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The Mind Unleashed: Sex and Aural Energy

The Mind Unleashed: Sex and Aural Energy
Pay attention to whom you share your intimate energy with. Intimacy at this level intertwines your aural energy with the aural energy of the other person. These powerful connections, regardless of how insignificant you think they are, leave spiritual debris, particularly within people who do not practice any type of cleansing, physical, emotional or otherwise. The more you interact intimately with someone, the deeper the connection and the more of their aura is intertwined with yours. “I always say, never sleep with someone you wouldn’t want to be” - Lisa Chase Patterson I believe the original author of the above passage is Lisa Chase Patterson. We are all physical beings, but we are also so much more than that, including ‘energetic beings’. If you have sex with positive, loving, uplifting people – that wonderful energy is absorbed and uplifts you. Oh, and just so you know, this isn’t a new discovery. It is the same with personal hygiene. Cleansing your Aura Options for Cleansing… 1. 2.

How to See Auras - California Psychics Blog Tao of Lakota, North Dakota asks: How does anybody really “see” auras? My own opinion is that auras are physiological rather than spiritual, but I’m fascinated to understand more. Psychic Marin responds: Martha Graham, an American dancer, choreographer and pioneer of modern dance in the 1920s, was able to capture the essence of the human aura, describing it as a vitality, a life force, and an energy that is translated through you into action. From a scientific perspective, an aura is the energy field that surrounds the human body, or any matter composed of an atomic structure. Within our atomic structure are positive and negative charges that interact with one another. The crown chakra, the energy source located at the top of our head, is the origin of the aura. When you imagine an angel, do you instantly visualize a figure with a halo above its head? Developing your ability to see auras1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Faithfully, Marin

Be Like Water: Practical Wisdom from the Martial Arts 10 Psychology Tricks You Can Use To Influence People Before we get started, it’s important to note that none of these methods fall under what we would term the dark arts of influencing people. Anything that might be harmful to someone in any way, especially to their self esteem, is not included here. These are ways to win friends and influence people using psychology without being a jerk or making someone feel bad. Trick: Get someone to do a favor for you—also known as the Benjamin Franklin effect. Legend has it that Benjamin Franklin once wanted to win over a man who didn’t like him. Scientists decided to test this theory and found that those who were asked by the researcher for a personal favor rated the researcher much more favorably than the other groups did. Trick: Ask for way more than you want at first then scale it back later. This trick is sometimes known as the door in the face approach. Trick: Use a person’s name, or their title depending on the situation. Trick: Flattery will actually get you everywhere. Offer They Can’t Refuse

«Kako postati prosvijetljeno biće, integrirani duhovni majstor i kako postići dvadeset i dvije razine inicijacija?» - magazin Drugi temeljni stav za sreću i unutarnji mir je prepoznati da postoje samo dvije vrste ljudi, majstori i žrtve. Ili ćete vi biti uzrok svoje stvarnosti ili će sadržaj svijesti, drugi ljudi i vanjske situacije uzrokovati vašu stvarnost. Vi ste ovdje da budete uzrok svega. Treći temeljni stav za sreću i unutarnji mir je spoznaja kako je najvažniji odnos u vašem životu vaš odnos sa samim sobom. Četvrti temeljni stav za sreću i unutarnji mir je održavanje mjehura zaštite oko sebe sve vrijeme kako bi negativnost drugih ljudi ili vanjska negativnost skliznula niz vaš mjehur poput vode niz pačja leđa. Peti temeljni stav za sreću i unutarnji mir je naučiti voljeti sebe i ispravno se odnositi prema svojem unutarnjem djetetu sa čvrstoćom i ljubavlju. Šesti temeljni stav za sreću i unutarnji mir je vidjeti sebe i svaku osobu kao inkarnaciju Boga/Krista/Buddhe/i Vječnog Sebstva. Sedmi temeljni stav za sreću i unutarnji mir proizlazi iz naprijed spomenutog. Dr.

How to Improve Your Memory: Tips and Exercises to Boost Brainpower Harnessing the power of your brain They say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old adage simply isn’t true. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change—even into old age. This ability is known as neuroplasticity. The brain’s incredible ability to reshape itself holds true when it comes to learning and memory. Improving memory tip 1: Don't skimp on exercise or sleep Just as an athlete relies on sleep and a nutrition-packed diet to perform his or her best, your ability to remember increases when you nurture your brain with a good diet and other healthy habits. When you exercise the body, you exercise the brain Treating your body well can enhance your ability to process and recall information. Improve your memory by sleeping on it When you’re sleep deprived, your brain can’t operate at full capacity. But sleep is critical to learning and memory in an even more fundamental way. Laugh at yourself.

Mobile Suit Gundam: Awakening, Escalation, Confrontation Concentration Exercises for Training and Focusing the Mind By Remez Sasson Concentration exercises sharpen the mind and improve the ability to concentrate. Read the article first, or go right to the concentration exercises below. These are mental exercises that will strengthen the power of your mind. The Power of Concentration - Practicing Concentration Exercises Sharpening the needle of concentration requires practice, like everything else in life. Do you go to the gym? Have you studied a foreign language? It is the same with developing your concentration. Your mind does not like discipline, and will resist your efforts to discipline it. The choice is yours, to be mastered by the mind and its whims, or to be its master. Below, you will find a few simple concentration exercises. You are not the mind, nor the thoughts that pass through it. Most people believe that they are the mind, and erroneously believe that controlling the mind means holding themselves back and denying their freedom. How to Focus Your MindDoes your attention often wander away?

Unarmed Fighting Techniques of the Samurai How to Heal Cavities Naturally (photo/copyright: Kacso Sandor ) The world is slowly waking up to the fact that, when you give the body what it needs, it can heal things we previously thought were impossible. A fine example of what is often deemed as an incurable health problem is dental cavities, but extensive research is now becoming more public about the true nature of tooth decay and the fact that there are proven remedies that can remedy it. The lies perpetrated about tooth decay How to heal Cavities naturally: According to the American Dental Association, the reason we have tooth decay is as follows: “[Tooth decay] occurs when foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches) such as milk, pop, raisins, cakes or candy are frequently left on the teeth. There are a few problems with this theory, including: So if the modern explanation of tooth decay is not accurate, what is actually the cause of tooth decay? What actually causes tooth decay Tooth decay, as researched by Dr. Foods to focus on are: Derek Henry

Vimana: Flying Machines of the Ancients Quantum physics proves that death is an illusion, claims scientist Robert Lanza claims the theory of biocentrism says death is an illusion. He said life creates the universe, and not the other way around. This means space and time don’t exist in the linear fashion we think it does. Most scientists would probably say that the concept of an afterlife is either nonsense, or at the very least unprovable. Yet one expert claims he has evidence to confirm an existence beyond the grave – and it lies in quantum physics. Professor Robert Lanza claims the theory of biocentrism teaches that death as we know it is an illusion created by our consciousness. Professor Robert Lanza claims the theory of biocentrism teaches death as we know it is an illusion. ‘We think life is just the activity of carbon and an admixture of molecules – we live a while and then rot into the ground,’ said the scientist on his website. His theory of biocentrism, however, explains that death may not be as terminal as we think it is. Source:

The Warrior Is Silent: Martial Arts and the Spiritual Path
