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Creations, inventions et tutoriaux Steampunk, GN, d'un passioné

Creations, inventions et tutoriaux Steampunk, GN, d'un passioné
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Steampunk Jewelry Made Simple | STEAMED! May 19, 2011 by suzannelazear Today we welcome Brenda Sue of B’sue Boutiques who’s jewelry supply store not only has everything you need to make neat Steampunk jewelry, but she also has loads of instructional videos for people like me who love to make things, but in all honesty can’t craft their way out of a cardboard box. STEAMPUNK JEWELRY MADE SIMPLE: Breaking It Down to Cogs and Gears By B’Sue Love the Steampunk lifestyle? Check out this sweet Steampunk pendant I made: As this piece is raw brass, you’ll want to patina it. When you have achieved the color you want on the brass, simply seal it with Renaissance Wax. Into that cap, I poured a bit of mixed ICE RESIN. I also inlaid a circlet ring found at our website, as well as a tiny propeller. The trick is to pour only enough resin to inlay the bottom of the propeller so that it still spins. The actual pendant is available at B’sue Boutiques right here: How would you finish it? Come on over to B’sue Boutiques and check the place out!

Les scénarios de la Brigade chimérique Bonjour tout le monde ! C'est les vacances et vu le temps pourri (tu parles d'un réchauffement climatique...), c'est le moment idéal pour faire du jeu de rôle, tranquille chez soi, près d'un bon feu de cheminée (ce que j'ai fait pas plus tard que le week-end dernier sur une partie-test de Luchadores menée par Green Tiburon lui-même et en compagnie de Robert Darvel !). Et ça tombe bien ! Car la Brigade chimérique - l'Encyclopédie et le Jeu est nantie de nombreux scénarios que tout bon Meneur de Jeu pourra aisément préparer pour occuper ces tristes congés en donnant un maximum de plaisir à ses joueurs. Here we go ! - La campagne en 3 parties la Dernière Guerre est disponible dans la Brigade chimérique - l'Encyclopédie et le Jeu. Au menu de cette aventure : un congrés superscientifique, des rivaux venus d'extrême-orient, des poilus de la Grande Guerre, Mars et une sombre menace qui pourrait bien ne pas avoir dit son dernier mot ! Ce qui fait pas moins de huit scénarios et une mini-campagne !

How to Make Steampunk Jewelry Wikipedia defines Steampunk as “a subgenre of fantasy and speculative fiction that came into prominence in the 1980s and early 1990s. The term denotes works set in an era or world where steam power is still widely used-usually the 19th century, and often set in Victorian era England-but with prominent elements of either science fiction or fantasy, such as fictional technological inventions like those found in the works of H. G. Wells and Jules Verne, or real technological developments like the computer occurring at an earlier date. Steampunk is often associated with cyberpunk and shares a similar fanbase and theme of rebellion, but developed as a separate movement (though both have considerable influence on each other). Various modern utilitarian objects have been modded by individual craft persons into a pseudo-Victorian mechanical “steampunk” style, and a number of visual and musical artists have been described as steampunk.”

La Grande Liste des Intrigues de JdR, par S. John Ross, traduite par Loïc Prot Ce qui suit est un recueil d'Intrigues de Scénarios de Jeu de Rôle, sous forme abstraite. Je l'ai construite en analysant des centaines de scénarios publiés pour tout type de système de jeu (y-compris des systèmes depuis longtemps oubliés), essayant de les réduire à leurs dénominateurs communs. Le résultat est présenté ici: arbitraire, parfois redondant. J'utilise néanmoins cette liste à chaque fois qu'il me manque une idée novatrice pour la session suivante de ma campagne. Note: Les "Intrigues" sont organisées par ordre alphabétique du titre. Amnésie Un PJ ou plus se réveillent sans souvenirs récents, et se retrouvent au coeur d'un problème qu'ils ne comprennent pas. Variations Les PJs se sont rendus amnésiques volontairement, et essayent de comprendre leur propre travail Base Cachée Les PJs, au cours d'un voyage ou d'une exploration, tombent sur un nid de Méchant qui préparent un Truc Méchant. Capturer le Drapeau Les PJs doivent s'emparer d'un objectif militaire. Chantage Chasse à l'Homme

Free Patterns Menu: Period Clothing Patterns and Cutting Diagrams - The Ladies Treasury of Costume and Fashion Period Clothing Patterns and Cutting Diagrams IMPORTANT: Notes On Using Our Patterns These patterns are reproduced from original period patterns and from cutting diagrams found in English, French and American publications of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Those copied from full-sized patterns were scanned in at 1/2, 1/4 or 1/8 of the original size as indicated on each piece. Patterns copied from cutting diagrams have been scanned in at 1 to 1½ times original size and are not to scale. We also include period cutting layouts and diagrams which are not always to scale. All of these patterns come in one size only: that of the original. We are happy to grant non-commercial private and personal use of the patterns we share with you for free, but permission must be obtained prior to using them for any other purpose. Please click on a title or scroll down the page to view our selection

Les Joutes du Téméraire Programme Invites Galerie Infos pratiques Forum Faq Qui sommes nous ? Accueil Qui est en ligne ? Nous avons 35 invités en ligne Vos coordonnées : Adresse Localité Code Postal Pays Invités Tournoi Flux RSS 2.0 Facebook Les Joutes du Téméraire | Créez votre badge Les Joutes du Téméraire Le Petit Peuple de la partie L'équipe de chefs qui vous concocte les Joutes cette année est heureuse de vous annoncer que la boutique partenaire pour cette édition est le Petit Peuple ! Vous les connaissez sans doute déjà car c'était nos partenaire durant 3 éditions entre 2008 et 2010. Et pour ça, vous pouvez nous aider dès maintenant en répondant au petit sondage suivant: Ajouter un commentaire Galerie des Joutes 2011 en ligne Les photos de 2011 disponibles La galerie de photos de la dernière édition des Joutes est désormais en ligne. L'avis du peuple De plus, on compte instaurer une petite nouveauté cette année : les sondages . C'est pourquoi on essayera de vous consulter fréquemment pour adapter l'évènement à son public.

Tutorials Geekery, Girliness, & Goofing Off Search Bar HTML Pages Crafts Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) BlogHer Side Replaced Blogherad Donate Buttons The Bra Post Trust Me. Flip-Flops Flip-Flop Hangers Doll Hair How To Fix Frizzy Doll Hair Penny Desk Penny Desk Tutorial Foam Bracers "Leather" Fun Foam Bracers Playdates Lets Make Adult Playdates A Thing Barn Door Make Your Own Sliding Barn Door - For Cheap! Lady Vadore My Lady Vadore Cosplay Add the Epbot Button to Your Blog! Right-click this image to save it, and then hyperlink it to on your blog sidebar. 300 x 600 Supplemental 300 x 600 Supplemental 2 300 x 250 Supplemental 3 Archives Follow Me:

Steampunk The ultra technological world born from hackers & maker culture has helped inspire a Jules Verne themed steampunk bazaar full of brass computer accoutrements, leather fly-boy goggles, and ray-guns made from candle holders that should help equip you well enough to fight off an attack from a wayward Eastern Block airship, a corset wearing phantasm from yesteryear, or just your everyday future warriors who refuse to acknowledge that an imaginary life in the past is better than living in the reality of today, or dare I say, the curious gaze of tomorrow. The retro futuristic world of steampunk is thriving on Instructables, and with this guide, it can thrive in your life too. By request: My take on goggles.Often times after piloting my steam dirigible, I arrive at my destination only to find my eyelashes and eyebrows have collected a mass of gnats, fleas, and small birds. ... Well lets put it this way, ive always had this thing about traveling through time, and having a time machine.

Steampunk Leather Top Hat Tutorial I have received several requests for a tutorial on making my steampunk leather top hat, shown above, and so, here it is. The first drawing shows the three pattern pieces (not to scale). The wave on the bottom of the crown is what gives the brim its distinctive curve. The pattern below is the one that I used to make my top hat. For a size large, the width of the crown (from side to side) should measure 23.8". You can print it out and enlarge it to get it to lifesize. The crown joins at the back with a butt seam. You should use a lightweight but firm vegetable tanned leather. See the diagram at the lower right for construction details. This is the partially made hat.

Des étagères originales au style industriel pour lofts urbains | Shoji Si vous aimez les décors type Steampunk, vous allez adorer les étagères proposées par Stella Bleu Designs. Fini les étagères en bois que l’on retrouve partout, place à la récupération en donnant une seconde vie aux tuyaux usagés. Se mariant parfaitement dans un décor industriel pour lofts urbains, ces étagères profiteront de chacun de vos murs et de leurs coins afin de leur donner une touche d’originalité. On se croirait presque dans la cabine du capitaine Nemo à bord du Nautilus, n’est-ce pas ? DIY Steampunk Gauges If you're building steampunk props for cosplay, gauges are a must-have. Unfortunately, vintage gauges (which look the most authentic) can be both hard to find and pretty darn expensive once you do track them down. So, John and I decided to make our own. Here's the secret: These cup slider handles for closet doors are perfect for DIY gauges. Once we found those, I went hunting online for photos of vintage pressure gauges. Next I needed a temperature gauge, which was much harder to track down. ...but the photo had too much glare and shadow to use. For the most realistic look, you could use clock hands or spinner arrows like these for the gauge needles. To give the faces some age and character, John rubbed brown glaze on the paper after printing them out. Next it was a simple matter of cutting them out: John: Don't show my thumb! Me: [rolling eyes] And popping them inside the frames. So instead, we opted for the easy way out and just filled them with clear epoxy:

12 Steampunk Gadgets and Designs Steampunk is a sub-genre of fantasy and speculative fiction set in an era or world where steam power is still widely used. This post showcases creative gadgets and designs styled in a steampunk fashion. Steampunk PS3 Beautiful steampunk styled Playstation 3 mod created from old radio valve, a pipe valve, a pressure gauge, and assorted plumbing parts. [link] Steampunk Segway (Legway) A self balancing, human powered, steampunk styled, Segway. Steampunk Computer Mouse Amazing steampunk computer mouse created by a Russian modder. Steampunk iPod Mini Creative steampunk iPod hand crafted from brass, copper and oak. Steampunk Laptop This may look like a Victorian music box, but inside this hand crafted wooden case lives a Hewlett-Packard ZT1000 laptop. Steampunk Headphones “Mechanical aural communication device” by Chris from Chicago. Steampunk Watch Creative handmade steampunk watch design by koisuruusagi. Steampunk USB Flash Drive Steampunk Computer Keyboard Steampunk Guitar Steampunk LCD Monitor

7 Free Wooden Gear Clock Plans for You Eccentric, Masochist Woodworkers | Ever since I had the pleasure of seeing Keith Chamber’s wooden gear clocks in person, I’ve been on the look out for more all wood clocks. See Wooden Gear Clocks by Keith Chambers >> I think wooden clocks are one of those dividing lines in woodworking… To have the aspiration to make a clock, entirely from wood, puts you in your own unique category. One well-known seller of wooden clock plans, Clayton Boyer, pitches his most-difficult plans like this: “Selling plans for the clocks on this page goes against my basic philosophy of trying to spread joy in the world through creative woodworking. However, I have come to the conclusion that I should not stand in the way of a woodworker’s desire for additional frustration in his/her life when they obviously want it so badly.” He won’t sell plans from his “Masochist’s Corner” unless you’ve built one of his simpler clocks first… and sent him photographic PROOF that you completed it. Here’s his Simplicity, his, er, simplest offering:

Gentlemans Emporium -- Victorian Clothing for Men and Women
