Dragon Naturally Speaking from Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking is voice recognition software for your computer. I’ve been using it for many years, but the last two iterations of the software make quantum leaps in terms of accuracy and usability. The benefits are twofold. First, if you’re like me, a verbal processor, the ability to freely speak your thoughts can really unlock some productivity and creativity. I find I can especially take advantage of this when I’m a captive audience, for instance when I’m writing in a car.
Strategies for Reading Comprehension Strategies for reading comprehension are conscious plans — sets of steps that good readers use to make sense of text. Explicit instruction in comprehension strategies help students become purposeful, active readers. We love the strategies for reading comprehension that Tanny McGregor and other top authors offer us to help children understand what they read. Reading Process Poster Template By enlarging the following template and laminating, you can write (with a dry-erase marker) important reading processes and applications for children to discuss and understand during and after a piece of literature is read. See the Stanford Libraries' Island in Second Life Virtual worlds, most particularly Second Life, are being used by academics worldwide for collaboration, research and education. Stanford University Libraries' Second Life island provides a new way to make the Libraries' unique collections more accessible, and also provides a set of tools to support the teaching, learning, and research needs of many different members of the Stanford community. Researchers - explore the use of virtual worlds to visualize information in new and unique ways. Faculty - hold classes and meet with students or colleagues who are not physically able to come to campus. Students - collaborate with classmates, experiment with virtual environments, and meet to discuss projects without leaving their dorms. What's on the Island
SEN - Special Education Needs Some pupils in your class may have problems in accessing the curriculum due to learning difficulties with reading, writing, spelling or numeracy, visual or hearing problems, emotional or behavioural problems. I.C.T. can, in many cases, help to alleviate the problems. For pupils who find handwriting difficult or impossible the use of a keyboard might enable them to record their work for easily. Speech to text software is readily available now and has a high rate of accuracy. Pupils with visual problems can be helped through the use of different coloured screens and fonts; icons and screen menus can be enlarged to suit. For those with co-ordination difficulties, mouse speed and number of clicks to open a document can be varied as can the use of the mouse for left handed people.
Nuance Jacalyn writes: “As Director of Contracts at a software company, I create, review and; revise legal documents all day. I have tendonitis from repetitive motion (too much typing) so I use Dragon to dictate memos, emails, letters, notices, etc. and this saves me from the pain and strain typing puts on my hands. Not only that, Dragon is a great relief from eye strain as I can have my text dictated back to me after it is composed.
Creativity Resource for Teachers » Teaching Resources 21st Century Skills Resources RSA Animate: 21st Century Enlightenment The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), formed in the 18th century, is a network of people devoted to creative thinking for social progress. In this video, RSA Chief Executive Matthew Taylor explores what 21st century enlightenment means, and how it can help navigate today’s challenges differently than established modes of thought. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills This is the advocacy website for the implementation of 21st Century Skills. Why learn German? - Why study German? - 12 Reasons to learn German - Warum Deutsch lernen? 12 great reasons why you should start learning German today So you already have some perfectly good reasons for learning German ... Maybe you want to be able to communicate with relatives, or to travel to Germany during your summer break, or prepare yourself for study in a German-speaking country.
Classroom Materials We are pleased to share these free materials to download and use in your classroom, including worksheets contributed by fellow teachers and the full text of Fun with Grammar by Suzanne Woodward. Why I am not a fan of the Communicative Approach: Commenting on David Barker's Teacher Talk post, The Shapal Method, a reader asks David Barker why he is not a fan of the Communicative Approach. We love David's response. Video Lessons: Understanding Spoken English with How to Use the “4 C’s” Rubrics This excerpt appears in the Buck Institute for Education's book, "PBL for 21st Century Success: Teaching Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity." Rubrics for each of the "4 C's" are in the book, and we offer guidance below on how to use them in a PBL context. They are also available to download on BIE's website at the following links: What these rubrics assess These rubrics describe what good critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity & innovation look like in the context of Project Based Learning. The rubrics do not describe these competencies as they are seen generally or in other settings.
Passport to the Internet: Student tutorial for Internet literacy (Grades 4-8) This interactive tutorial teaches students the critical thinking skills they need to apply to their online experiences, including online safety, authenticating online information, recognizing online marketing ploys, protecting their privacy, managing online relationships and dealing with cyberbullying. (Available through a licensing arrangement. For information on how to obtain a licence see the Resource Catalogue. Many provinces, territories, school boards and districts and individual schools have already licensed Passport to the Internet. To find out if your school has a licence, please click here.)
LTTC Student ePortfolio @ HKIEd With the key objectives of nurturing engaged and reflective learners, ePortfolio is implemented to offer a platform for students to manage, monitor and reflect upon their own learning during their study at HKIEd. Students are required to use ePortfolio to document their formal and informal learning experiences in General Education, Language Enhancement, Co-curricular Learning and Overseas Exchange Opportunities. Students who are enrolled in teacher education programmes would also use ePortfolio for their Field Experience. Building the ePortfolio provides students with opportunities to consolidate and internalize the knowledge and skills acquired in the learning activities. We have created the resources below and hope that this page can facilitate students and tutors in creating their ePortfolio pages. You are able to find samples, guidelines and even self-learning materials here, which help you to manage the pages on your own.