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KCam, EMC2, Mach3, TurboCNC,and other CNC related software links.

KCam, EMC2, Mach3, TurboCNC,and other CNC related software links.
The fall-out of the DOT-COM bust has brought CNC to the hobbyist. Couple the availability of low/no cost CNC control software, low-cost integrated circuitry, and the tons of high-end hardware now found on eBay: and for the first time in history, CNC is attainable to the hobby market. We prefer EMC2 on Linux and Ubuntu, but there are others available for those who are shy. KCAM works great in Windows 98. Mach3 has a HUGE support group and bypasses some of the timing issues of the Windows environment. EMC2 is completely Open Source, free to use, and probably the most reliable, flexible, robust system out there. The experts out there may disagree, but if you had to be an expert to do this.. you probably wouldn't be here right now, would you? So, what software is involved in CNC? Your CAD (Computer Aided Design) software (wikipedia) is where you design your parts to be routed, lathed, milled, or cut. Our stepper motor driver kits make use of the parallel port signals.

low cost CNC Router DIY 80/20 Aluminum Extrusion CNC Machine | DigiRout low cost CNC Router Routermate CNC routers by Torchmate CNC cutting systems Desktop CNC Machine Kit - blueChick Here is a desktop sized CNC machine called blueChick. It really does fit on a desktop, with not much else on the desk. The machine measures 20.5" wide and 40" deep. The total routing area is 13" x 24" or 13" x 36", whichever kit is selected. The entire machine was design with compactness and rigidity in mind. Includes structural Parts (all parts including the x-axis table); Parts are made from high quality and strong MDO Plywood; hardware (nuts, bolts, screws, cross dowels/barrel nuts, washers, etc); mechanical Parts (rails, v-groove bearings, lead screw for z-axis, antibacklash nut, bearings and collars for lead screw, timing belts, drive pulleys, couplings, etc.). Speaking of rock solid, there have been some structural improvements for this little CNC machine. Check out this costomer's build of his own blueChick. The computer and router is not included. Other useful specifications: The z axis travel and clearance is 4 inches. Assembly Videos for the blueChick version 3.0

3 Axis System Kit 3 Axis System Kit (1) XS-3525/8S-3 Stepper Motor Driver Board and IDC26-DB25 cable (3) 269 (1) 24VDC/5.0A Power Supply (Switch selectable betrween 110VAC & 220VAC) with 120VAC Power Cord, and 24VDC Pigtail (1) 2.3" X 2.3" X 1" 24VDC Fan with 2-pin Molex conenctor connection example. click image to enlarge Drive Setup Instructions All for $265.00 plus USA Shipping Flat $12.00 via USPS Priority Mail (other countries e-mail for shipping cost) What you will also need: Order HERE
