject. Here are some examples:A list of common verbs (be, go, do, have, etc.)A list of weather adjectives (rainy, sunny, stormy, etc.)A list of family nouns (mother, father, sister, brother, uncle, etc.) Now, how do you study these word lists? There are a few things you can do. 1. Just reading the word or memorizing it is not enough, at least not in most cases. For example, let's say you are learning the word "resign" (which means "to leave your job"). "I am sorry, but I must resign."" 2. Take the list of words and write a short story with all of them. Let's say you are studying some verbs beginning with the letter E: earn, eat, end, enjoy and estimate. You can write a short story such as this: "Andy was eating dinner and enjoying a quiet evening, when he started thinking about his future. 3. 4. Make a dictation. 5. What are good friends for?

Speech perception without traditional speech cues. The Tree of Languages Illustrated in a Big, Beautiful Infographic Click image, then click again, to enlarge Call it counterintuitive clickbait if you must, but Forbes' Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry made an intriguing argument when he granted the title of "Language of the Future" to French, of all tongues. "French isn’t mostly spoken by French people and hasn’t been for a long time now," he admits," but "the language is growing fast, and growing in the fastest-growing areas of the world, particularly sub-Saharan Africa. The latest projection is that French will be spoken by 750 million people by 2050. One study "even suggests that by that time, French could be the most-spoken language in the world, ahead of English and even Mandarin." I don't know about you, but I can never believe in any wave of the future without a traceable past. "When linguists talk about the historical relationship between languages, they use a tree metaphor," writes Mental Floss' Arika Okrent. Would you like to support the mission of Open Culture? via Mental Floss Related Content:

Academic Word List 1 The Academic Word List (AWL) is a collection of the most important words that occur in academic texts. The 570 words are divided into two courses with 10 words in each unit. Watch the Video Type the missing words Speak and get feedback Quiz vocabulary Purchase to continue Processing your order Unable to process your order Thank You Test your knowledge Quiz these words No words StartRestartResumeTry Again Loading the player...Player initializing... Demo ModeTrack your Progress.

Time travelling to the mother tongue No matter whether you speak English or Urdu, Waloon or Waziri, Portuguese or Persian, the roots of your language are the same. Proto-Indo-European (PIE) is the mother tongue – shared by several hundred contemporary languages, as well as many now extinct, and spoken by people who lived from about 6,000 to 3,500 BC on the steppes to the north of the Caspian Sea. They left no written texts and although historical linguists have, since the 19th century, painstakingly reconstructed the language from daughter languages, the question of how it actually sounded was assumed to be permanently out of reach. Now, researchers at the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford have developed a sound-based method to move back through the family tree of languages that stem from PIE. Remarkably, at the heart of the technology is the statistics of shape. “Sounds have shape,” explains Professor John Aston, from Cambridge’s Statistical Laboratory. (Other audio demonstrations are available here)

Originalhandskriften - Uppsala universitetsbibliotek - Uppsala universitet Codex argenteus, eller "Silverbibeln" i Uppsala universitetsbibliotek, är den mest omfattande texten på gotiska som överlevt till våra dagar.Lyssna på Fader vår på gotiska Codex argenteus innehåller kvarlevorna av en praktfull evangeliebok, ett evangeliarium, som skrevs på tidigt 500-tal i Norditalien, förmodligen i Ravenna och förmodligen för den ostrogotiske konungen Theoderik den store. Texten utgör en del av Wulfilas översättning av bibeln från grekiska till gotiska på 300-talet. Glimtar från Theoderiks Ravenna, där Codex argenteus troligen blev skriven Codex argenteus är skriven med silver- och guldbläck på mycket tunt pergament av hög kvalitet. Kolonner och valvbågar i Theoderik den stores palatskyrka och i Codex argenteus. Silverbibeln var känd på 1500-talet då den fanns i ett benediktinkloster i Werden vid Ruhr. Silverbibeln bestod från början av åtminstone 336 blad. Det har givits ut flera editioner av Codex argenteus text. lyssna på fader vår på gotiska Mer om silverbibeln
