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Shodor: A National Resource for Computational Science Education

Shodor: A National Resource for Computational Science Education
Related:  Math WebsitesSTEM

Leyendo Hipertextos / 2010 / PLAN LECTOR VOLUNTAD - PLV / Editorial Voluntad / Pablo Francisco Arrieta Capítulo III. Características del Planeta Hipertexto Hipertexto: ¿Y eso qué es? Historias sin forma Hypercard, Authorware, Director y Storyspace Público que participa Un mundo de marquillas Wikis y Blogs Hablando como pajaritos Pablo Francisco Arrieta / Xpectro i Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Colombia License. Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles Home Page Descarga Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 del Centro de Descargas de Microsoft <a id="b7777d05-f9ee-bedd-c9b9-9572b26f11d1" target="_self" class="mscom-link download-button dl" href="confirmation.aspx?id=15702" bi:track="false"><span class="loc" locid="5e9e65e8-09f8-ded8-7d6d-bbb1a765853c" srcid="5e9e65e8-09f8-ded8-7d6d-bbb1a765853c">Descargar</span></a> Microsoft Mathematics incluye una calculadora gráfica que representa gráficos en 2D y 3D, resolución de ecuaciones paso a paso y herramientas de gran utilidad que sirven de ayuda para los estudiantes de matemáticas y ciencias. DetallesNote:There are multiple files available for this download.Once you click on the "Download" button, you will be prompted to select the files you need.MSetup_x86.exeMSetup_x64.exeReadme_Mathematics4.htm Microsoft Mathematics ofrece in conjunto de herramientas matemáticas que resultarán de gran utilidad a los estudiantes para realizar sus deberes de forma rápida y sencilla.

Math Games - HOODA MATH - over 100 Math Games 9 Terrific STEM Teaching Resources Every now and then, we get an unexpected surprise from someone as interested in supporting teachers and students as we are. When this happens, it usually means someone has gone out of their way to research and produce a valuable list of incredible online resources for use in education, and done a great job of doing so. I’m happy to say it’s happened yet again. We recently received a list of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) links from Jasmine Dyoco at EducatorLabs. The following list of STEM resources Jasmine wants to share with you is just 9 of many, so we urge you to explore more if you like. The 10 Best STEM Res Calculators for Kids: Making STEM More Acce STEM Resources from STEMCollaborative. NSTA: Freebies for Science Te

Proyecto Abalar - Introducción Una estrategia global e integradora El Proyecto Abalar tiene su origen en la palabra celta "Abal", que significa manzana, la fruta de la sabiduría, y en el termino gallego "Abalar" para transmitir el mensaje de promover el movimiento, el cambio y la transformación en la educación. Abalar es un proyecto que sustancia la estrategia para la integración plena de las TIC en la práctica educativa de Galicia, como una de las áreas de intervención de la Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universiaria. Abalar incluye e integra todas las iniciativas en el ámbito educativo, juntando los esfuerzos de cara a la modernización y mejora de la educación como parte de la estrategia transversal del Gobierno gallego de promoción de las TIC a todos los sectores de actividad, recogida en el marco de la iniciativa de modernización egoberno2013. La estrategia del proyecto Abalar gira en torno al concepto de centro educativo digital.

NASA: Practical Uses of Math And Science (PUMAS) STEM Resources Welcome to the STEM page, sponsored by YALSA's STEM Task Force. We hope you will use this wiki page to get ideas on how to effectively integrate STEM into your library programs and services. And what is STEM you ask? STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math and is one of the hottest topics in education and library circles. STEM programming is one way to engage teens in your library and encourage learning and exploration in new ways. We think this page is a good start on STEM resources, but we need your help to make it great. BUILDING GREAT STEM LIBRARY COLLECTIONS[edit] Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh: An extensive collection of STEM subject and career educational resources. The National Science Teachers Association: Annual best books lists, Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K–12, going back to 1996. YALSA’s blog, The Hub: A recent post on SciFi for Everyone. Locus Magazine: Recommended Reading List 2011. VOYA: Nonfiction Honor List. YOUNG ADULT NON-FICTION[edit]

LIBROS DE TEXTO DIGITALES: ¿pasado, presente o futuro? Coping With Math Anxiety What Is Math Anxiety? A famous stage actress was once asked if she had ever suffered from stage-fright, and if so how she had gotten over it. She laughed at the interviewer’s naive assumption that, since she was an accomplished actress now, she must not feel that kind of anxiety. Like stage fright, math anxiety can be a disabling condition, causing humiliation, resentment, and even panic. When I look at a math problem, my mind goes completely blank. What all of these students are expressing is math anxiety, a feeling of intense frustration or helplessness about one’s ability to do math. In this essay we will take a constructive look at math anxiety, its causes, its effects, and at how you as a student can learn to manage this anxiety so that it no longer hinders your study of mathematics. Let us begin by examining some social attitudes towards mathematics that are especially relevant. Contributors Wendy Hageman Smith, authorB. Citation Info [MLA] Hageman Smith, Wendy, B.

14 STEM classroom resources teachers should know about The free lesson planning resources that Education Dive shared last week turned out to be so popular that we decided to assemble a STEM-specific list as well. The Internet can be a gold mine for teachers across all subjects and grade levels, but today we are focused on math and science teachers in search of free activities and materials to enrich their classes and save a little time. Whether you're looking for innovative ideas on how to demonstrate difficult mathematical concepts or excite your students with low-cost lab experiments, we've compiled a list with some of the best free resources for math and science classrooms. Take a look, and let us know via email if you think we should add anything! Part of the Verizon Foundation's education resource platform, Thinkfinity, Illuminations was developed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics to provide lesson plans and classroom activities for math teachers everywhere.

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CME Project | CME Project About the Program. The CME Project, developed by EDC’s Center for Mathematics Education and published by Pearson, is a coherent, four-year, NSF-funded high school mathematics program designed around how knowledge is organized and generated within mathematics: the themes of algebra, geometry, and analysis. The CME Project sees these branches of mathematics not only as compartments for certain kinds of results, but also as descriptors for methods and approaches—the habits of mind that determine how knowledge is organized and generated within mathematics itself. As such, they deserve to be centerpieces of a curriculum, not its by-products. The Program’s Structure. The CME Project uses the traditional American structure of algebra, geometry, advanced algebra, and precalculus. Core Principles. Habits of mind. Research on CME Project.
